Gli artt. 33 e 34 della nostra Costituzione si occupano di istruzione: “La Repubblica detta le norme generali sull’istruzione ed istituisce scuole statali per tutti gli ordini e gradi. Enti e privati hanno il diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione, senza oneri per lo Stato.” (Art. 33 commi 2 e 3), “La scuola è aperta a tutti. (…). I capaci e meritevoli, anche se privi di mezzi, hanno diritto di raggiungere i gradi più alti degli studi. La Repubblica rende effettivo questo diritto con borse di studio, assegni alle famiglie ed altre provvidenze, che devono essere attribuite per concorso.” (Art. 34 commi 1,3,4).
Rileggendo questi articoli viene davvero da chiedersi se sia Berlusconi ad essere anti-costituzionale o se sia la Costituzione ad essere anti-berlusconiana? Chissà perchè i nostri padri costituenti ci hanno regalato queste norme che oggi ci sembrano quasi scritte per caso, quasi campate in aria? Ma sono davvero così lontane dal comune sentire? Dal vivere civile? Una scuola pubblica e statale just means a school "open to all" as almost joyfully begins the article 34 of our Constitution. A school that aside from economic constraints, which ignore the social classes and the birth lucky, a school that awards such as the states still art. 34, "the capable and deserving even without financial means" who have the right "to attain the highest levels of education." Our Constitution already provides for all and we do not realize it, it would suffice to take place, and honor the way down to the forefront in every field.
All legal which we have just referred to, is clearly a translation of the principle of equality within the school that (in theory) is neither right nor left, this is a principle in all the constitutions of civilized countries , in 2011 should no longer scandalize anyone and however, despite everything, there are still people who are surprised to be equal to other people. The Constituent Assembly was composed of a plurality of men, from diverse ideas , who decided to sit down together to re-examine the values \u200b\u200bbut also the rules of a community, a civil society, a state that he wanted at all costs become a state "law." And then they created a Constitution mixed, large, firm on some points, such as equality and the principle of popular sovereignty but very balanced and on other right here in these articles, it denotes this more open-minded that legislation: the Charter states in ordinary schools as state and public institutions to private individuals but does acknowledge "the right to establish schools and educational establishments at no cost to the state." In reality, the "burden "There are, however, for the state because private schools do provide a service to the public character of cultural training and professional support that goes to the array of public / state, then it is right and understandable that private education institutions receive state funding when the service is equivalent if not superior, to that state.
Berlusconi but now no longer speaks only of "gowns" red but also "teachers" red which I quote, "want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the their parents want to instill in their children's education within their family. " should then change everything, not just the Constitution but also the history books (especially when they come to deal with him), teachers, judges and, if possible, their wives.
Mr. B has often expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the degree of Di Pietro, now frankly I find myself to be a bit 'skeptical about the degree of Mr. B as he graduated in Law with the highest votes but does not seem to remember anything passed the examinations successfully. Should re-read a few books, maybe one would be enough, to be small, consisting of 139 articles, beginning with a capital C, right?
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Want to help with information and a duty? You can send your recommendations and / or send your articles to the e-mail andreadl86@yahoo.it
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