Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kates Playground Dead


We are on the ground. The island reminds me of Porquerolles, France, even if the temperature, vegetation is lush and 'tropical type. Yesterday we moored the boat on arrival at Prickly Bay, a small bay where there are dozens of yachts of all sizes anchored. Them and us' was reserved a seat at one of the piers, and that the 'very lucky because there' s room for only a dozen boats. It seems that the owner of Nimrod is treating the purchase of an apartment building in a post-modern I made glass and steel, complete with swimming pool water, in front of the pier - and then we were well treated.

The place is' strange: though there are these buildings very luxurious but definitely out of context (even in the pool there are the light that simulates a starry sky at night), docks for the boats are made of wood rather poor, so that in some places are already 'broken. It seems like a movie set, even here the speculation is basically aimed at the appearance.

The marina, there 's a bar, tiki bar, where it meets the "seafarers" to mulch beer and rum. It 's not just a wooden bar in the middle of a meadow, with tables and stools around. The customers are all or almost all British, American, Australian, all men, blond and tattooed Abbronzatissimi, many with the beard is not shaved for days and the belly from beer drinkers, and women (and a few all the result of some sailor) they also wear tan all the dresses on the costumes. All invariably with flip-flops. Eta 'medium high, many retirees, some with children in tow. A microcosm in itself made up of people living on the boat, working boat. I hear talk of racing, charter, storms, etc. - stories by sailors. I chat with a British 29 year-old who lives alone by 2 years on a boat in the Caribbean, he bought as a remnant of a storm, and if the redesign is little by little. He says he spends no more than to live 'of 8000 pounds a year ... I hear the merits of dehydrated meals for transoceanic races, the winners of the Sydney-Hobart and that 'just ended. The staff of the marina, all of Grenada, they are nice and friendly and 'easy to talk with them. Physically I am dark skinned, tall, with features similar to the Jamaicans, but rather in almost all meat.

The marina is' run by David, a Milanese who has lived here for 10 years, married with a grenade. On the door hung a flag of the navy's importance, of which 'loyal supporter. David gives me the directions to orient in Grenada. Then I go with Walter for a walk to the shopping center rather Americans and we stop for a coffee 'by Luke, another Italian who has lived here for years. Unfortunately, however, 'the espresso machine and' course and we have to settle for a coffee 'American. In return our companions are already 'drunk and go to tender to other places to continue drinking. I retreat to the deck of the boat to take a rest and chamomile.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Maybelline Mousse Blush Soft Plum Swatch


29/12-gg 21 - 11'56'N, 61'27'W, 16 miles from Grenada

today at 15.30 GMT, we sighted land. Gia '1 hour before we were on deck with binoculars, trying to glimpse the island. We are preparing for the arrival of the boat. First of all, we hoisted the yellow flag, which means "there are no outbreaks on board, ask for permission to clear." We will arrive at Prickly Bay, where we expect a pier, but we will have to anchor and wait for Jof go to customs to be cleared. Curious that can 'go it alone with our passports, there is no' need to see us in the face. Then when we finally returned to moor at the quay. Promises an evening of celebration! Not before I finally made my first swim in the sea after 21 days at sea!

Rainbow Sentinel Super Pro

two jumps in the water

27/12- gg19 - 12'03'N, 55'42'W, 350 miles from Grenada

Yesterday, the wind is gradually increased, reaching over 20 knots. When I dismounted from my round was already strong, and it was difficult to take the helm. During the night, is further increased, and the boat gave sudden lateral accelerations. I listened to the bunk il rumore dell'acqua che accellerava sullo scafo, senza riuscire a prendere sonno. 

La mattina mi sono alzato stanco, e ho trovato una situazione molto difficile, con la barca che straorzava ed era difficile tenerla in rotta. Jof era sveglio, e gli ho suggerito di ammainare lo spi, ma non ha voluto saperne - ormai l'ansia di arrivare é palpabile. Così mi sono messo a lottare con il timone per tenere la barca dritta. Nel frattempo il vento era arrivato a raffiche di 25 nodi, e cominciavo ad essere in difficoltà. La lotta é andata avanti per circa un'ora, poi ha vinto il vento: con un tonfo sordo, ho visto lo spi sgonfiarsi e cadere in acqua. Subito abbiamo svegliato l'intero equipaggio, ed abbiamo began the difficult recovery operation, which took us for a good half hour. Luckily it seems that is not torn, it is "only" broke the shackles that held him up. So we put it in his bag while the worst, and we continue with a bow. The spinnaker can no longer give: their halyard and the mast remained, and no one can go to retrieve it with the rough sea ... And then we lost the "condom" a cylinder of canvas that allows you to hoist the spinnaker without swollen. Maybe this will slow down a bit there, but we arrived on Tuesday in the day. Meanwhile, the night has also made a splash off the door of the washing machine, and also there is a bent stanchion. In short, These three weeks have demolished half the boat!

pennica After a long, I took the opportunity to see me a movie in peace. Meanwhile, Archie, played with Leggy and Jof Banzigo, taking it in turns to be lowered into the water to rinferscarsi.

Cutting The Silver Cordastroprojection

we're almost there!

28/12 - gg20 - 12'37'N, 58'33'W, 190 miglia da Grenada

Oggi é l'ultimo giorno, domani arriveremo a Grenada. Siamo tutti contenti e ansiosi di avvistare finalmente terra. All'arrivo avremo percorso 4500 miglia nautiche da Palma de Mallorca, pari a 8300 km. Mi sembra incredibile aver percorso questa distanza alla velocità di non più di 20 km orari... gli inglesi dicono che la vela é l'arte di non andare da nessuna parte, molto lentamente e ad alto costo, ma invece noi stiamo arrivando...

Ormai c'é un certo lassismo a bordo, ascoltiamo musica, vediamo dvd, si mangia a volontà, si cerca qualsiasi svago per ammazzare le last hours. Last night a black bird has settled on the boat and stayed until dawn. Maybe he was exhausted from the long journey? Walter has put a little water at the stern and rice, to feed them. As they say, at sea there is an obligation to rescue fellow sailors, regardless of origin, race, species, etc..

It is said that at the end of a path is time to take stock. So, here are 10 reasons to prefer the plane to go sailing across the Atlantic:

1) is free, usually

2) if it makes you vomit, you should not do it in a bag paper

3) if you're only six hours behind schedule in six happy

4) if you smoke in the bathroom does not sound the alarm

5) no one has ever crashed into a sailboat on the skyscrapers, or hijacked a sailboat

6) there is no line at check in to board

7) If you want a bed to sleep even if you're not in business class

8) glad if the pilot is you drive a little

9) if your neighbor stink, you just sit over

10) hostesses are usually in a bathing suit

That said, tomorrow I will try to publish all these posts for posterity.

How To Save On Pokemon Silver Rom

Merry Christmas from the sea at full speed!

24/12 - gg16-13'09'N, 46'01' W, 920 miles from Grenada

We arrived on Christmas Eve, though it seems .. in fact, is spending the day as always, it is very hot and does not seem like Christmas. Today, finally, the trade winds blow from the hand, between 15 and 20 knots from the northwest. We changed spinnaker, putting a suitable high winds, and we are now splashing into Grenada at an average speed of 10-11 knots. Our captain é anche riuscito a spingere la barca fino a toccare l'incredibile velocità di 15,6 nodi. Sembra che Nettuno abbia finalmente dato il suo nulla osta al nostro passaggio, perché le previsioni danno questi venti anche per i prossimi giorni. Purtroppo durante il cambio di vela Walter si é beccato una bella scottatura dalla cima della barca che gli é scappata di mano. 

Per il resto tutto procede bene, anche le tensioni che paventavo non si sono manifestate, forse perché ormai procediamo ad un ritmo sostenuto verso l'arrivo. 

Come gli eschimesi hanno decine di parole diverse per dire "neve", così i marinai dovrebbero averne tante per definire le onde del mare. Prestando attenzione, infatti si notano tante onde diverse:

- l'onda lunga, grandi colline di acqua che si spostano lentamente, sollevando la barca in alto e facendola sparire in basso. Viene dalle tempeste lontane, nel nord dell'Atlantico, e può essere alta due o tre metri.

- l'onda breve, creata dal vento dove siamo noi. Sbatte e si infrange contro la barca, oppure la fa ondeggiare; può essere alta fino a mezzo metro

- il "mare confuso", quando si incrociano onda lunga e breve da direzioni diverse

- l'onda delle correnti marine, che crea come piccole creste bianche anche se é bassa. 

Forse queste riflessioni faranno sorridere, ma quando si passa il tempo a guardare il cielo e il mare, sono le piccole cose come questa che si notano!

Memorial Wording For Wedding Program

25/12 - gg17 - 13'43'N,49'8'W, 740 miglia da Grenada

Buon Natale a tutti! Per noi un'altra giornata in mare, con vento forte. Navighiamo a 10 nodi di media verso Grenada, c'é sole e fa caldo anche oggi. Ieri sera abbiamo consumato la cena della vigilia, spaghetti al tomatoes and burgers (vegetarian for me), making jokes about Christmas. In reality we all feel a little lack of Christmas rituals, which are meals with family or opening presents. There does not seem to Christmas! Last night began to ring the satellite, so many people calling for congratulations. Then, when people began to go to sleep, I have enjoyed an exciting timoneggiata, with 20 knots of wind in their sails, spinnaker flying and there was the boat that, despite its 25 meters, glided on large ocean waves, under the moonlight. At the helm, became heavy and hypersensitive at the same time, every time I gave un'accarezzata water to keep the boat on course. IPod, a sauce for me the charge, and so on until midnight!

Today Jof has granted us the use of stereo, which is, however, been monopolized by an ipod, I think his, which seems to contain only reggae. Later we will do the "dinner" Christmas, in addition to celebrate the birthday of Leggy. Is replacing a certain weariness, a certain monotony. It sounds like a timeless dimension, every day equal to each other. But boredom is not yet come, at least for me. Indeed, in duplication of activities, the same pace day after day I found a balance, and I think others too. We could go on forever!

PS one of the photo and 'minipresepe the laptop that I got my mom

Basic Boat Wiring Diagrams

Christmas dinner, boating version

26 / 12 - gg18 - 11'39'N, 52'29'W, 540 miles from Grenada

Christmas meal was surprisingly tasty, and very British. Included: chicken wrapped in bacon, with a sauce that I did not understand, meatballs, sausage, rice and vegetables for a side dish. Since 4 years I do not make such a meal of meat, and in fact I really did it difficult to digest. I liked it, although I seem to have missed that much, not eating meat in recent years. After dinner we were on the bridge, I was at the helm, in turn, with my ipod, while the others played cards. Definitely a very different Christmas, I'll remember forever. Meanwhile we continue to dig through miles at a rate of 200 per day, and so we should arrive Tuesday morning. The thing I like, I think that what this experience could give, gave it.

The two favorite moments of the day, the long talks that I do with Walter and Georgie. At about 18, when the sun hits the most, and is shielded from the spinnaker, I sit in the cockpit while he timoneggia and begin to talk. Speeches often deep and personal. I like to listen, to hear him speak of his climbs in the mountains of Trentino, on Chinese medicine and shiatsu, on his travels in the desert where he went alone, to fast, it's really a special person. Walter intelligence combines practice, physical (it is able to fix things, "feel" the wind, knows how to move in nature) with a wisdom that comes from real life: sometimes we talk too much philosophy, and its point of view is always interesting. Soprano I find this not only depth of perspective, but also expressive capacity, in a boy this has almost no study, it was stopped at the third media.

With Georgie chat instead more light in the second Part of my shift, from 22 to midnight. She goes up into the cockpit and asks me if I feel like some tea, and I always answer yes. She prepares them, after which they sit and chat while I timoneggio. He tells me of his life twenty-four English, as he left a pretty normal life in London and moved on Nimrod, the things she likes and does not like. I tell her of my travels and my esperienze. É una bella condivisione, e mai noiosa, anche se ormai sono 18 sere che chiacchieriamo. 

Peccato che invece gli altri sono piuttosto chiusi, o forse hanno poco da raccontare. Comunque, va bene cosi. 

Honeywell Air Purifier Rattle

21/12 - 13 days - 14'46'N, 38'39'W-780 miles WSW of Cape Verde

Today is 21 and we are in the Christmas week. It makes me think about my friends and family, certainly very busy and ready to buy the last Christmas break. As far as I'm away, here in the middle of the ocean, with 34 degrees of heat!

It passed another day and we made very little progress toward Grenada. The little wind and wind direction make us continue south, where we hope to reinforce the trade winds are. We are down to 14 degrees latitude, there are still 1360 miles to get to Grenada, 2500 km. At best a week in the worst two. For the moment all is well, the crew is recovering from a little frustration and move forward. Yesterday afternoon I took some anxiety along with helplessness, as it is for me to decide what you do but Jof. Walter and I agree that we may present difficult times in the coming days, especially when they begin to finish some food and cigarettes - this could escalate the mood and create tensions. In addition I notice that some people download their own nervousness eating more when in fact you should save. I feel comfortable with pasta and rice so we'll be fine and maybe even better now that we eat junk food. But I wonder how the Jof that does not take a meal without meat, or leggy. So the result is a double challenge: to remain calm and keep at bay the anxieties, and also try to project outward calm and soothe the tensions, as there are. Should be tuned to identify and manage the signs of nervousness.

This morning I saw two birds, perhaps seagulls flying around the boat. I am very surprised to see uccelli cosi lontano da terra: staranno migrando? Solo in due? Saranno una coppia in luna di miele? Chissà. Sono rimasto come ipnotizzato, a vederli volteggiare sopra di noi, nel cielo perfettamente sereno e azzurrissimo. Noi come loro siamo in fondo nelle mani della natura, per navigare a vela alla fine é necessaria una grande fiducia nella provvidenza. Si può avere la migliore barca, fare ampi rifornimenti ma alla fine... se Eolo non ti viene incontro, rimani fermo nel mezzo dell'Atlantico. Per cui, speriamo che il buon Eolo si decida a darci una bella spinta verso ovest!

Perrier Water For Upset Tummy

let the spinnaker still

22/12 - gg14 - 13'47'N, 40'32'W-1200 miles from Grenada

Finally we have begun to point strongly to the west and we are slowly gaining ground, though much slowly. Under the initial plan should be almost in sight of Grenada, but we are on the high seas. But now we are closer to the Americas in Cape Verde. The light winds are forecast for the next day, and then continue to sail at about 6 knots. We are very far away from it all, the nearest land and French Guyana to over 800 miles, we are in a no man's land where everyone depends on its strength. And by the forces of nature. To keep peace with themselves should avoid thinking about the arrival, making unnecessary the countdown, the sea and live moment by moment, with a time horizon of the day, not more. It's like the journey of Santiago: 770km a piedi sembrano tanti ma poi poco alla volta, le goccie fanno l'oceano. La barca é lenta, e da ieri ancora di più, perché si é strappata la  nostra ipertecnologica randa in fibra di carbonio e kevlar all'altezza della 2a stecca, e questo ci ha costretti a ridurla a due mani di terzaroli. Per fortuna abbiamo il nostro grande spinnaker che ci spinge, e dovremmo essere con vento in poppa fino all'arrivo. Sarà lenta, dicevo, ma si muove 24 ore su 24, e anche se il paesaggio non cambia, ogni momento ci avviciniamo di più. Invece di contare la distanza meglio invece focalizzare l'attenzione sulle piccole meraviglie dell'oceano. Ieri notte per esempio si é manifestata la fosforescenza, un fenomeno che dipende dal plancton Glow in the sea and the boat is leaving a trail of greenish. But above the clouds are fascinating, with their shapes and colors that change throughout the day.

last night for the first time we decided to leave the spinnaker up, and I timoneggiato with the spinnaker without being able to see (I "flew the kite," as the English say). A maneuver that requires expertise, since it is a sailing capricious, it does not take much to roll up the forestay and tear. I came to meet the moon, which illuminated from behind the wing, allowing me to see what he did. And it was a good night's wind and progress. I found a book that speaks to board of trade winds. Created by a high pressure which should be north of our position, and that is that the high pressure of the horse, because it is a windless area where the ships that carried troops and horses remained blocked in America, and threw the horses sea \u200b\u200bto save resources. Instead, perhaps because of climate change or global warming, this high pressure tends to go further south, killing the winds of this latitude. We'll see what happens in the coming days ....

Jof Yesterday he asked his father by phone to send an email to parents and loved ones of the other crew members to communicate the delay. I must say I was surprised by the lack of concern of their parents and loved ones. So far the only one to have received telephone calls, they have not even informed of their satellite number and it seems that it is fine ...

Pakistani Chicken Salan

meet colleagues

23/12 - gg15- 13'50'N, 43'25'W, 1050 miglia da Grenada

Oggi il vento é più forte e viene dalla direzione giusta, e pertanto stiamo navigando veloci verso la destinazione, sempre con lo spi. Giornata uguale alle altre, mare poco mosso e tanto sole e caldo. Ieri abbiamo avvistato all'orizzonte un'altra barca a vela. Subito ci siamo messi con il binocolo e il sestante a stimarne posizione e distanza. Eravamo curiosi di sapere chi erano, dove andavano. Non avevano lo spi, solo fiocco e randa. Sembrava una barca piccola... si muoveva ancora più piano di noi. A sole 8 miglia di distanza, entrambi circondati da migliaia di miglia di mare in tutte le direzioni.... purtroppo eravamo troppo veloci e non si sono mai avvicinati. Ma é stato bello sapere che non eravamo soli, che anche altri erano li nei dintorni. 

Entro domani entreremo nel fuso orario di Grenada, GMT-4. Ora il mio turno della mattina comincia con il buio totale, e ho la possibilità di godermi l'alba che é bellissima. Dapprima compaiono nubi all'orizzonte, di solito si alza un vento un pò più forte. Poi gli orli cominciano to turn pink, the sky cleared and the stars fade. And the sun finally appears, enormous at these latitudes, which rolls out a purple carpet on the water. The air immediately begins to heat up, as I sip my Nesquik at the helm .....

Although we take a shower only once every 3-4 days and despite the heat and sweat, I am surprised to note that does not stink, and that even the hair is not too dirty. I realize that the air is so clear and clean, dust-free place so that there is dirty. But at the same time makes me think of the sailors of the past, before the misalignment (ours is able to produce 3 liters of water per minute, even if the taste is not much). No showers, no clean cloths. But so much rum ....

Jof Leggy and are very eager to get there. Are already planning the drunken who want to take on arrival. It makes me smile a bit since we are still in the midst of the sea ....

Darjeeling Temperature 2009

Archie about to stop, said Eddie

20/12 - 12 days - 16'31'N, 37'58'W-700 miles west of Cape Verde

Today I finally got up a little bit of wind, not much but enough to go sailing , because the diesel engine is no more. From now on everything will be sailing to Grenada, willy-nilly. So this morning we have the huge spinnaker of 525 m2, allowing us to sail at about 7 knots with only 10 knots of wind. But the spinnaker sail is a capricious, which must be monitored closely, and so today will touch on autopilot and let it rest timoneggiare. For me not so bad because my shifts are at dawn and dusk when it's cool. In fact in the middle of the day the heat is unbearable. We're all under a blanket in the shade, Jof only takes the helm in the sun and really do not know how it goes.

The mood, however, is not the best, but for Walter and me that we are on the whole peaceful. In particular, Leggy and depressed, he wanted to arrive before Christmas also because it coincides with his birthday. It's all morning, with typical English humor, joke that to get lost in the ocean, the mayday call for us to draw from a ship, or otherwise. Behind these bars, however, lurks an uncomfortable reality.

I personally do not like how the boat is handled. I it seems that we should begin to take an inventory of resources (food, water, energy) and measure consumption with much more attention, instead it continues to waste and overeating. Junk food is almost done now ... I fear that the last days this will force us to have to tighten their belts, seriously - fortunately there are large quantities of pasta and rice on board, so there will still be something to eat and may even be healthier than before. We hope that the next day the wind strengthened so as to recover lost time and arrive shortly after Christmas.

Archie last night, and that 'a lord, he showed me pictures of his home: he lives in a promontory very beautiful on the west coast of Scotland. Almost uninhabited area, they even have a beach staff. He then started to go sailing very small, as well as hiking and hunting, the real activity in the area. It seems that hunters from all over Europe go there because it is one of the few places where you can shoot the deer, paying up to £ 1000 per day for the privilege of doing so. It starts early in the morning, with binoculars in search of the pack. Choosing an old copy (it seems that the deer after a certain age lose their teeth and die of hunger) and you approach downwind. This approach may take up to 6 hours ... then shoot one shot in the chest, neck or leg, to ensure al cervo una morte immediata o l'impossibilità di fuga. Poi alcune ore per riportarlo alla base. Si può portare via tutta la carne che si vuole, il resto si lascia al guardiacaccia che la rivende ai macellai. Un bel business, non c'é dubbio....

What To Write On Wedding Card Envelope

still calm a disturbance

18/12 - gg 10 - 20'27'N,32'16'W, 450 miglia a NW di Capo Verde

Ieri abbiamo attraversato una perturbazione davvero brutta, con raffiche di vento fino a 45 nodi. La perturbazione é durata tutta la notte di ieri e buona parte della giornata, e nessuno ha chiuso occhio per il rumore della prua che sbatteva sulle onde. Inoltre, abbiamo fatto pochissimo progresso verso la destinazione perché il vento ci veniva da Sud Ovest, proprio dove dovevamo andare noi. Io ho dormito malissimo perché tutti gli oblò erano sigillati e c'era un'aria pessima in barca, e poi durante la giornata mi sono sentito rather exhausted. All were in fact down, because we have so far been very unlucky with the weather, wind or no wind or not, and besides we met three disturbances, the last of which a very low latitude, where there would never be payable. Now we should be in the trade winds, but there is calm and we're going to motor last night. By now we should definitely get there after Christmas. In these cases, the most important thing is not to get caught by anxiety ... it seems that the crew is all rather a bit down in the dumps. The situation is what it is, and you have to live there. Hopefully in twenty best in the coming days! Right now missing 1750 miles on arrival, scheduled for 27 if everything goes smoothly.

If anything, we should perhaps begin to control what we eat and consume oil as a precaution. That is to say, however, that if there is no wind we are still adrift.

We'll see what happens in the coming days. Meanwhile there is sunny and very warm. I stand in the shade because I know the strength of the tropical sun, but Legy it is placed in the sunlight (without cream) and is almost instantly and got burned Sunshine.

We took advantage of calm in order to clean the boat from top to bottom, Walter's birthday (which was yesterday) with cake and hats party, and change the staple, which has been torn in the low pressure. It was expected, since it is very old, and in fact we set up a bow again. We have also prepared the spinnaker, as we expect winds from astern (sooner or later). The operation is cumbersome: it is the spiritual that the flakes are huge and heavy, it took four people to get them out of the huge drag on the stern and bow. Meanwhile, there is a school of dolphins came to visit - so many that now we see almost no more effect than before. But now we are beginning to see the fish which in English are called flying fish, because glide over the waves. They are truly spectacular, with their lateral fins that seem wings! Now it is Everything is ready, lacking only the wind ...

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19/12-gg11- 18'18'N, 35'41'W - 600 miglia a ovest di Capo Verde

Anche oggi giornata piatta, il mare é un olio turchese appena increspato da 2 nodi di brezza e dai flying fish che planano sulla sua superficie. Stiamo tutti in attesa del vento, guardando l'indicatore del gasolio che piano piano scende e che potrebbe portarci a having to stay adrift if the case continues to go well. Jof is nervous, has today reinforced the spinnaker and the boat continues to move about like a caged lion, looking through the guidance of the Caribbean islands. The others are bored, they continue to browse the same magazines and trying to kill time anyway. Meanwhile, because of the time I wake up hours before dawn, and I enjoy this show on the deck while everyone is asleep and Archie leafs through a magazine full of tits. For some days I do some yoga at dawn, I need to keep the body loose as the rest are still. It's a beautiful moment of the day, breathing in tune with the large ocean waves that, like the dunes of the desert, approaching and we raise, allowing a view of the horizon and then decreased on the other side.

Yesterday I dared to cook for the crew, Thai green curry with chickpeas. It was quite pleasant, except the captain, who has added some pieces of sausage for a bit of meat ....

Today during my watch we have found a flying fish on deck must be blown up during the night and is no longer able to fall into the water. Or maybe a fish is suicidal, tired of so much blue, wanted to discover to his cost what lies beyond the curtain which filters the sunlight. Walter has scaled and marinated, and it was a great appetizer per il pranzo. Oggi, inoltre, sotto la supervisione di Walter ho fatto per la prima volta tutti i calcoli necessari per rilevare la nostra posizione col sestante in base al sole. É davvero complicato e lungo, ma alla fine é venuta una posizione abbastanza accurata. Nei prossimi giorni cerco di esercitarmi. Per il resto leggo, medito, gioco a carte e chiacchiero. Comunque, in realtà non si é creato un vero gruppo. Io parlo soprattutto con Walter e Georgie, con gli altri sono chiacchiere a un livello davvero molto superficiale. Ognuno sta molto per fatti suoi, con l'ipod nelle orecchie, riviste, a guardare DVD su un laptop o altro. Peccato, ma va bene anche così. 

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14/12- 6 days - 26'20'N, 23'26'W, 300 miles SW of Canary

today are really in form perhaps because I slept just fine with a little trick that I explained that Georgie and I have perfected. This is to lift the mattress and put it to the side so as to compensate for the tilt of the boat and sleep more horizontal. I put my side of the cushion to prevent the mattress falls into place and I must say it works great wing!

Last night there was an incredible shattered and many shooting stars, I'll have seen at least thirty without paying much attention ... and besides were very large, and sometimes walked a large part of the sky. It seems to be due to the fact that the earth has gone through a meteor shower. Today, most of the day there was little wind and the English are immediately put in costume to enjoy the sun. For now I'll stop here, the boat is inclined at 45 'and otherwise I get a stiff neck.

PS design and 'being done by the seven crew members, each piece ...

Make Your Fingerboard Skatepark

Navigation & Tricks karma

15/12 - 7 days - 24'30'N, 24'55'W, 450 miles north of Cape Verde

Yesterday we went through a second low pressure. The boat will teach you the relentlessness of life. Once you have set the course, based on the information you have, of your intentions, the die is cast, the mechanism of cause and effect is in motion, and there is nothing more to do. Conditions change suddenly, the barometer falls and you see the horizon a gray stripe. At that point you already know that the next 12 hours will be difficult, but now you can not do anything to avoid it, what is your karma. You can fight against the event inside you think you'd be somewhere else, think about when it will end .... it is just useless, there are bays, harbors, nothing. Better to just relax, accept that what will be. In this mental state of acceptance, even the wind and the waves become more mounting. And you already know that anyway, just as surely as it arrives, it will pass, and the sun will shine again.

Today we are in a day of calm, confused sea. The Atlantic is different from the Mediterranean: slow to get angry and calm down first, nervous and jerky the second. Long waves and very high on the first, small and irzute the second. We already know that we were still in a disturbance before finally reaching the coveted trade winds, the 'highway' of the sail, which hopefully will lead us quickly and conveniently to the east. We should get basically the next day, after crossing the Tropic, which now is near .....

Today Georgie fell and became un taglio sulla fronte. Ci siamo tutti un pò preoccupati, e Jof é stato molto bravo a prendere in mano la situazione. Per la prima volta l'ho visto molto amorevole nei confronti della fidanzata, che ha coccolato per calmarla, e poi le ha medicato la ferita.  sotto la scorza del "duro marinaio", mi ha fatto piacere vedere la sua umanità. Anche lei é stata bravissima a mantenere la calma... Sto notando che sono molto più attento alle persone, alle loro caratteristiche interiori e al modo in cui si relazionano di come ero un tempo, quando molte cose non le notavo proprio. E qui, siamo una specie di piccolo acquario sociale, in cui si possono osservare tutti i comportamenti del mondo, sia in se che negli altri. Siamo all'8gg e ancora not conflict erupted. We hope to continue like that.

Anbesol While Pregnant

A holiday ... € 750,000 per week

16/12 - 8 days - 22'24'N - 27'37'W - 320 miles NW of Cape Verde

Even today, calm day with little wind bow, about 24 hours to go and the engine. It was an opportunity to make necessary repairs and to rest before the next disturbance, in which we are just entering. This should be the last, thank God should be the last. Today we crossed the Tropic of Cancer, and it is noticeably warmer, now we're all in shorts and a T-shirt.

I found a catalog of boat superyacht charter, all from 30 feet up. List price up to € 750,000 a week, and 1.5 crew members for every guest. I was disgusted with the idea that there are people able to spend this money to go even in the midst of poverty in the Caribbean, sipping a cocktail on the deck. A slap to poverty - perhaps at the end I'm on the side of Somali pirates, who try as they can to take their slice of unbridled luxury, of wealth of the world's shameful Supernaut.

Even our boat at the bottom in his small (and to me it looked great) has a neutral impact on the environment. We will probably have burned 2500 gallons of diesel fuel on arrival, 3500/4000 amounted to €, 7 crew simply because we were going to Grenada by air, not to mention the food, parts for repairs, etc.. Luckily the sail should be the most environmentally friendly means of transport!