Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cutting The Silver Cordastroprojection

we're almost there!

28/12 - gg20 - 12'37'N, 58'33'W, 190 miglia da Grenada

Oggi é l'ultimo giorno, domani arriveremo a Grenada. Siamo tutti contenti e ansiosi di avvistare finalmente terra. All'arrivo avremo percorso 4500 miglia nautiche da Palma de Mallorca, pari a 8300 km. Mi sembra incredibile aver percorso questa distanza alla velocità di non più di 20 km orari... gli inglesi dicono che la vela é l'arte di non andare da nessuna parte, molto lentamente e ad alto costo, ma invece noi stiamo arrivando...

Ormai c'é un certo lassismo a bordo, ascoltiamo musica, vediamo dvd, si mangia a volontà, si cerca qualsiasi svago per ammazzare le last hours. Last night a black bird has settled on the boat and stayed until dawn. Maybe he was exhausted from the long journey? Walter has put a little water at the stern and rice, to feed them. As they say, at sea there is an obligation to rescue fellow sailors, regardless of origin, race, species, etc..

It is said that at the end of a path is time to take stock. So, here are 10 reasons to prefer the plane to go sailing across the Atlantic:

1) is free, usually

2) if it makes you vomit, you should not do it in a bag paper

3) if you're only six hours behind schedule in six happy

4) if you smoke in the bathroom does not sound the alarm

5) no one has ever crashed into a sailboat on the skyscrapers, or hijacked a sailboat

6) there is no line at check in to board

7) If you want a bed to sleep even if you're not in business class

8) glad if the pilot is you drive a little

9) if your neighbor stink, you just sit over

10) hostesses are usually in a bathing suit

That said, tomorrow I will try to publish all these posts for posterity.


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