Today, sadly, passed away in heaven a star! to SE Lode de Pret, great Lord, a great gentleman, a valid and valuable contributor diplomat who has represented for many years, the Principality of Seborga and your loved Prince George 1,.
He was sincere help and support in what is often called the so-called "because of the Principality of Seborga" because, deep knowledge of history, has always believed in George and all that It has been for Seborga. He has managed, with unparalleled skill, managing the Diplomatic and Consular Service of the Principality, and even when the dreaded disease struck him, he always answered the call of his prince never shirk your duties.
In that fateful moment I am comforted by consolation: meeting with George, in the splendor of their respective Bodies of Light, together we can continue to guide our way and to push our feet so that the beloved prince can hold, with the power of love, of truth, loyalty and cooperation of the popular single shot, next to his Prince Marcello 1, because Their effort does not remain in vain.
the unforgettable and dear Mrs. Viviane and the entire Diplomatic and Consular Corps of the Principality of Seborga is my warm and sincere hug.
Alberto Romano
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