Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Opened in Seborga oratory to Our Lady of Seborga Alven

Alven The Association has recently opened in Seborga, February 2 last year, a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Alven (pictured). During the inauguration, and has been delivered a short speech in Italian and French public at the request of Mr. Michael Roman:

Speech for the opening of the Oratory February 2, 2011:
The DIVINE Seborga has chosen to install the second center This illumination of light needed to His soon coming. He confided to Stephen, his representative, the responsibility of bringing the revelation of Jesus in Light of Peace and Love that is not on earth.
Alven Through the Association, Frederick, Isabella, Marie-Claire and Michael are witness to the mission of Stephen and Martine, and the Guardians of the Oratory.
This oratory dedicated to Our Lady of the Miraculous Alven leads up to a dead Soul Heaven brighter and do miracles on all who open their hearts.
Speech for the Inauguration of the Oratory February 2, 2011:
THE DIVINE Seborga has chosen to implant the second center of radiation of His light for His Coming. He told Stephen, His messenger, the task of bringing the revelation of Jesus in Light of Peace and Love, whose land was free.
Alvenia Through the Association, Frederick, Isabella, Marie-Claire and Michel's Witnesses are the Mission and Stéphane Martine and the Guardians of oratorios.
The Oratory, dedicated to Our Lady of Alvenia will allow the ascent of Souls défuntes vers plus a Lumineux Paradis et de faire des Miracles sur tous ceux here y ouvrent leur Coeur.


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