the founder |
housing common |
" powerhouse alternative |
L'autobus prosegue su una sterrata e accidentata viuzza fino ad una palizzata di legno, con scritte di benvenuto in tutte le lingue e un cartello: "chi usa la bici e' mio amico". Lasciamo la moto con un lieve senso di colpa in mezzo alle molte bici ed entriamo. Davanti a noi tre gigantesche palafitte di bambu' e paglia, verso le quali veniamo accompagnati. Entriamo nella piu' grande e ci viene offerto un delizioso muffin vegano (fatto senza uova o latte), mentre un americano pelato e occhialuto ci invita a sederci velocemente, "The program is 'busy'. After a while, 'a bearded man arrives and massive, a bit' balding and with a brown beard. She is wearing tank top and shorts. E 'A., the founder of this community' together with his wife and baby daughter. He speaks excellent English, and even if 'Israeli, his voice sends great energy and enthusiasm. And tells us that 'moved here seven years ago with the goal of reforesting the area, who was barren and deserted. The dry rainforest once cut, it grows more 'cause the monsoon quickly erode the land. So the work is not only to plant trees, but also prevent the rains were not spread to the sea. Over the years, mostly 'hand, and' then created a system of dams, fences, ditches, canals, lakes, that have allowed the waterlogged soil and groundwater to fill.
everything 'has been realized thanks to the enthusiasm of a host of volunteers from around the world, who flock by the hundreds: in 2010 over 1000.
A. explains the philosophy of Sadhana Forest, which is based on respect for nature and man with total consistency. Thus, 'food and' vegan, to respect animals and to break the chain that takes food to the poor to give it to farm animals. There is no money in Sadhana: both the volunteers, we guests receive free room and board. Are not even actively solicit donations, "the universe will provide '." You want to play the economy of a family, where everyone contributes what 'they have and take what' they need. It seems to work, the community 'and' growth and the project progresses. Also, accept all those willing to work at least in a month, young and old, healthy and sick, singles and families. Are many children wandering around half naked for the field, mouths to feed that do not work. To respect the environment, all the energy is produced by a solar power plant that powers the lights for the night ("but only in public areas, to foster human relations"), a computer room and a projector for movies, when serves. "And in the monsoon season?" Asks a visitor. "It uses human energy," he says A., 4 showing exercise bike connected to a large generator.
begin to turn to the residential area A. shows us the kitchen with wood-burning fireplace and the bathrooms, where pee 'and population' are made in two different holes in the floor to facilitate their use as fertilizer, the "sinks" (a bucket hanging from a rope with a small hole below, pours a jug of water and you can 'wash your hands with just 1 liter of water), the water pump by hand. The long-term volunteers have their own stilts, others are housed in two large piles at two levels, separated by sheets hanging on a bed.
Finally we leave the forest itself. A. chose not to fence the land and even if 'property' of Auroville, "we saw what bring the walls and barriers in Palestine. "To avoid the nearby villages are cut down trees, and 'started a local environmental education program, and schools are involved in planting trees. The aquifer that was running started to grow again, once dry wells are full again, and the Indians are beginning to understand the importance of the forest. The ride ends with a visit to a kind of igloo of mud, constructed on the basis of the project that won a tender held by NASA for lunar housing. Sadhana The guys have built to learn and then go and teach this technique to people who need them.
Back in the central Canadian, the evening is not 'over. Stasera si parla di energia, e ci sono tre ospiti d'eccezione: due capelloni francesi che, armati di telecamera, girano per il mondo in autostop per studiare i progetti di energia rinnovabile. Si chiamano gli "energy vagabonds" e ci fanno vedere i loro video di centrali alternative, dalla Norvegia all'India. Il terzo ospite e' un finlandese con l'aria da dottorino, lavora per una onlus in India che sta cercando di costruire un impianto solare a basso costo per usi domestici, in pratica degli specchi montati su un telaio che concentrano il sole su una specie di pentola a vapore. Alla fine di questa lunga serata, ricompare l'americano che avvia la distribuzione dell'ottima cena vegana. Il pulman con i visitatori riparte, noi we stay with the volunteers and not appear to be musical instruments all over the world, you begin to play and sing. I seized a djembe 'and I join the group, while S. gossip around. European and Indian singing African songs, you hear voices in many languages, two girls start to dance and a girl pulls out the hula hoop and started to do stunts. People who are 'willing to live in rather elementary, and more' free to do something right. Unfortunately
and 'late, reluctantly back to our bikes. Among the various communities' of Auroville, and that 'certainly the most' vibrant and idealistic.