Qui vengono a svernare due gruppi diversi e inconciliabili di individui: da una parte comitive di russi benestanti in fuga dall’inverno, dall’altra gli eredi del movimento hippie. I primi frequentano spiagge ben gestite, hotel costosi, cocktail bar e discoteche dove esibire minigonne e camicie aperte. I secondi alloggiano in capanne di bambu’ sulla spiaggia, oppure in case o ville in affitto a lungo termine. E’ un gruppo eterogeneo, internazionale, poliglotta, accomunato da una certa larghezza di vedute, dall’aver viaggiato zaino in spalla, e da una vena anticonformista che li ha portati a fare scelte personali diverse rispetto alla massa.
dress western with a tendency to elegant, abounds makeup, expensive watches and car rental. The
You can hear the story is' unbelievable, really creative here '(in fact to invent different ways of life) and' power.
heart of this colorful and diverse group, 'the Magic Park in Arambol, a low building surrounded by a lush garden full of tables and chairs, as well as mats and pillows for those who want to sit on the floor. Here, lectures, courses and sessions of Indian dance, modern, belly, salsa, yoga in all its forms, reiki, massage, as well as' dozens of alternative systems of care. At night sunset, the tribes 'meets on the beach to dance to the beat of the djembe' or perform exercises in juggling. The atmosphere and 'relaxed, the hollow sound of the drums to the sound of the sea mingles with the smell of incense and salt to the most' prosaic coils, the lamps of the torches of the fishermen who walks on the beach.
Then, with nightfall all go away to invade the narrow streets filled with stalls and shops and many restaurants and bars.
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