The figures released a few days ago by ' Ads (Assessment dissemination press) show a new setback in sales of Italian newspapers. A ' bleeding continues, in November of 2010 (the period when the survey was carried out) saw a further decline from a year ago.
The variables involved are many, but we will analyze the way. Before we talk about numbers: the "Corriere della Sera shows a -10% compared to 2009, while the second biggest selling newspaper, " La Repubblica ", sees a drop of ' 8.2% . It should not be better La Stampa (-7%) e ai quotidiani economici e sportivi: “Il Sole 24 Ore” perde infatti 6.315 copie (-3,7%), “La Gazzetta dello Sport” 9.241 (-3%). Il quotidiano “peggiore”, in questo senso, è “Il Secolo XIX” : il giornale di Genova scende del 15,2%. Uniche testate che fanno segnare un segno positivo sono “Il Giornale” (+1,1%), “Libero” (+1,3%), e alcuni organi di stampa locali, come “Il Mattino di Padova” e “Il Quotidiano della Basilicata” .
Come spiegare tutto ciò? I state that I have always taken with tongs so-called "prophecy" of Philippe Meyer, U.S. journalist and writer, who in his book "The Vanishing Newspaper" ("The death of newspapers") is the 2043 as the date where the funeral will be celebrated on paper. The newspaper is the oldest means of communication available to man, and frankly I doubt that will come the end. Of course, the data are not good, and if the development of technology (I-Phone, I-Pad etc ...) helps to improve on the one hand some practical issues, the other causes these results. Many publishers are already moving in this direction: Just think of Rupert Murdoch that with "The Daily" gave body to the first newspaper to I-Pad. But one can also think about the fact that more and more people are informed about Internet, because the news is constantly updated, you do not pay anything to read and through blogs and social networks is an overview of the facts to 360 degrees.
our analysis we must not stop here. The story, a tool without which we would understand the current global dynamics, comes to our aid. In a wonderful book, entitled "model of journalism" , Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini describe the development of press in various countries (European and non) dividing the same in three areas: Southern Europe (including our country as Spain, Portugal, Greece and France), central-northern Europe (Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany ) and the countries of the North Atlantic (U.S., Britain, Canada and Ireland). The pluralist model
-polarized, which is part of Italy, always sees a low mass circulation newspapers. The reason is simple: a smaller development of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy, who made the newspaper the instrument of literary and political elites, without thinking of the purely economic and financial side. The trade journals (Eg American penny press) were born later, and have never found fertile soil to develop to the fullest. All this explains why a low professionalism (we complain of biased journalism, biased, sided with the powerful shift) and a high degree of parallelism political.
In the other two models (corporate Democrats for Europe-North and liberal countries in the North Atlantic) things are different: the mass printing has developed much earlier and freedom of expression thought has already been initiated in the '600: an example is that of the Swedish Constitution (1776), which even providing public access to public documents. The commercial nature of journalism newspapers coincides with a neutral information, which plays the role of watchdog (watchdog).
Finally, we must not forget the role of television , that with the development of all-news channels ( "SKY TG24", "Rai News24" and, soon, even a weblog "Mediaset" ) has virtually killed any process newsmaking , that news production. The
hope of us all is that this hemorrhage Sooner or later, stops. Why the smell of a newspaper, or the feeling that the ink left on the fingers, are things that technology can easily replace.
Giorgio Velardi
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