2) Ogni anno per traffico di droga vengono arrestate 40-50 mila persone e sequetrate tonnellate di stupefacenti. Ma le mafie are more powerful than before. Do you think that amplifying information about the arrests only pass a message misleading and wrong?
3) E 'agree that it is necessary to defeat the gangs strike at the heart and the heart of the Mafia are shares and other securities, money and goods, social and political relations?
4) We show that the movable and immovable property of the Italian mafia are valued at over € 1000 billion. If confiscated, and sold well used, could solve the problem of public debt. You can confirm this? The government did make an assessment? And 'Italians can not say how they are distributed and has an estimate reliable picture of the wealth of the mafias in areas including real estate, securities and liquid money, participation in the legal economy?
5) The Attorney Grasso writes that the seized property is equivalent to 10 percent and that the seized assets account for 5 percent of the total assets of the Italian mafia. Can you explain why the Italians are not confiscated Mafia property except a small part?
6) We show that 5 percent of assets seized 70 percent is not used and that although the government has also decided to sell, we shared, not sold. Can you explain why the few assets seized are neither used or sold? Can say at what point is the Agency for the confiscation of property and how it works?
7) One reason is constituted by a very long time (even 10-12 years) that pass between the seizure and confiscation. Italians can say whether the government intends to reduce the time and if it aims to make a more rapid and effective confiscation of movable and immovable property and who intends to use?
8) The money and the titles are hidden in tax havens. Can you say whether the government plans to intervene directly and also with a strong initiative in the European Union proposing drastic measures such as forms of financial embargo and prohibition of establishment of companies and branches of Italian banks in order to obtain the cooperation of the governments of tax havens?
9) The crime of money laundering is essential to clean up dirty money. In Italy the processes for recycling are very few because the law does not work and should be amended. The government intends to introduce the crime of self laundering and further reduce the use of cash?
10) The District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan directed by Ilda Bocassini, with the cooperation of judges in Reggio Calabria, conducted a major survey on the Ndrangheta. In Lombardy, were identified 20 "local" organization criminale e i rispettivi capi. La presenza è particolarmente consistente a Pavia, Milano e nelle province del nord della Lombardia, dove la Lega ha una forte presenza elettorale e politica. Dall’inchiesta sono emersi rapporti politici e di affari. Come mai nessun Prefetto ha nominato una commissione di accesso per verificare se alcune amministrazioni comunali e provinciali andavano sciolte? Può confermare se questa è la linea del ministero dell’interno?
Grazie e cordiali saluti - Elio Veltri
Fonte: Megachip
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