Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What To Write On Wedding Card Envelope

still calm a disturbance

18/12 - gg 10 - 20'27'N,32'16'W, 450 miglia a NW di Capo Verde

Ieri abbiamo attraversato una perturbazione davvero brutta, con raffiche di vento fino a 45 nodi. La perturbazione é durata tutta la notte di ieri e buona parte della giornata, e nessuno ha chiuso occhio per il rumore della prua che sbatteva sulle onde. Inoltre, abbiamo fatto pochissimo progresso verso la destinazione perché il vento ci veniva da Sud Ovest, proprio dove dovevamo andare noi. Io ho dormito malissimo perché tutti gli oblò erano sigillati e c'era un'aria pessima in barca, e poi durante la giornata mi sono sentito rather exhausted. All were in fact down, because we have so far been very unlucky with the weather, wind or no wind or not, and besides we met three disturbances, the last of which a very low latitude, where there would never be payable. Now we should be in the trade winds, but there is calm and we're going to motor last night. By now we should definitely get there after Christmas. In these cases, the most important thing is not to get caught by anxiety ... it seems that the crew is all rather a bit down in the dumps. The situation is what it is, and you have to live there. Hopefully in twenty best in the coming days! Right now missing 1750 miles on arrival, scheduled for 27 if everything goes smoothly.

If anything, we should perhaps begin to control what we eat and consume oil as a precaution. That is to say, however, that if there is no wind we are still adrift.

We'll see what happens in the coming days. Meanwhile there is sunny and very warm. I stand in the shade because I know the strength of the tropical sun, but Legy it is placed in the sunlight (without cream) and is almost instantly and got burned Sunshine.

We took advantage of calm in order to clean the boat from top to bottom, Walter's birthday (which was yesterday) with cake and hats party, and change the staple, which has been torn in the low pressure. It was expected, since it is very old, and in fact we set up a bow again. We have also prepared the spinnaker, as we expect winds from astern (sooner or later). The operation is cumbersome: it is the spiritual that the flakes are huge and heavy, it took four people to get them out of the huge drag on the stern and bow. Meanwhile, there is a school of dolphins came to visit - so many that now we see almost no more effect than before. But now we are beginning to see the fish which in English are called flying fish, because glide over the waves. They are truly spectacular, with their lateral fins that seem wings! Now it is Everything is ready, lacking only the wind ...


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