G. awaits us in motion at the" New Creation "one of the communities' Auroville dedicated to education. Take goatee, slightly grizzled, dark complexion and is typical of the Tamils. It makes its way along a dirt road that goes into the jungle, up to a gate beyond which there wait ... a garden with a dozen red brick single-family homes.
Here in Auroville and all 'different. The city' is spread over an area shaped like a circle with a diameter of 10km, but the bulk of this land and 'made up of forest tropicale. Le case sono suddivise in comunita' dai nomi pittoreschi quali "Buddha Garden", "Verite'", "Auromodel", "Truth": ogni conunita' raccoglie gli individui con una stessa vocazione. Noi siamo in New Creation Field, comunita' composta da indiani, americani e belgi, la cui vocazione e' la vita comunitaria e familiare.
Auroville esiste da soli 40 anni ed e' nata sulla spinta delle idee di una guida spirituale francese che si faceva chiamare "madre" per sviluppare l'ideale dell'unita' fra gli uomini al di la della nazionalita', religione, cultura ecc. Secondo Madre, “Per vivere ad Auroville si deve essere i consapevoli servitori della coscienza divina”. And not just words here in Auroville reigns "divine anarchy": there are no laws, nor is the principle that the majority decides and the minority must adapt: \u200b\u200bit works only on the basis of consensus.
G. invites us to dinner with his wife and son. He takes care of design, and works for many companies in Auroville, while his wife works in the dental center of the city '. He explains some of the rules of the world outside of the place: for example, has had to buy a house but the house is not 'but rather its' City ', so if you go away from Auroville can not' sell it. In addition, all citizens should donate a% of their earnings to the city ', and salaries are tiered (top managers can not earn more 'than 3 times the lowest paid employees). Despite this, 'the city' continues to grow and reached, in 40 years, 2200 inhabitants, of which 40% Indians. Not a few, when you consider that the foundation of the city 'there was nothing here, not even the forest of more than 1.5 million trees and' was planted by the inhabitants.
Auroville is not 'only grown, but even and' was recognized by UNESCO and the Indian government with a specific law that grants tax relief and benefits, as well as having more 'easy for foreigners who want to move them.
The next day we go to the visitor center, which provides information based on the city ', and we go to see the matmandir, the "spiritual heart" of Auroville, a kind of giant golden golf ball. Inside there is' a meditation room anareligiosa-fact, although those who live in Auroville must renounce any religion, everyone is' free to seek out and pursue their own individual spiritual path, as long as' non-sectarian.
them learn more particularity 'of the place: the city' has a vocation for research in every field of knowledge. The next day we appreciate certain aspects. For example nell'urinale there are the classic scent tablets but rather 'the tablets made by bacteria that digest the urine, thus preventing any smell, as well as not requiring consume of water. Here is a beautiful eco-friendly technology and simple! Auromodele visit, where they are tested construction techniques and new materials such as rammed earth, which is cheap and provides excellent insulation. More 'later in a community' for industrial purposes buy a shirt made of bamboo fiber ', smooth as silk, but more' durable and economical.
all get together for lunch at the solar cooker, which produces more than 3000 meals a day, cooking with a mirror that concentrates solar rays and produces steam. Meals, vegetarian, are excellent and cost only 100 rupees (1.5 €), since many of the ingredients are produced locally.
But Auroville is not 'free from problems. Years ago, violent clashes erupted with local people who felt they were "invaded" by foreigners. Now things are better, also because 'Auroville door work, but the global economic crisis has hit here too. Auroville is not contracted debts, and therefore can 'only spend its resources. And if they subside ... the problems begin. Moreover, not all have acceded to the very ideals of the city ', and who wants to can' take advantage of the absence of legislation or controls. But, as G said at dinner, that too is part of the game. Being a social laboratory, the so-called "bad guys" have their role to play, in this huge experiment of companies' ethically and spiritually evolved.
short, a city 'eclectic and diverse it seems that rained down from space in the midst of the chaos of India, but which' instead of India, created and supported by some of the most 'interesting and courageous in the world.
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