Monday, February 28, 2011

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Environmentalists consistently

the founder
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're pale when I see that the bus takes the highway against traffic and then swerving to take a side road. Accelero and I follow him, using it as a "shield". Fortunately, the traffic and 'virtually no ... A friend advised us not to take the bus to come to Auroville visitare Sadhana Forest , perche' la sera si suona e balla e l'autobus riparte presto. Cosi' abbiamo seguito l'autobus con la nostra Hero Honda, che ormai padroneggio anche sulle strade sterrate di Auroville.

L'autobus prosegue su una sterrata e accidentata viuzza fino ad una palizzata di legno, con scritte di benvenuto in tutte le lingue e un cartello: "chi usa la bici e' mio amico". Lasciamo la moto con un lieve senso di colpa in mezzo alle molte bici ed entriamo. Davanti a noi tre gigantesche palafitte di bambu' e paglia, verso le quali veniamo accompagnati. Entriamo nella piu' grande e ci viene offerto un delizioso muffin vegano (fatto senza uova o latte), mentre un americano pelato e occhialuto ci invita a sederci velocemente, "The program is 'busy'. After a while, 'a bearded man arrives and massive, a bit' balding and with a brown beard. She is wearing tank top and shorts. E 'A., the founder of this community' together with his wife and baby daughter. He speaks excellent English, and even if 'Israeli, his voice sends great energy and enthusiasm. And tells us that 'moved here seven years ago with the goal of reforesting the area, who was barren and deserted. The dry rainforest once cut, it grows more 'cause the monsoon quickly erode the land. So the work is not only to plant trees, but also prevent the rains were not spread to the sea. Over the years, mostly 'hand, and' then created a system of dams, fences, ditches, canals, lakes, that have allowed the waterlogged soil and groundwater to fill.
everything 'has been realized thanks to the enthusiasm of a host of volunteers from around the world, who flock by the hundreds: in 2010 over 1000.

A. explains the philosophy of Sadhana Forest, which is based on respect for nature and man with total consistency. Thus, 'food and' vegan, to respect animals and to break the chain that takes food to the poor to give it to farm animals. There is no money in Sadhana: both the volunteers, we guests receive free room and board. Are not even actively solicit donations, "the universe will provide '." You want to play the economy of a family, where everyone contributes what 'they have and take what' they need. It seems to work, the community 'and' growth and the project progresses. Also, accept all those willing to work at least in a month, young and old, healthy and sick, singles and families. Are many children wandering around half naked for the field, mouths to feed that do not work. To respect the environment, all the energy is produced by a solar power plant that powers the lights for the night ("but only in public areas, to foster human relations"), a computer room and a projector for movies, when serves. "And in the monsoon season?" Asks a visitor. "It uses human energy," he says A., 4 showing exercise bike connected to a large generator.

begin to turn to the residential area A. shows us the kitchen with wood-burning fireplace and the bathrooms, where pee 'and population' are made in two different holes in the floor to facilitate their use as fertilizer, the "sinks" (a bucket hanging from a rope with a small hole below, pours a jug of water and you can 'wash your hands with just 1 liter of water), the water pump by hand. The long-term volunteers have their own stilts, others are housed in two large piles at two levels, separated by sheets hanging on a bed.

Finally we leave the forest itself. A. chose not to fence the land and even if 'property' of Auroville, "we saw what bring the walls and barriers in Palestine. "To avoid the nearby villages are cut down trees, and 'started a local environmental education program, and schools are involved in planting trees. The aquifer that was running started to grow again, once dry wells are full again, and the Indians are beginning to understand the importance of the forest. The ride ends with a visit to a kind of igloo of mud, constructed on the basis of the project that won a tender held by NASA for lunar housing. Sadhana The guys have built to learn and then go and teach this technique to people who need them.

Back in the central Canadian, the evening is not 'over. Stasera si parla di energia, e ci sono tre ospiti d'eccezione: due capelloni francesi che, armati di telecamera, girano per il mondo in autostop per studiare i progetti di energia rinnovabile. Si chiamano gli "energy vagabonds" e ci fanno vedere i loro video di centrali alternative, dalla Norvegia all'India. Il terzo ospite e' un finlandese con l'aria da dottorino, lavora per una onlus in India che sta cercando di costruire un impianto solare a basso costo per usi domestici, in pratica degli specchi montati su un telaio che concentrano il sole su una specie di pentola a vapore. Alla fine di questa lunga serata, ricompare l'americano che avvia la distribuzione dell'ottima cena vegana. Il pulman con i visitatori riparte, noi we stay with the volunteers and not appear to be musical instruments all over the world, you begin to play and sing. I seized a djembe 'and I join the group, while S. gossip around. European and Indian singing African songs, you hear voices in many languages, two girls start to dance and a girl pulls out the hula hoop and started to do stunts. People who are 'willing to live in rather elementary, and more' free to do something right. Unfortunately

and 'late, reluctantly back to our bikes. Among the various communities' of Auroville, and that 'certainly the most' vibrant and idealistic.

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Questo intervento non vuole essere una retorica difesa della “Res Publica” intesa come “Cosa Pubblica” per dirla “alla romana”, non vuole essere un discorso filo-bolscevico su quella che è la situazione delle nostre istituzioni in materia di istruzione e non vuole essere una lettura dogmatica della realtà ma un'analisi aperta a molteplici critiche costruttive. Questo articolo inoltre, vuole semplicemente essere una rilettura in chiave costituzionale delle dichiarazioni del Premier sulla diatriba scuole pubbliche/private.

Gli artt. 33 e 34 della nostra Costituzione si occupano di istruzione: “La Repubblica detta le norme generali sull’istruzione ed istituisce scuole statali per tutti gli ordini e gradi. Enti e privati hanno il diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione, senza oneri per lo Stato.” (Art. 33 commi 2 e 3), “La scuola è aperta a tutti. (…). I capaci e meritevoli, anche se privi di mezzi, hanno diritto di raggiungere i gradi più alti degli studi. La Repubblica rende effettivo questo diritto con borse di studio, assegni alle famiglie ed altre provvidenze, che devono essere attribuite per concorso.” (Art. 34 commi 1,3,4).

Rileggendo questi articoli viene davvero da chiedersi se sia Berlusconi ad essere anti-costituzionale o se sia la Costituzione ad essere anti-berlusconiana? Chissà perchè i nostri padri costituenti ci hanno regalato queste norme che oggi ci sembrano quasi scritte per caso, quasi campate in aria? Ma sono davvero così lontane dal comune sentire? Dal vivere civile? Una scuola pubblica e statale just means a school "open to all" as almost joyfully begins the article 34 of our Constitution. A school that aside from economic constraints, which ignore the social classes and the birth lucky, a school that awards such as the states still art. 34, "the capable and deserving even without financial means" who have the right "to attain the highest levels of education." Our Constitution already provides for all and we do not realize it, it would suffice to take place, and honor the way down to the forefront in every field.

All legal which we have just referred to, is clearly a translation of the principle of equality within the school that (in theory) is neither right nor left, this is a principle in all the constitutions of civilized countries , in 2011 should no longer scandalize anyone and however, despite everything, there are still people who are surprised to be equal to other people. The Constituent Assembly was composed of a plurality of men, from diverse ideas , who decided to sit down together to re-examine the values \u200b\u200bbut also the rules of a community, a civil society, a state that he wanted at all costs become a state "law." And then they created a Constitution mixed, large, firm on some points, such as equality and the principle of popular sovereignty but very balanced and on other right here in these articles, it denotes this more open-minded that legislation: the Charter states in ordinary schools as state and public institutions to private individuals but does acknowledge "the right to establish schools and educational establishments at no cost to the state." In reality, the "burden "There are, however, for the state because private schools do provide a service to the public character of cultural training and professional support that goes to the array of public / state, then it is right and understandable that private education institutions receive state funding when the service is equivalent if not superior, to that state.

Berlusconi but now no longer speaks only of "gowns" red but also "teachers" red which I quote, "want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the their parents want to instill in their children's education within their family. " should then change everything, not just the Constitution but also the history books (especially when they come to deal with him), teachers, judges and, if possible, their wives.

Mr. B has often expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the degree of Di Pietro, now frankly I find myself to be a bit 'skeptical about the degree of Mr. B as he graduated in Law with the highest votes but does not seem to remember anything passed the examinations successfully. Should re-read a few books, maybe one would be enough, to be small, consisting of 139 articles, beginning with a capital C, right?

Mario Pagano

Source: Ilrenudo

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Clear Mucus 5 Days Before Period

The hunting world dictators, Italy remembers its own. Free Public Mussolini's diaries "

While the whole world is getting rid of its dictators, the Italian publishing, with cynical and curious coincidence, decided to recall one of the darkest symbols of its political history. Enclosed with Free , in fact, from Tuesday, March 1 there will be diaries by Benito Mussolini (real or alleged), published by Bompiani. The notes are those of the leader known writings penned between 1935 and 1939 , sponsored by Senator Marcello Dell'Utri for months as true, found in 2006 - according to the reconstruction - in the study of a Swiss lawyer, after being stolen from one of the partisans who took care of the arrest of Mussolini in Dongo.

The vast majority of historians, teachers and witnesses, the right and left, Canfora at Gentile, have challenged the veracity, calling them sometimes genuine "smears." Even to Elena Curti , the illegitimate daughter of Benito Mussolini and Angela Cuccia esistonoma diaries are not those published in 2010 . Insecurity about the authenticity of the pages had been called into account dall'editore Bompiani che già aveva corredato il titolo con un eloquente "Veri o presunti" . Secondo l'Avvenire , all'indomani della presentazione, «dovrebbero essere chiamati i diari di Marcello Dell’Utri » , visto che la pesante pressione del fondatore di Forza Italia avrebbe addirittura oscurato il contenuto degli stessi apocrifi. Sempre per il quotidiano della Cei (non certo stampa di sinistra) sarebbe «un falso di palmare ed imbarazzante evidenza» .

Il regalo fatto ai lettori di Libero, però, è solo l'ultimo di una serie di omaggi molto simili. Già in May 2010 had discussed "The leader, the words, applause" , a series of five DVDs on Mussolini's speeches whose presence could, however, be justified as a historical document (though advertising hype with a very disturbing ). Even more curious were the postcards of Mussolini always that the newspaper had given in 2006, first under the direction of Victor Felts , confirming his undisguised sympathy for Mussolini ( detail memorable episode of Annozero , minute 0:40). An editorial states: the nostalgia have their daily reference.

Source: Law criticism

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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not look the front page of The Free

I just wanted to warn you that the newspaper Libero case entrusted to the care of -Yara Renato Farina and Federico Moccia , and that in the first page it says "The child that will not fly three feet above the sky."

Source: Do not read this blog!

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bleeding without end in the sales of Italian newspapers

The figures released a few days ago by ' Ads (Assessment dissemination press) show a new setback in sales of Italian newspapers. A ' bleeding continues, in November of 2010 (the period when the survey was carried out) saw a further decline from a year ago.

The variables involved are many, but we will analyze the way. Before we talk about numbers: the "Corriere della Sera shows a -10% compared to 2009, while the second biggest selling newspaper, " La Repubblica ", sees a drop of ' 8.2% . It should not be better La Stampa (-7%) e ai quotidiani economici e sportivi: “Il Sole 24 Ore” perde infatti 6.315 copie (-3,7%), “La Gazzetta dello Sport” 9.241 (-3%). Il quotidiano “peggiore”, in questo senso, è “Il Secolo XIX” : il giornale di Genova scende del 15,2%. Uniche testate che fanno segnare un segno positivo sono “Il Giornale” (+1,1%), “Libero” (+1,3%), e alcuni organi di stampa locali, come “Il Mattino di Padova” e “Il Quotidiano della Basilicata” .

Come spiegare tutto ciò? I state that I have always taken with tongs so-called "prophecy" of Philippe Meyer, U.S. journalist and writer, who in his book "The Vanishing Newspaper" ("The death of newspapers") is the 2043 as the date where the funeral will be celebrated on paper. The newspaper is the oldest means of communication available to man, and frankly I doubt that will come the end. Of course, the data are not good, and if the development of technology (I-Phone, I-Pad etc ...) helps to improve on the one hand some practical issues, the other causes these results. Many publishers are already moving in this direction: Just think of Rupert Murdoch that with "The Daily" gave body to the first newspaper to I-Pad. But one can also think about the fact that more and more people are informed about Internet, because the news is constantly updated, you do not pay anything to read and through blogs and social networks is an overview of the facts to 360 degrees.

our analysis we must not stop here. The story, a tool without which we would understand the current global dynamics, comes to our aid. In a wonderful book, entitled "model of journalism" , Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini describe the development of press in various countries (European and non) dividing the same in three areas: Southern Europe (including our country as Spain, Portugal, Greece and France), central-northern Europe (Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany ) and the countries of the North Atlantic (U.S., Britain, Canada and Ireland). The pluralist model

-polarized, which is part of Italy, always sees a low mass circulation newspapers. The reason is simple: a smaller development of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy, who made the newspaper the instrument of literary and political elites, without thinking of the purely economic and financial side. The trade journals (Eg American penny press) were born later, and have never found fertile soil to develop to the fullest. All this explains why a low professionalism (we complain of biased journalism, biased, sided with the powerful shift) and a high degree of parallelism political.

In the other two models (corporate Democrats for Europe-North and liberal countries in the North Atlantic) things are different: the mass printing has developed much earlier and freedom of expression thought has already been initiated in the '600: an example is that of the Swedish Constitution (1776), which even providing public access to public documents. The commercial nature of journalism newspapers coincides with a neutral information, which plays the role of watchdog (watchdog).

Finally, we must not forget the role of television , that with the development of all-news channels ( "SKY TG24", "Rai News24" and, soon, even a weblog "Mediaset" ) has virtually killed any process newsmaking , that news production. The

hope of us all is that this hemorrhage Sooner or later, stops. Why the smell of a newspaper, or the feeling that the ink left on the fingers, are things that technology can easily replace.

Giorgio Velardi

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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What happens to the Italian football? From

Yesterday, Napoli has been eliminated from Europe League. A few months ago, in the same competition, were eliminated Palermo, Sampdoria and Juventus. In the going of the second round of the Champions League, however, Milan, Inter and Roma have all been defeated at home by Tottenham respectively, Shakhtar Donetsk and Bayern Monaco (pictured). New risks have no Italian team in the top eight in Europe and, above all (races back permitting), they have no Italian teams in European cups.

How did Italian football has fallen so low? What are the reasons for this drop? Because our teams are no longer able to impose itself in the international arena? All questions are asking athletes and journalists in recent days. I follow football but I can not give me a precise explanation for this debacle. If it is a physical issue I think that the others run twice and we have a preparation and a higher return in periods leading up to the challenges that matter. If, however, is a question of mind I think our players are the teams they face, or do not bring the right amount of malice determination in sports and games.

Uefa Ranking nailing us in fourth place, the gap is mathematically hopeless about Germany and what keeps us ahead of France still thin. In two years, the third in the championship will be worth the preliminaries of Champions, the fourth Europe League, the sixth season without a cup. This is a footballing tragedy. We have been overcome even by the 'hated' the Germans.

And to think that until recently were the Italian team to run twice. Foreign teams were scared of us. And above all we were winning. Exactly, we were. Good times

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Tribute Artist Paul Marcello Pacotto to SA I of Seborga Seborga

In occasione dei festeggiamenti per l’onomastico di S.A. Marcello I di Seborga che si sono tenuti il 16 gennaio scorso (San Marcello), l’artista di fama mondiale Paul Pacotto , già cittadino Honorary Principality of Seborga has long wanted to pay homage to the Prince with one of his works (see photo).

event was attended by the Prince and Princess de Polignac and Aimery - visible in the picture from left to right - the artist Paul Pancotto, Princess Nina, Prince Marcello I, Baron Andre de Triquet Tintignac (Consul for France), the Prince de Polignac Aimery and Vice Consul for Corsica, Jean Marc Arden.

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not you also find that between " a leader of great wisdom " and "a madman " hard to fill in steps a difference a year and a half?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Last day to visit the international exhibition: PEACE, LOVE & GROOVINESS

The exhibition PEACE, LOVE & GROOVINESS remain in Seborga is open until 28 February in the Palazzo Vecchio Giorgio I. Opening hours: Thursdays to Sundays, from 14 to 19. Saturday, February 26, the exhibition will remain open 'till midnight. The video is made by Mark and sponsored by Dezzani ( )

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the city 'The dawn

G. awaits us in motion at the" New Creation "one of the communities' Auroville dedicated to education. Take goatee, slightly grizzled, dark complexion and is typical of the Tamils. It makes its way along a dirt road that goes into the jungle, up to a gate beyond which there wait ... a garden with a dozen red brick single-family homes.

Here in Auroville and all 'different. The city' is spread over an area shaped like a circle with a diameter of 10km, but the bulk of this land and 'made up of forest tropicale. Le case sono suddivise in comunita' dai nomi pittoreschi quali "Buddha Garden", "Verite'", "Auromodel", "Truth": ogni conunita' raccoglie gli individui con una stessa vocazione. Noi siamo in New Creation Field, comunita' composta da indiani, americani e belgi, la cui vocazione e' la vita comunitaria e familiare.

Auroville esiste da soli 40 anni ed e' nata sulla spinta delle idee di una guida spirituale francese che si faceva chiamare "madre" per sviluppare l'ideale dell'unita' fra gli uomini al di la della nazionalita', religione, cultura ecc. Secondo Madre, “Per vivere ad Auroville si deve essere i consapevoli servitori della coscienza divina”. And not just words here in Auroville reigns "divine anarchy": there are no laws, nor is the principle that the majority decides and the minority must adapt: \u200b\u200bit works only on the basis of consensus.
G. invites us to dinner with his wife and son. He takes care of design, and works for many companies in Auroville, while his wife works in the dental center of the city '. He explains some of the rules of the world outside of the place: for example, has had to buy a house but the house is not 'but rather its' City ', so if you go away from Auroville can not' sell it. In addition, all citizens should donate a% of their earnings to the city ', and salaries are tiered (top managers can not earn more 'than 3 times the lowest paid employees). Despite this, 'the city' continues to grow and reached, in 40 years, 2200 inhabitants, of which 40% Indians. Not a few, when you consider that the foundation of the city 'there was nothing here, not even the forest of more than 1.5 million trees and' was planted by the inhabitants.
Auroville is not 'only grown, but even and' was recognized by UNESCO and the Indian government with a specific law that grants tax relief and benefits, as well as having more 'easy for foreigners who want to move them.
The next day we go to the visitor center, which provides information based on the city ', and we go to see the matmandir, the "spiritual heart" of Auroville, a kind of giant golden golf ball. Inside there is' a meditation room anareligiosa-fact, although those who live in Auroville must renounce any religion, everyone is' free to seek out and pursue their own individual spiritual path, as long as' non-sectarian.
them learn more particularity 'of the place: the city' has a vocation for research in every field of knowledge. The next day we appreciate certain aspects. For example nell'urinale there are the classic scent tablets but rather 'the tablets made by bacteria that digest the urine, thus preventing any smell, as well as not requiring consume of water. Here is a beautiful eco-friendly technology and simple! Auromodele visit, where they are tested construction techniques and new materials such as rammed earth, which is cheap and provides excellent insulation. More 'later in a community' for industrial purposes buy a shirt made of bamboo fiber ', smooth as silk, but more' durable and economical.
all get together for lunch at the solar cooker, which produces more than 3000 meals a day, cooking with a mirror that concentrates solar rays and produces steam. Meals, vegetarian, are excellent and cost only 100 rupees (1.5 €), since many of the ingredients are produced locally.
But Auroville is not 'free from problems. Years ago, violent clashes erupted with local people who felt they were "invaded" by foreigners. Now things are better, also because 'Auroville door work, but the global economic crisis has hit here too. Auroville is not contracted debts, and therefore can 'only spend its resources. And if they subside ... the problems begin. Moreover, not all have acceded to the very ideals of the city ', and who wants to can' take advantage of the absence of legislation or controls. But, as G said at dinner, that too is part of the game. Being a social laboratory, the so-called "bad guys" have their role to play, in this huge experiment of companies' ethically and spiritually evolved.
short, a city 'eclectic and diverse it seems that rained down from space in the midst of the chaos of India, but which' instead of India, created and supported by some of the most 'interesting and courageous in the world.

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what we deserve!

"the European Union, and Italy in particular." "The people of Nalut stresses of being part of a free and people of Libya, after your silence about the massacres committed by Gaddafi, decided that the source will stop the flow of natural gas from Libya to your countries, closing the field of al- Wafa through our area that carries the gas to Italy and northern Europe via the Mediterranean "

" because you have not stopped the bloodshed of our people and our dear country occurred in all the cities of Libya. For us, the Libyan blood è più prezioso del petrolio o del gas”

Questo il messaggio diffuso sul sito Internet del gruppo di opposizione “17 febbraio, dai manifestanti della della città libica di Nalut, che hanno minacciato di chiudere i gasdotti che portano gas in Italia e in altre zone del nord Europa.

Beh ragazzi, francamente ce lo meritiamo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E ringraziamo il “miglior governo della storia della Repubblica”, che per una settimana è stato completamente in silenzio e anzi giustificava i massacri del dittatore Gheddafi!

"The situation is evolving, and then I would not disturb anyone." "We are concerned about what happens in North Africa and what could happen to us if we arrived so many illegal immigrants. I'm concerned directly and we are following with bated breath what happens" ( Silvio Berlusconi )

"Europe should not export democracy. We want to support the democratic process, but we should not say this is our European model, take it. It would not be respectful of 'independence of the people, its ownership ( Franco Frattini )

Per la cronaca, mentre il mondo intero da giorni condanna il massacro ingiustificato di civili , nel governo Italiano, solo ieri si sono resi conto che Gheddafi lanciava razzi Rpg sui civili , provocando migliaia di morti … e pensate ragazzi, Berlusconi si è detto addirittura “ preoccupato ” …

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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affairs of Libya in Italy

La sanguinosa repressione delle rivolte in Libia e la timidezza della condanna del governo italiano ha portato new attention on the issue of relations between the Government of Gaddafi and Italy. Throughout the day yesterday, Al Jazeera spacing has the latest news from Tripoli and Benghazi with a service that explained the importance for Italy of the agreements with Libya, especially as regards energy supplies and control illegal immigration. The relations between Italy and Libya have another face: that of the numerous shareholdings in the Libyan Italian companies that have guaranteed the Gaddafi regime considerable influence in some of the largest and most prestigious companies. These investments are made through the so-called sovereign wealth funds .

What are SWFs
Sovereign wealth funds are companies controlled directly by governments, used to invest the resources derived from budget surpluses and foreign exchange reserves. Given that most Western countries is choked by debt, these funds are mainly in oil-exporting countries and then with great liquidity, and among them is undoubtedly Libya. In the world there are 55 sovereign investment funds: they represent the sixth largest global financial entities. For years, were viewed with great suspicion, since many of them are reluctant to disclose information about its activities and in the hands of authoritarian governments e poco controllabili. Inoltre, non sempre gli investimenti dei fondi sovrani hanno scopi puramente commerciali: dato che sono controllati dai governi, spesso vengono utilizzati per stringere o facilitare rapporti bilaterali, per avere un ritorno in termini di immagine o aumentare la propria influenza su mercati strategici. Da qualche anno, però, sono stati praticamente sdoganati: soprattutto in Italia, soprattutto grazie all’amicizia dei governi italiani – questo di Berlusconi ma anche quelli di centrosinistra – con il dittatore libico.

I fondi sovrani della Libia
La gran parte degli investimenti esteri della Libia viene effettuato attraverso due fondi e la banca centrale. Il primo fondo. Il primo LAFICO is the fund, which stands Libyan Foreign Investment Company. The second is the bottom LIA (Libyan Investment Authority), established in 2006 with funds transferred by the same LAFICO, other minor provisions and the income from oil exports. Then there is the central bank. All these subjects are directly relevant to the Libyan government and then to Gaddafi. The following are among its most important holdings in Italy.

The Libyan Central Bank holds 4.99 percent of UniCredit, one of the largest banks in Europe and worldwide. The statute provides that no member of Unicredit can count at the meeting for more than 5 percent. Some months ago the then chief executive of Unicredit, Alessandro Profumo, had to leave his post after just some controversy concerning the role of banks in Libya: the Libyan sovereign fund LIA, in fact, entered into in 1997 with the Unicredit 0 , 56, had bought 2.07 percent of the capital. Adding a share to 4.99 per cent held by the Libyan Central Bank became an important 7 percent directly or indirectly part of the same person, or Gaddafi. We talk for months the possibility that the same fund LIA, to 4 percent of Unicredit, bringing Libya to be the largest shareholder of Unicredit.

In 1976 the bottom LAFICO bought 9 percent of Fiat, that due to the energy crisis had serious budget problems, becoming its second largest shareholder after the Agnelli family. In 1982, participation rose to 13 percent. In 1986 the fund was released by LAFICO FIAT, realizing a gain of $ 2.6 billion. In 2000, the fund has returned LIA FIAT to invest in, buy 2 percent of the shares of car factory. Today, Libya has a stake in Fiat to just below 2 percent.

In 2009, Finmeccanica Finmeccanica signed a memorandum of understanding with the Libyan government for cooperation in a wide range of projects in Libya, the Middle East and in Africa. The agreement provides for the creation of a joint venture of which will be part of Finmeccanica and the bottom LAFICO. From January LIA The fund, however, holds 2.01 percent of Finmeccanica. The Italian company has won several contracts in Libya, including one worth 247 million euro for the construction of a railroad.

LAFICO In 2002, the fund has purchased the 5.31 of the club, which is about € 6.4 million in shares. In 2009, participation rose to 7.5 percent.

The fund owns 1 percent of ENI. The agreement between the parties grants to fund LIA to get to 10 percent, which would allow the Libyan government to become the second largest shareholder after the Italian government, as the Ministry of Economy has a shareholding of 30 percent. ENI among other things, holds many contracts in Libya: Greenstream built the pipeline, the longest pipeline ever built in the Mediterranean, which lets pass eight billion cubic meters of natural gas from Libya to Italy, and is now engaged - through certain subsidiaries - including construction of some highways. Over the past ten years ENI in Libya has invested $ 50 billion, and plans to invest another 20 in the next decade.

The fund owns shares in Mediobanca Libyan LIA for $ 500 million. According to a preliminary agreement signed in February 2009, the fund will invest in the Libyan Italian companies in the construction and pharmaceutical industries. According to many observers, the investment in Mediobanca will allow the Libyan government to invest more freely in Italian companies.

Olcese Libyan LIA
The fund owns 26 percent of Olcese, a textile company. The investment was the first experiment of interest in an Italian by Libya.

is the telecommunications company which in 2008 won the tender for the allocation of WiMax spectrum in ten regions of Italy. The Libyan Post Telecommunications Information Technology Company controls 14.798 percent of the group and is the largest shareholder.

Source: The Post

Monday, February 21, 2011

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AVIS - Liguria, looks forward to working with the Principality of Seborga Seborga

Liguria The President of AVIS (Association of Volunteers Italian Blood), Cav. Careddu Rita, recently contacted the authorities of the Principality of Seborga with the intention to start a fruitful collaboration with the municipality.
AVIS collects blood for hospitals to meet the needs locally and nationally. Statutes of AVIS
I do not expect to operate abroad, in the case of the Sovereign Principality of Seborga, but because of Seborga have dual nationality (Seborga and Italian), there should be no difficulty.
Baron Arnott left the proposed collaboration of AVIS SAS Marcello and the Government of the Principality, as well as to the "Principality of Seborga in the World ONLUS", already very active in the region and in other areas. He now hopes that the initiative will be welcomed by the citizens.
For information on activities and initiatives of AVIS: and

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

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But Gaddafi and Mubarak were not friends of Berlusconi? A Sanremo

Berlusconi in 2008, in very difficult times, said that they wanted to take lessons in democracy from Mubarak while Frattini hoped that Mubarak would continue to govern with vision and wisdom ... ed in Egitto l'hanno cacciato a calci nel sedere.

Tra un sonnellino e l'altro al summit dei paesi della Lega Araba, Silviuccio decide di baciare la mano di Gheddafi in altra occasione l'ha definito suo amico ... e in Libia lo stanno cacciando a calci nel sedere (e per carità non disturbiamolo ).

Anche le rivelazioni di Wikileaks avevano evidenziato le preoccupazioni per le amicizie di Silviuccio (per inciso: se fossi l'amico Putin mi farei una enorme grattatio pallarum vista la fine degli altri amici di Silvio).

Ma senza dubbio Berlusconi ha dato lustro all'immagine dell'Italia all'estero .

Per carità non dimentichiamoci, poi, che ci è sempre stato detto che siamo molto amici dell'America... peccato che loro non la pensino proprio così .

D'altronde non ci si può aspettare molto da chi ha per amico intimo uno che sostiene che Mangano è un eroe e che fa il senatore solo per non andare in galera . Ah sì dimenticavo: « Mussolini ha perso la guerra perché era troppo buono. Non era affatto un dittatore sanguinario e spietato as was Stalin .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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winning song writing

In a few lines I want to express my opinion to win the San Remo festival Roberto Vecchioni , with the song 'Call me again love '. In my opinion the best song won. Song maybe a little too busy, but with a beautiful text, timely and significant. Award-winning song writing of what a great artist Roberto Vecchioni. Finally, after so many years, some good music on the stage of the Ariston.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Kill the blog with the monotony

these days do the blogger has become an unlikely. One wakes up, eats breakfast, washes, dresses, then decided to check what has happened in Italy by opening the home page of any daily newspaper online and there is, nine times out of ten, like two or three days before. There are six or seven different major categories, those titles, and alternate regularly with disturbing regularity: in the lead are the evidence of D'Addario, Ruby, Noemi and singing company, with wiretaps attached crammed with asses flaccid, kappa written in text message instead of c, parties in thong and ambitions of entering lists of blocked or assignment of property in areas residential more or less immersed in the green is the most popular even Berlusconi says he wants to "go ahead" because the majority is as solid as a granite column and they are the government of doing the proof is that the polls give him among the first world leaders with a variable percentage between 48 and 51%, depending on the day, then there's Bossi says elections immediately, even in spring, or rather never, we'll see if the majority is the government falls and instead there is yes, all showing the middle finger to reporters more or less once every two months, just to keep in training, the opposition protests, usually represented by a vivamaria of "resign", with few exceptions consistent in not too confident "we want elections," stood firmly in fourth place, then there is justice, as they call it, with a wide range of all praise, controlodi, reserve praise, praise praise amending other Cassati by the Constitutional Court, praises side, persons, emergency decree, then the saga of phone calls from someone on the air of someone else, with their insults, arguments, denials and appeals and assorted unlikely to guarantee institutions, and finally the exhortations Napolitano says that living concord, enough with the divisions, behave well and the cat is an animal self. Then just


Here, you will understand that being a blogger in these conditions is almost impossible, because a poor man finds himself having to comment on cyclically the same stuff, with the obvious consequence that could put as much creativity inevitably become a little monotonous even him.

Today, for example, we started with the gag law : to make you angry that makes you angry, and too bad, but feel the need, as it were, to express your disagreement in a way a little 'different than the first time, and even before that, and before that again, until you realize that you've practically exhausted the means of expression available to you post- serious already, already made video, song already made, already-automatic generator and end up withdrawing, so what you have to write all read a couple of months ago and make a nice copy paste would be a dick and all 'one.

In short, they have found a way to neutralize the protagonists of the so-called "information from the bottom up without even taking the trouble to censor them, to persecute, to denounce them, put them in prison simply kill them with boredom, wrap in ammorbante a pall of monotony and forcing them to become more Pallos them.

Other than dumb: they are geniuses, and we do not had not noticed.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Roberto Benigni, a great Italian to be proud

E 'was by applause and spine-tingling action of Roberto Benigni last night in Sanremo. In 45 minutes the Tuscan actor, combining satire, literature and culture, he merely recited a review of recent history of Italy, with his unmistakable style, from our significant national anthem. The interpretation was great, the ratings have soared. Great performer, great actor, great man. Proud to be Italian with Benigni. Long live Italy!





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the wind to come. Laser and more spacing

One of the problems of wind turbines to the direction of the wind. When this changes, the efficiency of the energy produced is affected significantly decreases. Torben Mikkelsen, Risø DTU researcher at the Danish Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, says he has found a countermeasure to this problem: a turbine coupled with a laser anemometer, called Lidar . The instrument, Mikkelsen says, provides the gusts, turbulence, and wind direction, and the first test seems to bear him out.

Thanks to a technology that allows you to quickly change the tilt of the propellers of the rotors, the position of the turbine remains always the most appropriate to the direction and intensity of the wind. And thus increasing five percent its efficiency and durability, which means that four-megawatt turbine can produce an increase of profits of over € twenty-six thousand a year. According to a calculation made by the Danish Energy se soltanto una turbina ogni dieci venisse sostituita da un Lidar, queste garantirebbero entro il 2025 una riduzione di venticinquemila tonnellate annue di emissioni di anidride carbonica.

In futuro sono previsti studi sul flusso del vento sulle singole eliche, come già avvenne per le ali degli degli aerei. Affinché diminuisca la resistenza aerodinamica delle pale – e quindi anche il rumore, considerato anche questo un problema da risolvere – all’Università del Minnesota hanno analizzato l’effetto prodotto da piccole scanalature di 40-225 micron sul rivestimento della superficie dell’elica. Così i ricercatori hanno verificato un incremento dell’efficienza del tre per cento per una turbina di 2,5 MW. Precedenti esperimenti, ma che avevano per oggetto le vele delle imbarcazioni partecipanti alla Coppa America e le ali degli Airbus, avevano portato a una diminuzione del sei per cento della resistenza aerodinamica.

Non sono soltanto questi gli studi che negli ultimi mesi ha interessato l’impiantistica eolica. Altri due scienziati, Charles Meneveau della Johns Hopkins University e Johan Meyers dell’ Università di Lovanio , hanno sviluppato un modello matematico per determinare la distanza ottimale fra le turbine in un parco eolico: ebbene, i pali risultano più efficienti se fissati a una distanza pari a quindici diametri rotor. A result in surprising contrast with the previously theorized, because the current measure is an average of seven diameters. And yet another study, that of Professor Somnath Baidya Roy 's University of Illinois and published in the journal PNAS , also denied the suggestion that the blades are harmful to crops.

The climate in the vicinity of a plant is in fact a bit 'cooler during the day and slightly warmer at night, thanks to the mixing of air layers above it caused by the blades. This would prevent the microclimate spring frost and autumn, decreasing the dew and reducing the action of pathogenic fungi that grow on the leaves. And in summer, also due to the lowering of three degrees.

Source: Terranews

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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: The principle challenge Italy

Our Honorary Consul General for France, Baron André Triquet (pictured opposite) has an article that reported the French newspaper Le Dauphiné Libéré was published last Sunday, February 13, on our principles: The principle here défie l'Italie (The principle challenge of Italy).
I'll suggest below in its original version:

Seborga jadis était sous la protection de la Maison de Savoie.
The principle here défie l'Italie

The Monte Carlo view is breathtaking. But for the class, that's another story. And yet they Séborgiens Wants to be housed in the same boat as their wealthy neighbor. But here neither luxury nor banks or casinos, the glitter does not support altitude.
Perched on its rocky confetti, Seborga has only two or three stores to offer in a maze of narrow streets, a church in the thirteenth and 350 deaf people in the bustle of the Riviera. Seven times the size of Monaco anyway, in other words an empire ...
For fortune, Séborgiens grow flowers for perfume and a story pegged to a count of Ventimiglia that leaves the village to the Cistercian Abbey of Lerins in 954. The count is good, Seborga is immediately declared "sovereign Principality". The "secessionist" today are formal, the following story confirms the separate status of this town in the cloudless destiny.
It took the damn World War II sounded the death knell for the dissident. Placed until 1945 under the wing of the House of Savoy, the principality was confiscated by Italy as all assets of Savoy. Italy does not have gloves, "annexation" is final. The Seborgiens pay a high price their "neutrality" during the conflict ...
As good blood will tell, in 1963 the Seborgiens upset the Italian Republic and elected a new Prince. This is Giorgio Carbone, said Giorgio 1, a friendly face of Captain Haddock. Rome now, and many others had better behave.
At the village entrance, a gate marks the frontier. At the height of each house, the flag with white stripes and blue with reference to the founding Templars, fluttering in the breeze of freedom. While she is there, Seborga "The Independent" publishes its stamps and currency hits: The Luigino is modestly pegged to the U.S. dollar! Plate, passport and national anthem complement the raft a bit folk.
While the government's new ministers took the top Communist mayor, ambassadors and consuls to ensure international prestige of the principality. Each Aug. 20, for St. Bernard (still the Templars) is the national holiday marked by the chamber orchestra home. And if by chance the Constitution is discussed, the Council of Priors and the Crown agree litigants ...
André Triquet, ennobled by Giorgio 1 and consul general in France, aligns with pride greeting cards 2011. Nicolas Sarkozy has cracked a friendly message. A clear sign of recognition: "I think he looks what he is signing." Who would doubt it ...
After three trials with the Italian state, "all earned" by André Triquet, Seborga now defers to the European Court. That judges in Strasbourg challenge against international law!
Baron André Triquet firmly believes that justice is done, "think French is the official language here since forever." The Italian school does not care a fig, but who cares. Le consul, plus seborgien que les Seborgiens, guette la moindre faille dans la cuirasse italienne: “le bureau de poste local, celui de la Poste italienne, appose la flamme de la Principauté sur le courrier”. Si la République fait la courte échelle à la couronne...
Giorgio 1 er décédé, Marcello 1 er a repris le flambeau l’an dernier. Marcello Menegatto pour l’état-civil. Un “promoteur immobilier milliardaire et au bras long, toujours entre deux avions, un pied à Monaco, un autre à Lugano pour ses affaires”, chuchotent les Seborgiens.
Amateur de courses de bateaux off-shore, marié à une ravissante allemande, le prince de 32 ans the tone: "get the total independence." And do business. In the project, a golf 27 holes in the pine forest around a luxury hotel with helicopter runway. Select a Yacht Club, an Automobile Club of the same stamp and art galleries will make the new Seborga chic meeting of the Coast, faith prince ... In the land of Berlusconi, the foil is second nature.
the square of the Patriots, the guards dressed and paid by Marcello 1, pose for tourists. And palate, a temporary building pending the restoration cost of future building, the secretaries of the prince give a face to the administration princely.
And if historical truth was the Trojan horse of a tax haven? "The Constitution stipulates that corporate taxes should not exceed 10% here," concedes André Triquet. "With the Luigino fixed on the dollar, the diplomat did not hesitate, Seborga is an entry for the Americans in the euro area". "Italy is concerned above all to have to pay compensation if the principality is within its rights," he slice. It is true that Berlusconi did not need that right now ...
a minimum, Seborga would be rewarded with good free zone or "territory associated with Italy." Balm on self-esteem undermined. And a significant boost to business. After all, at the foot of the principality, Ventimiglia spreads out its counterfeit junk under the nose of the carabinieri ...
(Fonte: - The Dauphine Libere - George Bourquard 13 / 02/2011)

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pie without party "AS2009-2011

pie without party "AS2009-2011 Mark Chiurato

Even in 'moments of talent', when you let go of someone convinced that the school does not rest: then was the 'Saturday of work', loud and leopards. A bit '. Even this 'Saturday without chair' is a week shorter, or calm the minds of the disciple and who is waiting for the pass. The families and the world in which they dissolve. At first, he relies on (and trust) to see that it starts with the school of languages, the habit of setting total. The school is
door that marks a transition in a plane tilted to the question: what it's worth, those who want me, where? And the answer is servitude for most people, a price which reflects the condition of the body in a basket of products and prostheses, the "I" in an ironic smile. As the message repeated, copied gullible uncertain, with indelible marks in party without a cake.

by Pataxó

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India has a natural relationship, with its animal waste. A dog runs away disgusted in front of his stool, not underground, it carries them away, accepts them as la naturale fine del ciclo vitale, parte dell'eterna ruota del karma del nascere, crescere e morire.

Gli Indiani (parlo della maggioranza povera, naturalmente) gettano tranquillamente i loro rifiuti davanti all'uscio di casa dove giocano i bambini e pascolano le mucche - poco importa se oggi i rifiuti sono chimici e non piu' naturali come un tempo. Del resto, non esistono cassonetti per la raccolta ne' nettezza urbana: la gestione dei rifiuti e' di chi li produce.

Qui a Tiru e' possibile ammirare le cloache a cielo aperto colme di plastica: a svuotarle ci pensa il monsone, una volta l'anno. Tutto sommato, meglio che a Goa, dove la necessita' di salvare le apparenze di fronte ai pruriginosi occhi occidentali fa si che garbage are burned on the spot, in front of each house: the visitor accepts the inhalation of dioxin but not the bag in sight. With garbage and human waste and animal lives: the one you see and smell. There the children play, dogs and cows graze there. The inhale is mixed with car exhaust and risks' old and rusty and seasoned by the impalpable and pervasive dust of India.
The final link in the chain of consumerism, so 'carefully concealed in the West in megadiscariche as big as a city' as Malagrotta here and 'under the eyes of everyone, rich and poor, who consume and produce garbage directly pays the consequences here and now. There 'something' of divine justice in everything '.

Mi piacerebbe che ogni italiano che non fa lo sforzo di fare la raccolta differenziata pur avendo i cassonetti sotto casa, che butta la spazzatura in strada o fa fare al cane i bisogni senza pulire, contando sulla nettezza urbana, venisse mandato al soggiorno coatto qui per una settimana. Mi piacerebbe che i nostri capitani d'industria ed economisti, tutti coloro che predicano che la crescita ci salvera', i pubblicitari che ci dicono di consumare.... fossero mandati qui, a toccare con mano cosa stiamo facendo al pianeta.

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'I sputtanerò' of Luke and Paul

Last night began the Festival of Sanremo. The funniest moment of the evening was the first song of Luke and Paul 'I sputtanerò'. satirical songs that paid tribute 'the great couples who have made the history of comedy', or Berlusconi and Fini . Here is the revised text to the notes of a piece by Gianni Morandi and Barbara Cola 'In Love' :

you go to the Journal
holding photos
where you are with a transvestite.
will deliver
interceptions and six in the next election
disgraced. You
with some movies that give the
where there is you. And the show
women over there and put the cubes
well fuck you. Emilio Fede

And if you do not see him to add
with Photoshop. I've heard
Lele Mora

declaring what? Everything you

will be a bit 'my woodworm
with the house of relatives in Monaco

your wives and your oxen

all and I'm disgraced

the police station as well?
also Santanché.
The girls are on my side and I know that I support
if the rent is payable on a dell'Olgettina me.
Your brother already know I'll prove it to the Principality
the house belongs to him. You'll
with Naomi and the D'Addario
of feasting your
you'll tell your mother-in-law that D'Agostino
Bocchino and have the mess-ups in Rai. And if you

the concepts Nicole Minetti
c’è Ghedini
che intercetterà te.
Ti sto sputtanando
Da Santoro
Ti sputtanerò.
Non mi butti giù.
Sì ma il 6 aprile in aula
ci vai solo tu.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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fight against the Mafia: 10 questions to the Minister Maroni

1) Il governo vanta grandi successi nella lotta alle mafie e a conferma televisioni e giornali informano i cittadini sugli arresti quotidiani. Gli arresti sono necessari. Ma lei pensa davvero che sono sufficienti per sconfiggere le mafie?

2) Ogni anno per traffico di droga vengono arrestate 40-50 mila persone e sequetrate tonnellate di stupefacenti. Ma le mafie are more powerful than before. Do you think that amplifying information about the arrests only pass a message misleading and wrong?

3) E 'agree that it is necessary to defeat the gangs strike at the heart and the heart of the Mafia are shares and other securities, money and goods, social and political relations?

4) We show that the movable and immovable property of the Italian mafia are valued at over € 1000 billion. If confiscated, and sold well used, could solve the problem of public debt. You can confirm this? The government did make an assessment? And 'Italians can not say how they are distributed and has an estimate reliable picture of the wealth of the mafias in areas including real estate, securities and liquid money, participation in the legal economy?

5) The Attorney Grasso writes that the seized property is equivalent to 10 percent and that the seized assets account for 5 percent of the total assets of the Italian mafia. Can you explain why the Italians are not confiscated Mafia property except a small part?

6) We show that 5 percent of assets seized 70 percent is not used and that although the government has also decided to sell, we shared, not sold. Can you explain why the few assets seized are neither used or sold? Can say at what point is the Agency for the confiscation of property and how it works?

7) One reason is constituted by a very long time (even 10-12 years) that pass between the seizure and confiscation. Italians can say whether the government intends to reduce the time and if it aims to make a more rapid and effective confiscation of movable and immovable property and who intends to use?

8) The money and the titles are hidden in tax havens. Can you say whether the government plans to intervene directly and also with a strong initiative in the European Union proposing drastic measures such as forms of financial embargo and prohibition of establishment of companies and branches of Italian banks in order to obtain the cooperation of the governments of tax havens?

9) The crime of money laundering is essential to clean up dirty money. In Italy the processes for recycling are very few because the law does not work and should be amended. The government intends to introduce the crime of self laundering and further reduce the use of cash?

10) The District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan directed by Ilda Bocassini, with the cooperation of judges in Reggio Calabria, conducted a major survey on the Ndrangheta. In Lombardy, were identified 20 "local" organization criminale e i rispettivi capi. La presenza è particolarmente consistente a Pavia, Milano e nelle province del nord della Lombardia, dove la Lega ha una forte presenza elettorale e politica. Dall’inchiesta sono emersi rapporti politici e di affari. Come mai nessun Prefetto ha nominato una commissione di accesso per verificare se alcune amministrazioni comunali e provinciali andavano sciolte? Può confermare se questa è la linea del ministero dell’interno?

Grazie e cordiali saluti - Elio Veltri

Fonte: Megachip