Friday, December 31, 2010

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I Presepi e la Befana Seborghina


Seborga e i Presepi
dal 18 Dicembre 2010 al 9 Gennaio 2011.
Durante tutte le feste natalizie Seborga propone Presepi designed and created
by the passion and spontaneous ability of its people.
on classical patterns or strains olive
enhance the beauty of the nativity.
On the main square the crib made by the Great Proseborga.
Continue until you reach the church custodian of the traditional Nativity, yes, but by his own creator "craftsman with a passion" Giuliano Fogliarino (skilled artist as well as curator of musical instruments of Seborga).
How frame shepherds, flocks, huts strains olive Seborga.
The strain is stripped of its bark, washed, dried and then placed the symbols of Christmas and, after a long night, here achieved a good level of artistic craftsmanship.

La Befana Seborga

January 5, 2011
20:30 From around the fire, and bruschetta with grilled
expects' s arrival of the traditional Epiphany Seborga
that will bring candy or coal
all i bambini presenti.
Si prega di prenotare. Accesso ai disabili.
RIFERIMENTI E CONTATTI Venerdì, Sabato e Domenica dalle 10:00 alle 13:00 0184 223859

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Is A Normal Period Like

Messaggio di Auguri da S.A.S. Marcello I e dal Consiglio della Corona

Alla Redazione
a tutti i Lettori
Gazzetta di Seborga

Un Augurio di
Buon Anno Nuovo


S.A.S. Marcello I
Il Consiglio della Corona

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Seborga citata nell'ultimo saggio diplomatico del Conte Prof. Santo Mancuso

Il Prof. Dr. Santo Mancuso, saggista, Criminology, sociology, intelligence experts applied to diplomacy, from time supporter of the Principality of Seborga Console and candidate for the Calabria Region, has just published his latest essay titled "Sociology and Diplomacy two sides of same coin, namely, examination of the study storicodei sociological behavior, and of 'diplomatic activities of Intelligence-microns, "in which an entire chapter is devoted to Seborga. The essay will be available starting in January 2011.

Prof. Mancuso has spent twenty years and completed a scientific investigation in the ranks of the Italian State Police, and is now a popular college lecturer, joined the ICAA (International Crime Analysis Association) was admitted as a member of the prestigious academic Sancta Fides Milan, which already includes several representatives of foreign states and international academies.
Chaired by year the Cultural Association for the protection of the orders of chivalry "MAGISTERUM Philosophorum", a prestigious congregation in San Vito Martire, ancient breed of family order, denounced the Catholic Church.

then presents his latest editorial published by ARDUINO BAG-ROMA, and diplomacy and intelligence is applied to it, with a foreword by Father Anatoly (an eminent Italian representative of the Orthodox Church, have received in palazzo da S.A.S. Marcello I quest'anno 2010) ed una presentazione dell'Avvocato comm. Michele Di Gianni, Segretario Generale dell'UCOI (Unione dei Consoli Onorari in Italia), associazione riconosciuta dal Ministero Affari Esteri Italiano, la Farnesina.

Questo saggio verrà menzionato nell'Annuario Diplomatico e Consolare Italiano 2011, tra le ”Pubblicazioni, riviste e periodici d’interesse diplomatico-consolare”, come indicato dallo stesso Avv. Di Gianni.
Se le Autorità seborghine lo riterranno opportuno, il capitolo del saggio su Seborga verrà aumentato nella prossima edizione del saggio”.

Best Budget Av Speakers

I Solisti di Seborga al Don Orione di Sanremo

The soloists of the Chamber Orchestra of the Principality of Seborga animate SS Mass 1 January 2011 to 10 at the Don Orione in Via Galilei in Sanremo. For information, visit: h ttp: / /

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ancient Art Of Labia Stretching

Many wishes for a prosperous and peaceful 2011
to all readers of the Journal.
Staff Writer

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friendengagementcongratulation Message

I hate Marco Chiurato

Thursday, December 16, 2010

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White Flag

ANDREA Paglianti Author quintet-to-MINA MORGAN and Special Guest: Mauro Negri

+ con la mostra “Bandiera Bianca”Chiurato s’arrende alla bellezza delle parole e note del concerto di Paglianti lasciando che la magia dello spettacolo venga assorbita dalle tele

DOlci e cristalline
alle orecchie di chi ascolta,
REstano armoniose note sospese a mezz’aria,
vibrazioni cadenzate che si intrecciano a formare sublimi e gradite melodie.
MIscela di suoni e parole,
connubio inscindibile FA rigare di lacrime sciolte the pale faces and hidden.
alone and abandoned, the white canvas looks shyly, tabula rasa eagerly longing to gaiety and vivacity. being absorbed by the immaculate whiteness,
notes explode into splinters imperceptible are revealed and hidden, subtle and imaginative designs created
and canvas, aroused from sleep, finally teems with new life.
Francesca Scomparin

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Long Should A Weave Stay In Your Hair ?

Visita guidata a Seborga per il primo anniversario della Bandiera Arancione

On the occasion of 1 anniversario di assegnazione della Bandiera Arancione, il Comune di Seborga, in collaborazione con la Proseborga, organizza per sabato 18 dicembre una visita guidata gratuita.

L’incontro è presso l’Oratorio di San Bernardo. Si proseguira` poi per il centro storico con possibilità di ammirare i caratteristici presepi su ceppo di ulivo realizzati e personalizzati dalla maestria di un 'artigiano per passione' seborghino. Visita delle antiche prigioni, della parte esterna del Palazzo dei Monaci di Lerins e della Zecca, della parrocchiale, dove è già stato realizzato il Presepe tradizionale. Si raggiungera` poi l’eposizione di strumenti musicali antichi e a fine visita le signore presenti riceveranno un omaggio floreale.

Meet at 15.00 at the Oratorio di San Bernardo. Tour time: 2 hours. For more information:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00 (0184 223 859), or

Friday, December 10, 2010

Newborn With Flem In Throat

Un Natale di solidarieta`

A special Christmas
the Principality of Seborga, where next Saturday at 11 am, in the presence of regional RAI, many associations and many children, within the province will meet in the main square to wait HSH Marcello and I with the carriage next to he Santa Claus of Seborga.

"A Santa Claus back to the true origins of the holiday - explain the association Seborga in the World - in which St. Nicholas brought gifts to the families and poor children of the past.
For several years, in fact, Seborga in the World Onlus and the Principality of Seborga, organize n particular event, in which Father Christmas to receive gifts from the children of the Province of Imperia and associations, just to take them to small countries in the world with social difficulties, giving smiles with games, teaching material and new clothes.

This year the goal is the small village of Leordaia, a village in the woods of Moldova, without of paved roads, no toilets and drinking water in homes.
The school, in dilapidated state, is no longer accessible, and village children are accompanied with a van in the town about twenty kilometers away in a dirt path through the woods, often impassable because of snow or mud.
The village houses are made largely of mud and straw, the asbestos roofs. Children do not have a football field, not a park, but only a small square of land to play, while winter often reach minus 20 degrees.
Some houses have no windows but plastic bags on the windows.
of Seborga Santa Claus, accompanied by Fairy snow as usual Moldova), will bring tons of packages prepared carefully by all groups participating in the event, to deliver to children from house to house, the day of Orthodox Christmas, January 6, 2011.

associations and citizens of Seborga and neighboring countries, will gather in the square on the 11th December at 11 am, and everyone is busy in making the gifts for 84 children, aged 0 to 17 years.

The Principality of Seborga, the Committee of the Parish of Camporosso, Seborga in the World non-profit organization, The Committee of Parents Vallecrosia, Bordighera Civil Defence, Civil Protection of Taggia, the Civil Protection of Vallecrosia Itinerando Cultural Association, the Association of Ordinary People Taggia, the store Carrefour Vallecrosia, as well as single people you know on facebook, Helga Borgo San Dalmazzo, Clare of San Vigilio and Antonio Opera with its excellent cakes confectionery association Agharti Ligure, all volunteers with their spontaneity we are dedicated to bringing this initiative to make us reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, to help children who suffer because adults often as every child should have the same rights not only live in a world of joy for the few.

The appointment for all children wishing to attend the departure of Santa Claus è per Sabato 11 alle ore 11 in piazza Libertà a Seborga momento in cui il babbo Natale di Seborga affiderà la sua carrozza con i cavalli al Babbo Natale per il suo lungo viaggio".