Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Factory Worker In Korea

all the works / installations in this blog are published by Marco Chiurato

Marco Chiurato ILLY testimonials, photos of Mauritius Gallimberti
Chiurato Marco was born in Marostica September 13, 1973, where he lives and works
He started his artistic expression ranging from 2004 through
between sculpture and video art.
Design Showcase for Diesel Industry, Christmas 2004
"Give a Hand", a project supported by the Foundation for research on cystic fibrosis-Onlus, Marostica (VI), 2005
"Together for Southeast Asia", a day for solidarity, Marostica (VI), 2005
Installation "naughty children" Humorists in Marostica (VI), April 2005 Publication
calendar "Carved Passions", Patent Offices Caron, 2006
Performance photographs, catalog lighting brand Lucepura ", 2006
Group exhibition" Arte Bassano ", Small gallery 'contemporary art, Bassano del Grappa (VI), April 2006
Performance Fuoribiennale calendar, 2007-2008 by JoeVelluto
Performance per progetto editoriale “Salefino” di JoeVelluto, Abitare Segesta Edizioni, 2005
Creazione video per manifestazione fieristica “La mia casa, progetto “La casa dei giovani” di JoeVelluto, Milano, Ottobre 2006
Performance per sfilata Diesel, Venezia 2006
Progettazione ed esecuzione di “Colpo di Fulmine”barra al cioccolato per il primo bacio, 2006
Creazione video “Marcooo Chiuratooo”, presentazione sfilata DIESEL, Venezia 2007
Personale “Passioni Scolpite” - Linea79, Castello Inferiore di Marostica (VI), 2005
Staff "Sexhibitionism," Marostica (VI), October 2007
Create Video "MAST", a company Novabell, Milan Design Week 2008
Performance "25 cent", 2008
Temporary installation "Sweet Tower "- Luxury & Yachts, Vicenza 2008
Temporary installation" Sweet Tower "- Nauticshow, Jesolo Lido 2008
Performance Video" Envy "- Sugo in Bassano del Grappa (VI), September 2008
Performance Video" Envy " with Cleto Munari, September 2008
Performance Video "Envy" - con Luigi Pellanda, Settembre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Wainer Vaccari, Ottobre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Alessandro Mendini, Settembre 2008
Pubblicità televisiva contro il doping con Silvio Martinello, Sky 2008
Creazione video “Guru”, sfilata Diesel, Puglia 2008
Testimonial campagna pubblicitaria Illy Caffè 2008, “Artisti del gusto”
Mostra con Cleto Munari e Alessandro Mendini al “The Prague Contemporary Art Festival”2008
Installazione Video “Invidia Wainer Vaccari” - Fondazione per l’Arte Vignato 2008, Vicenza
Creazione Video per Mostra “UseLess is More” di JoeVelluto, a cura di Beppe Finessi, Galleria Allegretti Contemporanea, Novembre 2008, Torino
Immortalato dal fotografo Maurizio Gallimberti, Giugno 2008
Installazione video”possessioni”fiera di Vicenza, febbraio2009
Performance video “Invidia” con Alessandro Munari, Reflex showroom, Aprile2009
Performance”bambini diversi”salone del mobile Milano-spazio satellite, Aprile 2009
Collettiva”design crisis”con sus domesticus-fuori salone, Milano, Aprile 2009
Performance per KIm Jules NY city 2009
Performance "loneliness destroyed" Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Canestrari-Rolex-Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Cuggenheim-Abuse at NY-MOMA 2009
"Terenove "Brentwood (VI), September 2009
Art? light performance" Tangshan, "Longa of Shiavon, September 2009
NEXT Mill Ferrarin Thiene, October 30, 2009
Performance" Ad Epigraph Milan Knizak "art-festival contemporary-Prague 2009
Show "Dark of the blind"-free gallery Vicenza, December 2010-escape routes
Installation "Today has gone off peacefully ..." Vicenza, February 2010
installation "33"-free gallery of the Palazzo Valmarana Braga Palladio, Vicenza, April 2010
Performance Video "Envy" with Paolo Rossi, everywhere, World Cup 2010
ban hunting in August 2010
Illusions, ChiuratoArtGallery, October 2010
I hate Marco Chiurato
"I came to take him", wherever 2011
Casanova, Desgin Triennale Museum in Milan, from January 29 to February 27, 2011
pie without party "AS2009-2011
be "Palladio", Vicenza beautiful souvenirs and memorabilia 2011
click here:
He started his artistic expression ranging from 2004 through
between sculpture and video art.
Design Showcase for Diesel Industry, Christmas 2004
"Give a Hand", a project supported by the Foundation for research on cystic fibrosis-Onlus, Marostica (VI), 2005
"Together for Southeast Asia", a day for solidarity, Marostica (VI), 2005
Installation "naughty children" Humorists in Marostica (VI), April 2005 Publication
calendar "Carved Passions", Patent Offices Caron, 2006
Performance photographs, catalog lighting brand Lucepura ", 2006
Group exhibition" Arte Bassano ", Small gallery 'contemporary art, Bassano del Grappa (VI), April 2006
Performance Fuoribiennale calendar, 2007-2008 by JoeVelluto
Performance per progetto editoriale “Salefino” di JoeVelluto, Abitare Segesta Edizioni, 2005
Creazione video per manifestazione fieristica “La mia casa, progetto “La casa dei giovani” di JoeVelluto, Milano, Ottobre 2006
Performance per sfilata Diesel, Venezia 2006
Progettazione ed esecuzione di “Colpo di Fulmine”barra al cioccolato per il primo bacio, 2006
Creazione video “Marcooo Chiuratooo”, presentazione sfilata DIESEL, Venezia 2007
Personale “Passioni Scolpite” - Linea79, Castello Inferiore di Marostica (VI), 2005
Staff "Sexhibitionism," Marostica (VI), October 2007
Create Video "MAST", a company Novabell, Milan Design Week 2008
Performance "25 cent", 2008
Temporary installation "Sweet Tower "- Luxury & Yachts, Vicenza 2008
Temporary installation" Sweet Tower "- Nauticshow, Jesolo Lido 2008
Performance Video" Envy "- Sugo in Bassano del Grappa (VI), September 2008
Performance Video" Envy " with Cleto Munari, September 2008
Performance Video "Envy" - con Luigi Pellanda, Settembre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Wainer Vaccari, Ottobre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Alessandro Mendini, Settembre 2008
Pubblicità televisiva contro il doping con Silvio Martinello, Sky 2008
Creazione video “Guru”, sfilata Diesel, Puglia 2008
Testimonial campagna pubblicitaria Illy Caffè 2008, “Artisti del gusto”
Mostra con Cleto Munari e Alessandro Mendini al “The Prague Contemporary Art Festival”2008
Installazione Video “Invidia Wainer Vaccari” - Fondazione per l’Arte Vignato 2008, Vicenza
Creazione Video per Mostra “UseLess is More” di JoeVelluto, a cura di Beppe Finessi, Galleria Allegretti Contemporanea, Novembre 2008, Torino
Immortalato dal fotografo Maurizio Gallimberti, Giugno 2008
Installazione video”possessioni”fiera di Vicenza, febbraio2009
Performance video “Invidia” con Alessandro Munari, Reflex showroom, Aprile2009
Performance”bambini diversi”salone del mobile Milano-spazio satellite, Aprile 2009
Collettiva”design crisis”con sus domesticus-fuori salone, Milano, Aprile 2009
Performance per KIm Jules NY city 2009
Performance "loneliness destroyed" Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Canestrari-Rolex-Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Cuggenheim-Abuse at NY-MOMA 2009
"Terenove "Brentwood (VI), September 2009
Art? light performance" Tangshan, "Longa of Shiavon, September 2009
NEXT Mill Ferrarin Thiene, October 30, 2009
Performance" Ad Epigraph Milan Knizak "art-festival contemporary-Prague 2009
Show "Dark of the blind"-free gallery Vicenza, December 2010-escape routes
Installation "Today has gone off peacefully ..." Vicenza, February 2010
installation "33"-free gallery of the Palazzo Valmarana Braga Palladio, Vicenza, April 2010
Performance Video "Envy" with Paolo Rossi, everywhere, World Cup 2010
ban hunting in August 2010
Illusions, ChiuratoArtGallery, October 2010
I hate Marco Chiurato
"I came to take him", wherever 2011
Casanova, Desgin Triennale Museum in Milan, from January 29 to February 27, 2011
pie without party "AS2009-2011
be "Palladio", Vicenza beautiful souvenirs and memorabilia 2011
click here:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Driver Detection Of Web Camera
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Watching 3d Dvd On Projector
The first six articles of the new Constitution epochal Italy
Article 1
Italy is a democratic republic, founded on the bunga bunga. The
bunga bunga belongs to the people, which is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.
Article 2 The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man and woman practicing bunga bunga, both as individuals and in pair [also gay or lesbian] in the social groups where human personalities, and requires the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social during operation of the bunga bunga.
Article 3 All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the bunga bunga, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social order, which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens in the practice of bunga bunga, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social users of bunga bunga.
Article 4 The Republic recognizes the right of all citizens bunga bunga and promote conditions which will make this right.
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, an activity or function of bunga bunga [ditto] that contributes to the material or spiritual fulfillment company bunghista.
Article 5
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies circles bunghisti and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization adjusting the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization bunghista.
Article 6 The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules that do not understand the concept of bunga bunga.
Article 7 The large
bunghista rested. He watched the first 6 items and exclaimed: "Gee, and all this ... I created the black and white ... Well, set up in art. 7, the rule for the rest categorical for all Italians. This Article should include the practice of bunga bunga in lively and universal sense, in special stages or concentration camps for bunghisti. Very good, now I am going to write it and then m'appisolerò deserved. "

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on the bunga bunga. The
bunga bunga belongs to the people, which is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.
Article 2 The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man and woman practicing bunga bunga, both as individuals and in pair [also gay or lesbian] in the social groups where human personalities, and requires the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social during operation of the bunga bunga.
Article 3 All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the bunga bunga, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social order, which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens in the practice of bunga bunga, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social users of bunga bunga.
Article 4 The Republic recognizes the right of all citizens bunga bunga and promote conditions which will make this right.
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, an activity or function of bunga bunga [ditto] that contributes to the material or spiritual fulfillment company bunghista.
Article 5
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies circles bunghisti and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization adjusting the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization bunghista.
Article 6 The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules that do not understand the concept of bunga bunga.
Article 7 The large
bunghista rested. He watched the first 6 items and exclaimed: "Gee, and all this ... I created the black and white ... Well, set up in art. 7, the rule for the rest categorical for all Italians. This Article should include the practice of bunga bunga in lively and universal sense, in special stages or concentration camps for bunghisti. Very good, now I am going to write it and then m'appisolerò deserved. "
Source: Ideateatro
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How Does Usb Mini Fridge Work
fat, old and lazy. And the growing use of cocaine
Italy is a country "still healthy" , but its population is "fat, old and lazy." fault of "bad behavior" . is what emerges from the eighth edition of the Report Osservasalute (2010), a thorough analysis of the health status of Italians and the quality of healthcare in the regions. The study is published by the National Health in the Italian regions, based at the Catholic University of Rome, and is coordinated by Walter Ricciardi, director of the Institute of Hygiene, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
According to the report, health-threatening, or otherwise compromise the quality "bad behavior (in terms of diet, physical inactivity and excess alcohol consumption among young people)" . These bad habits, moreover, seem become "normal" (and acceptable to them).
also for the Crimson Tide women's health. According to the report, it stops growing, their life expectancy: "Over the past five years has increased by just over three months (from 84 years in 2006 to 84.1 years In 2009, 84.3 in 2010), while for men has increased by seven months in the same period (from 78.4 years in 2006 to 78.9 years in 2009, 79.1 in 2010). Behaviors at risk among women but also men, are associated with the consumption of alcohol : "are in fact increased adult women (19-64 years) with alcohol consumption at risk (women consider themselves at risk in excess of consumption of 20 grams of alcohol per day, 1-2 units of alcohol), the prevalence increased from 1, 6% in 2006 to 4.9% in 2008. "
DRUG BOOM OF COCAINE - From 2005 to 2007, with regard to the consumption of cocaine , there is "An increase nationally and in almost all regions." According to the report Osservasalute (2010), the "only exceptions are the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio and showing a downward trend of users for that substance and the Marches which shows, however, stable values below the national average. "
In general, access to SerT for cocaine use increased from 2003 to 2007, year when more than 4 in 10,000 people are being treated, as confirmed by the European surveys that show a sustained increase in abuse of this substance, confirming the problem of the spread of cocaine in the population. The regions that show values \u200b\u200b "definitely above average are: California (which shows the highest values \u200b\u200bin the national context) and Campania, Lazio and the trend shows a decline from the previous data, with values \u200b\u200bthat remain high. Regions as Valle d'Aosta, Veneto, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria and Sardinia, while maintaining values \u200b\u200bbelow or slightly above the national average, have seen over the past two years considered (2005 - 2007), doubling access to treatment for cocaine dependence. "

According to the report, health-threatening, or otherwise compromise the quality "bad behavior (in terms of diet, physical inactivity and excess alcohol consumption among young people)" . These bad habits, moreover, seem become "normal" (and acceptable to them).
also for the Crimson Tide women's health. According to the report, it stops growing, their life expectancy: "Over the past five years has increased by just over three months (from 84 years in 2006 to 84.1 years In 2009, 84.3 in 2010), while for men has increased by seven months in the same period (from 78.4 years in 2006 to 78.9 years in 2009, 79.1 in 2010). Behaviors at risk among women but also men, are associated with the consumption of alcohol : "are in fact increased adult women (19-64 years) with alcohol consumption at risk (women consider themselves at risk in excess of consumption of 20 grams of alcohol per day, 1-2 units of alcohol), the prevalence increased from 1, 6% in 2006 to 4.9% in 2008. "
DRUG BOOM OF COCAINE - From 2005 to 2007, with regard to the consumption of cocaine , there is "An increase nationally and in almost all regions." According to the report Osservasalute (2010), the "only exceptions are the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio and showing a downward trend of users for that substance and the Marches which shows, however, stable values below the national average. "
In general, access to SerT for cocaine use increased from 2003 to 2007, year when more than 4 in 10,000 people are being treated, as confirmed by the European surveys that show a sustained increase in abuse of this substance, confirming the problem of the spread of cocaine in the population. The regions that show values \u200b\u200b "definitely above average are: California (which shows the highest values \u200b\u200bin the national context) and Campania, Lazio and the trend shows a decline from the previous data, with values \u200b\u200bthat remain high. Regions as Valle d'Aosta, Veneto, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria and Sardinia, while maintaining values \u200b\u200bbelow or slightly above the national average, have seen over the past two years considered (2005 - 2007), doubling access to treatment for cocaine dependence. "
Source: Agency Dire
Monday, March 7, 2011
Beginner's Tripod Dslr
a mimosa, and not just for women
Today March 8, International Women's Day . Many ignore the significance of this festival: March 8, 1909 saw the first International Women's Day given by the American Socialist Party. that day 129 women who worked in a textile factory, went on strike because of poor working conditions and grueling rounds. So the owner, a man decided to give focus to the factory inside the women who went on strike. An act that was inhuman condannnato, but celebrated with this festival. Not only do we think then that is the festival of mimosa and dinners out for women, but we think especially important to the meaning behind this holiday.
The celebrations of this day was prohibited under the fascism. We thank, therefore, the anti-fascist parties and organizations, many feminists between the wars if this day has some significance. It must be said that until the referendum of 1946 (the choice of form of state between Monarchy and Republic) women could not participate in the political life of the country, not having the right to vote. People discriminated against simply because of their gender. Only later was allowed to vote ( the meaning of Article 3 of the Constitution is too ).
addition Until a few decades ago women were still "inferior" to humans, and probably even today have yet to reach the equality that they deserve. women in general (the image above I have not chosen at random) deserve equal completely different. I think they should be free to choose what to do with your body at every opportunity. Should retire at the same age than men. Deserve to live in a country like Spain, where half of the government and parliament are in their hands. Even in Italy there should be more women in politics, but not as the Gelmini and Carfagna ...
Women deserve more respect, more consideration, perhaps even in work placements or jobs considered "male". Deserve much more.
A virtual mimosa for all women. Happy Birthday!

Today March 8, International Women's Day . Many ignore the significance of this festival: March 8, 1909 saw the first International Women's Day given by the American Socialist Party. that day 129 women who worked in a textile factory, went on strike because of poor working conditions and grueling rounds. So the owner, a man decided to give focus to the factory inside the women who went on strike. An act that was inhuman condannnato, but celebrated with this festival. Not only do we think then that is the festival of mimosa and dinners out for women, but we think especially important to the meaning behind this holiday.
The celebrations of this day was prohibited under the fascism. We thank, therefore, the anti-fascist parties and organizations, many feminists between the wars if this day has some significance. It must be said that until the referendum of 1946 (the choice of form of state between Monarchy and Republic) women could not participate in the political life of the country, not having the right to vote. People discriminated against simply because of their gender. Only later was allowed to vote ( the meaning of Article 3 of the Constitution is too ).
addition Until a few decades ago women were still "inferior" to humans, and probably even today have yet to reach the equality that they deserve. women in general (the image above I have not chosen at random) deserve equal completely different. I think they should be free to choose what to do with your body at every opportunity. Should retire at the same age than men. Deserve to live in a country like Spain, where half of the government and parliament are in their hands. Even in Italy there should be more women in politics, but not as the Gelmini and Carfagna ...
Women deserve more respect, more consideration, perhaps even in work placements or jobs considered "male". Deserve much more.
A virtual mimosa for all women. Happy Birthday!
Bushnell Rangefinder 1200 Evaluation
The Orchestra of the Principality at Victory Morgana Bay in San Remo
Per gli amanti della musica classica, giovedì 17 Marzo alle 19 presso il Victory Morgana Bay, sul lungomare Trento e Trieste di Sanremo, i Solisti dell’Orchestra Principato di Seborga terranno un concerto sul tema dei 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia. L'occasione permettera` alla musica classica di aprodare per la prima volta al Victory Morgana Bay.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Suggestion For Laundry Name
Italy is a republic based on the Stage
"Italy is a democratic republic founded on work." Hard times for the Article 1 of our Constitution. While the adjective "democratic" is now definitely overshadowed by the clash of powers, the word "work" appears to be an unattainable chimera.
Current suggests a substantial correction: " Italy is a republic based on the Stage . Internships, apprenticeships, training on the job: so many words to describe a condition below the threshold of insecurity. Where workers receive a salary, interns receive, at best, a symbolic "expenses" or "good meal", or, at worst, working for free, often full time.
one that could potentially be an important hinge between study and work has taken, however, the connotations of a legalized exploitation by companies.
only a few cases are actually designed the stage for a future career path, and only in very few cases where the conditions allow for a dignified survival of the Stage to the young trainees, especially away from home.
In addition, companies often avoid the problem upstream, erect insurmountable barriers to entry for non-resident or not domiciled in the territory. At the expense, as always, the "big babies Southern, which must be satisfied with the crumbs, and passively accept the possibility that their course of study, though brilliant, is worth less than a course of study of contemporary living in the North.
generation "thousand €" has become accustomed to uncertainty and instability , not the programming of their own future, the possibility to question their ideas and their own principles, resigned to learn the true meaning of the word "settle" and to live with a feeling of helplessness distressing daily.
Investing in youth employment and reward excellence baked by the school system and public university could be for our country a boost to the resurgence of oblivion. Public education, however, is not pleasing to the premier, because "inculcates values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those of families."
Who can "invest" heavily in the future continue to receive their inheritance in positions of prestige, who "is instructed by the State" must accept to fight to get in such a labor market with no warranties nor rewards, hoping that the feelings of resignation does not completely choke off their critical faculties.

Current suggests a substantial correction: " Italy is a republic based on the Stage . Internships, apprenticeships, training on the job: so many words to describe a condition below the threshold of insecurity. Where workers receive a salary, interns receive, at best, a symbolic "expenses" or "good meal", or, at worst, working for free, often full time.
one that could potentially be an important hinge between study and work has taken, however, the connotations of a legalized exploitation by companies.
only a few cases are actually designed the stage for a future career path, and only in very few cases where the conditions allow for a dignified survival of the Stage to the young trainees, especially away from home.
In addition, companies often avoid the problem upstream, erect insurmountable barriers to entry for non-resident or not domiciled in the territory. At the expense, as always, the "big babies Southern, which must be satisfied with the crumbs, and passively accept the possibility that their course of study, though brilliant, is worth less than a course of study of contemporary living in the North.
generation "thousand €" has become accustomed to uncertainty and instability , not the programming of their own future, the possibility to question their ideas and their own principles, resigned to learn the true meaning of the word "settle" and to live with a feeling of helplessness distressing daily.
Investing in youth employment and reward excellence baked by the school system and public university could be for our country a boost to the resurgence of oblivion. Public education, however, is not pleasing to the premier, because "inculcates values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those of families."
Who can "invest" heavily in the future continue to receive their inheritance in positions of prestige, who "is instructed by the State" must accept to fight to get in such a labor market with no warranties nor rewards, hoping that the feelings of resignation does not completely choke off their critical faculties.
Source: Agoravox Italy
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Weakness Of Hair Salon
Parking sustainable
Those of us in the hot August afternoon was never found desperate to find a shaded parking lot to repair his car from the scorching sun ? Doxcom , company leader in Como Lombardy renewable energy, has found a solution to this. It's called Solar Parking simple and is a photovoltaic roof that allows produce clean electricity and it would be appropriate to say, "cool."
"We deal with renewable energy for some time - explains Fabio Sala, Managing Director - . For years we have decided to stand in the forefront in protecting the environment Strong experience with numerous PV systems installed. We have invested our resources in research and development of new technologies for the design of photovoltaic systems "turnkey" working very well on the aesthetics so that the panels could integrate as much as possible with the surrounding environment.
Solar Parking The project was born out of an argument that follows this logic. Having the machine away from direct sunlight in summer and rain in winter is beneficial for all, the shelters also being raised from the ground do not subtract space for more. The surface is usually aimed at a car park and is ideal, are often not located in areas near buildings and in areas totally exposed to the sun ' . But how have the photovoltaic shelters? "The size of the shelters will vary depending on space and energy needs of the customer - explains Hall -. The basic module is called double solar and designed for only two cars, then there's the four solar and gradually the various course modules that can be grouped together. "
a profitable project that can be adapted to a variety of reality and turns to other subjects: the public, who first should lead by example, individuals with a car that eco-friendly "DIY", could approach more easily to the world of renewable energy, discovering the amazing advantages. "We had also proposed the new hospital S. Anna di Como to use our shelters - continues Hall - the execution would certainly possible tangible benefits for users and for the property itself but if they have not done anything too bad would certainly be a good example. "
Another interesting aspect to be reckoned with is the immediate re-use the energy produced by photovoltaic panels. If in the medium term, in Italy, as has happened in other European countries, will be taken a step forward towards the development and promotion of electric mobility town, the shelters could be integrated with the car charging points. Another attempt to give a decisive boost to a sector with enormous potential.

"We deal with renewable energy for some time - explains Fabio Sala, Managing Director - . For years we have decided to stand in the forefront in protecting the environment Strong experience with numerous PV systems installed. We have invested our resources in research and development of new technologies for the design of photovoltaic systems "turnkey" working very well on the aesthetics so that the panels could integrate as much as possible with the surrounding environment.
Solar Parking The project was born out of an argument that follows this logic. Having the machine away from direct sunlight in summer and rain in winter is beneficial for all, the shelters also being raised from the ground do not subtract space for more. The surface is usually aimed at a car park and is ideal, are often not located in areas near buildings and in areas totally exposed to the sun ' . But how have the photovoltaic shelters? "The size of the shelters will vary depending on space and energy needs of the customer - explains Hall -. The basic module is called double solar and designed for only two cars, then there's the four solar and gradually the various course modules that can be grouped together. "
a profitable project that can be adapted to a variety of reality and turns to other subjects: the public, who first should lead by example, individuals with a car that eco-friendly "DIY", could approach more easily to the world of renewable energy, discovering the amazing advantages. "We had also proposed the new hospital S. Anna di Como to use our shelters - continues Hall - the execution would certainly possible tangible benefits for users and for the property itself but if they have not done anything too bad would certainly be a good example. "
Another interesting aspect to be reckoned with is the immediate re-use the energy produced by photovoltaic panels. If in the medium term, in Italy, as has happened in other European countries, will be taken a step forward towards the development and promotion of electric mobility town, the shelters could be integrated with the car charging points. Another attempt to give a decisive boost to a sector with enormous potential.
Source: Terranews
Friday, March 4, 2011
Digital Recorderno Signal
How To Make Pokemon Happy To Evolve
Ferrara's next for the Tigga ... 3 000 € per day!
's all ready. Five hundred thousand euro of engagement, a token of three thousand € for a three-year contract in the presence of 1.5 million euro. is not a median of Chelsea, but of 'agreement that will bring Giuliano Ferrara in Rai.
For five nights a week, Monday to Friday, the director of the Sheet comment on the facts of the day immediately after the Tg1 of Augusto Minzolini seguitissima quiz and before the prime time for families. all without commercials.
space of all respect for the volcanic conductor, beginning in two weeks and will continue until March 2013 when, in the absence of surprises and reversals, we find again in the countryside elettorale. E' inoltre prevista una opzione di rinnovo contrattuale per il terzo anno.
Il ritorno di Ferrara con Radio Londra , questo il nome del programma, che intende ricalcare le orme lasciate da "Il fatto" di Enzo Biagi, ha sollevato roventi polemiche. Nel comportamento dei vertici di viale Mazzini ha sorpreso la incredibile rapidità con cui, un azienda solitamente molto lenta e iperburocratica, abbia raggiunto e deciso in pochissimo tempo non solo l'accordo con Ferrara ma che in un lampo siano già pronte scenografie, studi e palinsesti.
Tutto questo in un azienda che da tempo piange miseria e opera tagli, ignorati per il ritorno in Rai di Ferrara. Un personaggio che non sembra certo in linea con il tanto decantato equilibrio, accompagnato dal consueto e ormai insopportabile monito ad "abbassare i toni".
E' facile restare sorpresi confrontando l'improvviso decisionismo dei vertici Rai, e del direttore generale Mauro Masi che si è esposto in prima persona per riportare l'istrionico Giuliano al servizio pubblico televisivo, ai ritardi che caratterizzano i contratti del vignettista Vauro Senesi e di Marco Travaglio . Per non parlare poi di Lucia Annunziata , che da sei mesi è in attesa di una definizione contrattuale per sei puntate di un suo programma Resuming weekly.
The decisiveness of Masi, which has already been seen as a candidate for an important position in another public body, is in a stage where it is clear a plan restorer on information pro-government, characterized by constant attacks and even fanciful talk show how successful Year Zero, and Ballarò Talk to me. Programs who see their drivers (and their guests) and the target of governmental autorities.
The latest gem was the interesting proposal put forward by the center, to switch the wires in the name of democracy and a better balance, or to avoid political issues against. This was while the trio Sgarbi, Baudo and Vespa (fresh of a fierce spat with Fini) is preparing to play a leading role in broadcasting-related sesquicentennial of Italy.
Finally we are confident that the monologues of Ferrara Furious will certainly have little to do with balance and moderation of Enzo Biagi, or with the refined and incisive verve of the unforgettable Andrea Barbato.

For five nights a week, Monday to Friday, the director of the Sheet comment on the facts of the day immediately after the Tg1 of Augusto Minzolini seguitissima quiz and before the prime time for families. all without commercials.
space of all respect for the volcanic conductor, beginning in two weeks and will continue until March 2013 when, in the absence of surprises and reversals, we find again in the countryside elettorale. E' inoltre prevista una opzione di rinnovo contrattuale per il terzo anno.
Il ritorno di Ferrara con Radio Londra , questo il nome del programma, che intende ricalcare le orme lasciate da "Il fatto" di Enzo Biagi, ha sollevato roventi polemiche. Nel comportamento dei vertici di viale Mazzini ha sorpreso la incredibile rapidità con cui, un azienda solitamente molto lenta e iperburocratica, abbia raggiunto e deciso in pochissimo tempo non solo l'accordo con Ferrara ma che in un lampo siano già pronte scenografie, studi e palinsesti.
Tutto questo in un azienda che da tempo piange miseria e opera tagli, ignorati per il ritorno in Rai di Ferrara. Un personaggio che non sembra certo in linea con il tanto decantato equilibrio, accompagnato dal consueto e ormai insopportabile monito ad "abbassare i toni".
E' facile restare sorpresi confrontando l'improvviso decisionismo dei vertici Rai, e del direttore generale Mauro Masi che si è esposto in prima persona per riportare l'istrionico Giuliano al servizio pubblico televisivo, ai ritardi che caratterizzano i contratti del vignettista Vauro Senesi e di Marco Travaglio . Per non parlare poi di Lucia Annunziata , che da sei mesi è in attesa di una definizione contrattuale per sei puntate di un suo programma Resuming weekly.
The decisiveness of Masi, which has already been seen as a candidate for an important position in another public body, is in a stage where it is clear a plan restorer on information pro-government, characterized by constant attacks and even fanciful talk show how successful Year Zero, and Ballarò Talk to me. Programs who see their drivers (and their guests) and the target of governmental autorities.
The latest gem was the interesting proposal put forward by the center, to switch the wires in the name of democracy and a better balance, or to avoid political issues against. This was while the trio Sgarbi, Baudo and Vespa (fresh of a fierce spat with Fini) is preparing to play a leading role in broadcasting-related sesquicentennial of Italy.
Finally we are confident that the monologues of Ferrara Furious will certainly have little to do with balance and moderation of Enzo Biagi, or with the refined and incisive verve of the unforgettable Andrea Barbato.
Source: Nuovasocietà
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Private Part Ofmale Picutres
Fidel and Chavez, Gaddafi's Friends
Revolutionaries, socialists and a bit 'eccentric. Here's Friends Gaddafi. While the Palace di Vetro, in occasione del voto per le sanzioni contro la Libia , la maggior parte dei paesi latino-americani ha condannato la repressione condotta dalle truppe del Colonello, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez e Daniel Ortega hanno invece espresso il proprio appoggio.
I tre leader sudamericani hanno deciso di sostenere il loro amico ed importante esempio di socialismo in salsa terzomondista. L’ “incompreso” Gheddafi, dal suo canto, ha finalmente trovato qualcuno che lo sostenga in un momento in cui si sente tradito, rimanendo sorpreso dall’ Occidente che ha deciso di abbandonarlo di fronte ai “terroristi”. Convinto che dietro a tutto questo ci sia Al Qaeda, the Colonel does not understand the loss of that support, born to fight terrorism . It's like if you do not realize what is happening around him, so much to get to state: "adores me and my people to protect would be willing to give his life."
By sharing the same political ambitions and the same fears, the three South American leaders have lined up, each in its own way, in support of Gaddafi.
Fidel Castro, probably more against Americans in favor of Gaddafi, wrote in his "Reflections" received from the media Cuban: "For me it is clear that the U.S. government is absolutely not worrying about peace in Libya and will not hesitate to give NATO the order to invade this rich country." On the same wavelength is also Foreign Minister Raul Castro, who added: "some politicians and some U.S. media to incite violence, the use of armed force and aggression of foreign states."
In Venezuela, the Chief of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez , wrote about Twitter to your Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro: "Next Chancellor, go with another lesson to the right pro-Yankee! Viva Libya and independence! Qaddafi is facing a civil war. "
Gaddafi also found great support in Nicaragua. The President Daniel Ortega personally phoned his friend in Libya. Colonel "is a great friend of the people of Nicaragua who must lead a great battle again." Ortega who wants to run again in the next election, despite being prohibited by the Constitution, said: "Gaddafi has been in power for four decades! What an example. "

I tre leader sudamericani hanno deciso di sostenere il loro amico ed importante esempio di socialismo in salsa terzomondista. L’ “incompreso” Gheddafi, dal suo canto, ha finalmente trovato qualcuno che lo sostenga in un momento in cui si sente tradito, rimanendo sorpreso dall’ Occidente che ha deciso di abbandonarlo di fronte ai “terroristi”. Convinto che dietro a tutto questo ci sia Al Qaeda, the Colonel does not understand the loss of that support, born to fight terrorism . It's like if you do not realize what is happening around him, so much to get to state: "adores me and my people to protect would be willing to give his life."
By sharing the same political ambitions and the same fears, the three South American leaders have lined up, each in its own way, in support of Gaddafi.
Fidel Castro, probably more against Americans in favor of Gaddafi, wrote in his "Reflections" received from the media Cuban: "For me it is clear that the U.S. government is absolutely not worrying about peace in Libya and will not hesitate to give NATO the order to invade this rich country." On the same wavelength is also Foreign Minister Raul Castro, who added: "some politicians and some U.S. media to incite violence, the use of armed force and aggression of foreign states."
In Venezuela, the Chief of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez , wrote about Twitter to your Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro: "Next Chancellor, go with another lesson to the right pro-Yankee! Viva Libya and independence! Qaddafi is facing a civil war. "
Gaddafi also found great support in Nicaragua. The President Daniel Ortega personally phoned his friend in Libya. Colonel "is a great friend of the people of Nicaragua who must lead a great battle again." Ortega who wants to run again in the next election, despite being prohibited by the Constitution, said: "Gaddafi has been in power for four decades! What an example. "
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Alpine Swr 1242d How To Wire To 2 Ohm
Lele Mora is a candidate state
Lele Mora, now call him Mr . No joke. Lele Mora , well then you just him, that well-known tax evader relapsed and again sentenced ... Duce a fetishist ... "I love the man Benito Mussolini, fascism is in the soul" ... convicted and jailed for drug dealing ... ended up in scandals and investigations of any kind ... Pm i have just asked the personal bankruptcy, so that is prevented in the future, the operation of any business ... ultra debt - not only with the Italian tax authorities - and member under investigation on charges of bankruptcy ... currently investigated for induction and facilitation of child prostitution , decided to pursue a career as a politician. Guess which party has chosen for his candidacy? Exactly what, precisely the party of his friend Silvio Berlusconi, the PDL.
Lele Mora, agent for VIPs, has however indicated that will be a candidate only in case of acquittal in case Ruby : "If you are prosecuted you could not do this kind of work , it was let slip.
Un altro candidato interessante per il Pdl in vista delle prossime elezioni potrebbe essere il Gabibbo .. anzi forse è meglio di no ... è rosso!
Comunque, scherzi a parte, sono veramente curioso di vedere quali saranno le reazioni dell'elettorato berlusconiano dopo questa dichiarazione.

Lele Mora, agent for VIPs, has however indicated that will be a candidate only in case of acquittal in case Ruby : "If you are prosecuted you could not do this kind of work , it was let slip.
Un altro candidato interessante per il Pdl in vista delle prossime elezioni potrebbe essere il Gabibbo .. anzi forse è meglio di no ... è rosso!
Comunque, scherzi a parte, sono veramente curioso di vedere quali saranno le reazioni dell'elettorato berlusconiano dopo questa dichiarazione.
Fonte: Web - Informazione
Monday, February 28, 2011
Trailer Wiring Diagram Nz
Environmentalists consistently
're pale when I see that the bus takes the highway against traffic and then swerving to take a side road. Accelero and I follow him, using it as a "shield". Fortunately, the traffic and 'virtually no ... A friend advised us not to take the bus to come to Auroville visitare Sadhana Forest , perche' la sera si suona e balla e l'autobus riparte presto. Cosi' abbiamo seguito l'autobus con la nostra Hero Honda, che ormai padroneggio anche sulle strade sterrate di Auroville.
L'autobus prosegue su una sterrata e accidentata viuzza fino ad una palizzata di legno, con scritte di benvenuto in tutte le lingue e un cartello: "chi usa la bici e' mio amico". Lasciamo la moto con un lieve senso di colpa in mezzo alle molte bici ed entriamo. Davanti a noi tre gigantesche palafitte di bambu' e paglia, verso le quali veniamo accompagnati. Entriamo nella piu' grande e ci viene offerto un delizioso muffin vegano (fatto senza uova o latte), mentre un americano pelato e occhialuto ci invita a sederci velocemente, "The program is 'busy'. After a while, 'a bearded man arrives and massive, a bit' balding and with a brown beard. She is wearing tank top and shorts. E 'A., the founder of this community' together with his wife and baby daughter. He speaks excellent English, and even if 'Israeli, his voice sends great energy and enthusiasm. And tells us that 'moved here seven years ago with the goal of reforesting the area, who was barren and deserted. The dry rainforest once cut, it grows more 'cause the monsoon quickly erode the land. So the work is not only to plant trees, but also prevent the rains were not spread to the sea. Over the years, mostly 'hand, and' then created a system of dams, fences, ditches, canals, lakes, that have allowed the waterlogged soil and groundwater to fill.
everything 'has been realized thanks to the enthusiasm of a host of volunteers from around the world, who flock by the hundreds: in 2010 over 1000.
A. explains the philosophy of Sadhana Forest, which is based on respect for nature and man with total consistency. Thus, 'food and' vegan, to respect animals and to break the chain that takes food to the poor to give it to farm animals. There is no money in Sadhana: both the volunteers, we guests receive free room and board. Are not even actively solicit donations, "the universe will provide '." You want to play the economy of a family, where everyone contributes what 'they have and take what' they need. It seems to work, the community 'and' growth and the project progresses. Also, accept all those willing to work at least in a month, young and old, healthy and sick, singles and families. Are many children wandering around half naked for the field, mouths to feed that do not work. To respect the environment, all the energy is produced by a solar power plant that powers the lights for the night ("but only in public areas, to foster human relations"), a computer room and a projector for movies, when serves. "And in the monsoon season?" Asks a visitor. "It uses human energy," he says A., 4 showing exercise bike connected to a large generator.
begin to turn to the residential area A. shows us the kitchen with wood-burning fireplace and the bathrooms, where pee 'and population' are made in two different holes in the floor to facilitate their use as fertilizer, the "sinks" (a bucket hanging from a rope with a small hole below, pours a jug of water and you can 'wash your hands with just 1 liter of water), the water pump by hand. The long-term volunteers have their own stilts, others are housed in two large piles at two levels, separated by sheets hanging on a bed.
Finally we leave the forest itself. A. chose not to fence the land and even if 'property' of Auroville, "we saw what bring the walls and barriers in Palestine. "To avoid the nearby villages are cut down trees, and 'started a local environmental education program, and schools are involved in planting trees. The aquifer that was running started to grow again, once dry wells are full again, and the Indians are beginning to understand the importance of the forest. The ride ends with a visit to a kind of igloo of mud, constructed on the basis of the project that won a tender held by NASA for lunar housing. Sadhana The guys have built to learn and then go and teach this technique to people who need them.
Back in the central Canadian, the evening is not 'over. Stasera si parla di energia, e ci sono tre ospiti d'eccezione: due capelloni francesi che, armati di telecamera, girano per il mondo in autostop per studiare i progetti di energia rinnovabile. Si chiamano gli "energy vagabonds" e ci fanno vedere i loro video di centrali alternative, dalla Norvegia all'India. Il terzo ospite e' un finlandese con l'aria da dottorino, lavora per una onlus in India che sta cercando di costruire un impianto solare a basso costo per usi domestici, in pratica degli specchi montati su un telaio che concentrano il sole su una specie di pentola a vapore. Alla fine di questa lunga serata, ricompare l'americano che avvia la distribuzione dell'ottima cena vegana. Il pulman con i visitatori riparte, noi we stay with the volunteers and not appear to be musical instruments all over the world, you begin to play and sing. I seized a djembe 'and I join the group, while S. gossip around. European and Indian singing African songs, you hear voices in many languages, two girls start to dance and a girl pulls out the hula hoop and started to do stunts. People who are 'willing to live in rather elementary, and more' free to do something right. Unfortunately
and 'late, reluctantly back to our bikes. Among the various communities' of Auroville, and that 'certainly the most' vibrant and idealistic.
the founder |
housing common |
" powerhouse alternative |
L'autobus prosegue su una sterrata e accidentata viuzza fino ad una palizzata di legno, con scritte di benvenuto in tutte le lingue e un cartello: "chi usa la bici e' mio amico". Lasciamo la moto con un lieve senso di colpa in mezzo alle molte bici ed entriamo. Davanti a noi tre gigantesche palafitte di bambu' e paglia, verso le quali veniamo accompagnati. Entriamo nella piu' grande e ci viene offerto un delizioso muffin vegano (fatto senza uova o latte), mentre un americano pelato e occhialuto ci invita a sederci velocemente, "The program is 'busy'. After a while, 'a bearded man arrives and massive, a bit' balding and with a brown beard. She is wearing tank top and shorts. E 'A., the founder of this community' together with his wife and baby daughter. He speaks excellent English, and even if 'Israeli, his voice sends great energy and enthusiasm. And tells us that 'moved here seven years ago with the goal of reforesting the area, who was barren and deserted. The dry rainforest once cut, it grows more 'cause the monsoon quickly erode the land. So the work is not only to plant trees, but also prevent the rains were not spread to the sea. Over the years, mostly 'hand, and' then created a system of dams, fences, ditches, canals, lakes, that have allowed the waterlogged soil and groundwater to fill.
everything 'has been realized thanks to the enthusiasm of a host of volunteers from around the world, who flock by the hundreds: in 2010 over 1000.
A. explains the philosophy of Sadhana Forest, which is based on respect for nature and man with total consistency. Thus, 'food and' vegan, to respect animals and to break the chain that takes food to the poor to give it to farm animals. There is no money in Sadhana: both the volunteers, we guests receive free room and board. Are not even actively solicit donations, "the universe will provide '." You want to play the economy of a family, where everyone contributes what 'they have and take what' they need. It seems to work, the community 'and' growth and the project progresses. Also, accept all those willing to work at least in a month, young and old, healthy and sick, singles and families. Are many children wandering around half naked for the field, mouths to feed that do not work. To respect the environment, all the energy is produced by a solar power plant that powers the lights for the night ("but only in public areas, to foster human relations"), a computer room and a projector for movies, when serves. "And in the monsoon season?" Asks a visitor. "It uses human energy," he says A., 4 showing exercise bike connected to a large generator.
begin to turn to the residential area A. shows us the kitchen with wood-burning fireplace and the bathrooms, where pee 'and population' are made in two different holes in the floor to facilitate their use as fertilizer, the "sinks" (a bucket hanging from a rope with a small hole below, pours a jug of water and you can 'wash your hands with just 1 liter of water), the water pump by hand. The long-term volunteers have their own stilts, others are housed in two large piles at two levels, separated by sheets hanging on a bed.
Finally we leave the forest itself. A. chose not to fence the land and even if 'property' of Auroville, "we saw what bring the walls and barriers in Palestine. "To avoid the nearby villages are cut down trees, and 'started a local environmental education program, and schools are involved in planting trees. The aquifer that was running started to grow again, once dry wells are full again, and the Indians are beginning to understand the importance of the forest. The ride ends with a visit to a kind of igloo of mud, constructed on the basis of the project that won a tender held by NASA for lunar housing. Sadhana The guys have built to learn and then go and teach this technique to people who need them.
Back in the central Canadian, the evening is not 'over. Stasera si parla di energia, e ci sono tre ospiti d'eccezione: due capelloni francesi che, armati di telecamera, girano per il mondo in autostop per studiare i progetti di energia rinnovabile. Si chiamano gli "energy vagabonds" e ci fanno vedere i loro video di centrali alternative, dalla Norvegia all'India. Il terzo ospite e' un finlandese con l'aria da dottorino, lavora per una onlus in India che sta cercando di costruire un impianto solare a basso costo per usi domestici, in pratica degli specchi montati su un telaio che concentrano il sole su una specie di pentola a vapore. Alla fine di questa lunga serata, ricompare l'americano che avvia la distribuzione dell'ottima cena vegana. Il pulman con i visitatori riparte, noi we stay with the volunteers and not appear to be musical instruments all over the world, you begin to play and sing. I seized a djembe 'and I join the group, while S. gossip around. European and Indian singing African songs, you hear voices in many languages, two girls start to dance and a girl pulls out the hula hoop and started to do stunts. People who are 'willing to live in rather elementary, and more' free to do something right. Unfortunately
and 'late, reluctantly back to our bikes. Among the various communities' of Auroville, and that 'certainly the most' vibrant and idealistic.
Office Clearance Auction
Questo intervento non vuole essere una retorica difesa della “Res Publica” intesa come “Cosa Pubblica” per dirla “alla romana”, non vuole essere un discorso filo-bolscevico su quella che è la situazione delle nostre istituzioni in materia di istruzione e non vuole essere una lettura dogmatica della realtà ma un'analisi aperta a molteplici critiche costruttive. Questo articolo inoltre, vuole semplicemente essere una rilettura in chiave costituzionale delle dichiarazioni del Premier sulla diatriba scuole pubbliche/private.

Gli artt. 33 e 34 della nostra Costituzione si occupano di istruzione: “La Repubblica detta le norme generali sull’istruzione ed istituisce scuole statali per tutti gli ordini e gradi. Enti e privati hanno il diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione, senza oneri per lo Stato.” (Art. 33 commi 2 e 3), “La scuola è aperta a tutti. (…). I capaci e meritevoli, anche se privi di mezzi, hanno diritto di raggiungere i gradi più alti degli studi. La Repubblica rende effettivo questo diritto con borse di studio, assegni alle famiglie ed altre provvidenze, che devono essere attribuite per concorso.” (Art. 34 commi 1,3,4).
Rileggendo questi articoli viene davvero da chiedersi se sia Berlusconi ad essere anti-costituzionale o se sia la Costituzione ad essere anti-berlusconiana? Chissà perchè i nostri padri costituenti ci hanno regalato queste norme che oggi ci sembrano quasi scritte per caso, quasi campate in aria? Ma sono davvero così lontane dal comune sentire? Dal vivere civile? Una scuola pubblica e statale just means a school "open to all" as almost joyfully begins the article 34 of our Constitution. A school that aside from economic constraints, which ignore the social classes and the birth lucky, a school that awards such as the states still art. 34, "the capable and deserving even without financial means" who have the right "to attain the highest levels of education." Our Constitution already provides for all and we do not realize it, it would suffice to take place, and honor the way down to the forefront in every field.
All legal which we have just referred to, is clearly a translation of the principle of equality within the school that (in theory) is neither right nor left, this is a principle in all the constitutions of civilized countries , in 2011 should no longer scandalize anyone and however, despite everything, there are still people who are surprised to be equal to other people. The Constituent Assembly was composed of a plurality of men, from diverse ideas , who decided to sit down together to re-examine the values \u200b\u200bbut also the rules of a community, a civil society, a state that he wanted at all costs become a state "law." And then they created a Constitution mixed, large, firm on some points, such as equality and the principle of popular sovereignty but very balanced and on other right here in these articles, it denotes this more open-minded that legislation: the Charter states in ordinary schools as state and public institutions to private individuals but does acknowledge "the right to establish schools and educational establishments at no cost to the state." In reality, the "burden "There are, however, for the state because private schools do provide a service to the public character of cultural training and professional support that goes to the array of public / state, then it is right and understandable that private education institutions receive state funding when the service is equivalent if not superior, to that state.
Berlusconi but now no longer speaks only of "gowns" red but also "teachers" red which I quote, "want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the their parents want to instill in their children's education within their family. " should then change everything, not just the Constitution but also the history books (especially when they come to deal with him), teachers, judges and, if possible, their wives.
Mr. B has often expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the degree of Di Pietro, now frankly I find myself to be a bit 'skeptical about the degree of Mr. B as he graduated in Law with the highest votes but does not seem to remember anything passed the examinations successfully. Should re-read a few books, maybe one would be enough, to be small, consisting of 139 articles, beginning with a capital C, right?
Want to help with information and a duty? You can send your recommendations and / or send your articles to the e-mail andreadl86@yahoo.it
Want to help with information and a duty? You can send your recommendations and / or send your articles to the e-mail andreadl86@yahoo.it
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Clear Mucus 5 Days Before Period
The hunting world dictators, Italy remembers its own. Free Public Mussolini's diaries "
While the whole world is getting rid of its dictators, the Italian publishing, with cynical and curious coincidence, decided to recall one of the darkest symbols of its political history. Enclosed with Free , in fact, from Tuesday, March 1 there will be diaries by Benito Mussolini (real or alleged), published by Bompiani. The notes are those of the leader known writings penned between 1935 and 1939 , sponsored by Senator Marcello Dell'Utri for months as true, found in 2006 - according to the reconstruction - in the study of a Swiss lawyer, after being stolen from one of the partisans who took care of the arrest of Mussolini in Dongo.
The vast majority of historians, teachers and witnesses, the right and left, Canfora at Gentile, have challenged the veracity, calling them sometimes genuine "smears." Even to Elena Curti , the illegitimate daughter of Benito Mussolini and Angela Cuccia esistonoma diaries are not those published in 2010 . Insecurity about the authenticity of the pages had been called into account dall'editore Bompiani che già aveva corredato il titolo con un eloquente "Veri o presunti" . Secondo l'Avvenire , all'indomani della presentazione, «dovrebbero essere chiamati i diari di Marcello Dell’Utri » , visto che la pesante pressione del fondatore di Forza Italia avrebbe addirittura oscurato il contenuto degli stessi apocrifi. Sempre per il quotidiano della Cei (non certo stampa di sinistra) sarebbe «un falso di palmare ed imbarazzante evidenza» .
Il regalo fatto ai lettori di Libero, però, è solo l'ultimo di una serie di omaggi molto simili. Già in May 2010 had discussed "The leader, the words, applause" , a series of five DVDs on Mussolini's speeches whose presence could, however, be justified as a historical document (though advertising hype with a very disturbing ). Even more curious were the postcards of Mussolini always that the newspaper had given in 2006, first under the direction of Victor Felts , confirming his undisguised sympathy for Mussolini ( detail memorable episode of Annozero , minute 0:40). An editorial states: the nostalgia have their daily reference.

The vast majority of historians, teachers and witnesses, the right and left, Canfora at Gentile, have challenged the veracity, calling them sometimes genuine "smears." Even to Elena Curti , the illegitimate daughter of Benito Mussolini and Angela Cuccia esistonoma diaries are not those published in 2010 . Insecurity about the authenticity of the pages had been called into account dall'editore Bompiani che già aveva corredato il titolo con un eloquente "Veri o presunti" . Secondo l'Avvenire , all'indomani della presentazione, «dovrebbero essere chiamati i diari di Marcello Dell’Utri » , visto che la pesante pressione del fondatore di Forza Italia avrebbe addirittura oscurato il contenuto degli stessi apocrifi. Sempre per il quotidiano della Cei (non certo stampa di sinistra) sarebbe «un falso di palmare ed imbarazzante evidenza» .
Il regalo fatto ai lettori di Libero, però, è solo l'ultimo di una serie di omaggi molto simili. Già in May 2010 had discussed "The leader, the words, applause" , a series of five DVDs on Mussolini's speeches whose presence could, however, be justified as a historical document (though advertising hype with a very disturbing ). Even more curious were the postcards of Mussolini always that the newspaper had given in 2006, first under the direction of Victor Felts , confirming his undisguised sympathy for Mussolini ( detail memorable episode of Annozero , minute 0:40). An editorial states: the nostalgia have their daily reference.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Bulldog Puppy That Itches
not look the front page of The Free
I just wanted to warn you that the newspaper Libero case entrusted to the care of -Yara Renato Farina and Federico Moccia , and that in the first page it says "The child that will not fly three feet above the sky."
Source: Do not read this blog!
I just wanted to warn you that the newspaper Libero case entrusted to the care of -Yara Renato Farina and Federico Moccia , and that in the first page it says "The child that will not fly three feet above the sky."
Source: Do not read this blog!
Woke Up With Pain In Arm
bleeding without end in the sales of Italian newspapers
The figures released a few days ago by ' Ads (Assessment dissemination press) show a new setback in sales of Italian newspapers. A ' bleeding continues, in November of 2010 (the period when the survey was carried out) saw a further decline from a year ago.
The variables involved are many, but we will analyze the way. Before we talk about numbers: the "Corriere della Sera shows a -10% compared to 2009, while the second biggest selling newspaper, " La Repubblica ", sees a drop of ' 8.2% . It should not be better La Stampa (-7%) e ai quotidiani economici e sportivi: “Il Sole 24 Ore” perde infatti 6.315 copie (-3,7%), “La Gazzetta dello Sport” 9.241 (-3%). Il quotidiano “peggiore”, in questo senso, è “Il Secolo XIX” : il giornale di Genova scende del 15,2%. Uniche testate che fanno segnare un segno positivo sono “Il Giornale” (+1,1%), “Libero” (+1,3%), e alcuni organi di stampa locali, come “Il Mattino di Padova” e “Il Quotidiano della Basilicata” .
Come spiegare tutto ciò? I state that I have always taken with tongs so-called "prophecy" of Philippe Meyer, U.S. journalist and writer, who in his book "The Vanishing Newspaper" ("The death of newspapers") is the 2043 as the date where the funeral will be celebrated on paper. The newspaper is the oldest means of communication available to man, and frankly I doubt that will come the end. Of course, the data are not good, and if the development of technology (I-Phone, I-Pad etc ...) helps to improve on the one hand some practical issues, the other causes these results. Many publishers are already moving in this direction: Just think of Rupert Murdoch that with "The Daily" gave body to the first newspaper to I-Pad. But one can also think about the fact that more and more people are informed about Internet, because the news is constantly updated, you do not pay anything to read and through blogs and social networks is an overview of the facts to 360 degrees.
our analysis we must not stop here. The story, a tool without which we would understand the current global dynamics, comes to our aid. In a wonderful book, entitled "model of journalism" , Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini describe the development of press in various countries (European and non) dividing the same in three areas: Southern Europe (including our country as Spain, Portugal, Greece and France), central-northern Europe (Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany ) and the countries of the North Atlantic (U.S., Britain, Canada and Ireland). The pluralist model
-polarized, which is part of Italy, always sees a low mass circulation newspapers. The reason is simple: a smaller development of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy, who made the newspaper the instrument of literary and political elites, without thinking of the purely economic and financial side. The trade journals (Eg American penny press) were born later, and have never found fertile soil to develop to the fullest. All this explains why a low professionalism (we complain of biased journalism, biased, sided with the powerful shift) and a high degree of parallelism political.
In the other two models (corporate Democrats for Europe-North and liberal countries in the North Atlantic) things are different: the mass printing has developed much earlier and freedom of expression thought has already been initiated in the '600: an example is that of the Swedish Constitution (1776), which even providing public access to public documents. The commercial nature of journalism newspapers coincides with a neutral information, which plays the role of watchdog (watchdog).
Finally, we must not forget the role of television , that with the development of all-news channels ( "SKY TG24", "Rai News24" and, soon, even a weblog "Mediaset" ) has virtually killed any process newsmaking , that news production. The
hope of us all is that this hemorrhage Sooner or later, stops. Why the smell of a newspaper, or the feeling that the ink left on the fingers, are things that technology can easily replace.

The figures released a few days ago by ' Ads (Assessment dissemination press) show a new setback in sales of Italian newspapers. A ' bleeding continues, in November of 2010 (the period when the survey was carried out) saw a further decline from a year ago.
The variables involved are many, but we will analyze the way. Before we talk about numbers: the "Corriere della Sera shows a -10% compared to 2009, while the second biggest selling newspaper, " La Repubblica ", sees a drop of ' 8.2% . It should not be better La Stampa (-7%) e ai quotidiani economici e sportivi: “Il Sole 24 Ore” perde infatti 6.315 copie (-3,7%), “La Gazzetta dello Sport” 9.241 (-3%). Il quotidiano “peggiore”, in questo senso, è “Il Secolo XIX” : il giornale di Genova scende del 15,2%. Uniche testate che fanno segnare un segno positivo sono “Il Giornale” (+1,1%), “Libero” (+1,3%), e alcuni organi di stampa locali, come “Il Mattino di Padova” e “Il Quotidiano della Basilicata” .
Come spiegare tutto ciò? I state that I have always taken with tongs so-called "prophecy" of Philippe Meyer, U.S. journalist and writer, who in his book "The Vanishing Newspaper" ("The death of newspapers") is the 2043 as the date where the funeral will be celebrated on paper. The newspaper is the oldest means of communication available to man, and frankly I doubt that will come the end. Of course, the data are not good, and if the development of technology (I-Phone, I-Pad etc ...) helps to improve on the one hand some practical issues, the other causes these results. Many publishers are already moving in this direction: Just think of Rupert Murdoch that with "The Daily" gave body to the first newspaper to I-Pad. But one can also think about the fact that more and more people are informed about Internet, because the news is constantly updated, you do not pay anything to read and through blogs and social networks is an overview of the facts to 360 degrees.
our analysis we must not stop here. The story, a tool without which we would understand the current global dynamics, comes to our aid. In a wonderful book, entitled "model of journalism" , Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini describe the development of press in various countries (European and non) dividing the same in three areas: Southern Europe (including our country as Spain, Portugal, Greece and France), central-northern Europe (Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany ) and the countries of the North Atlantic (U.S., Britain, Canada and Ireland). The pluralist model
-polarized, which is part of Italy, always sees a low mass circulation newspapers. The reason is simple: a smaller development of the bourgeoisie over the aristocracy, who made the newspaper the instrument of literary and political elites, without thinking of the purely economic and financial side. The trade journals (Eg American penny press) were born later, and have never found fertile soil to develop to the fullest. All this explains why a low professionalism (we complain of biased journalism, biased, sided with the powerful shift) and a high degree of parallelism political.
In the other two models (corporate Democrats for Europe-North and liberal countries in the North Atlantic) things are different: the mass printing has developed much earlier and freedom of expression thought has already been initiated in the '600: an example is that of the Swedish Constitution (1776), which even providing public access to public documents. The commercial nature of journalism newspapers coincides with a neutral information, which plays the role of watchdog (watchdog).
Finally, we must not forget the role of television , that with the development of all-news channels ( "SKY TG24", "Rai News24" and, soon, even a weblog "Mediaset" ) has virtually killed any process newsmaking , that news production. The
hope of us all is that this hemorrhage Sooner or later, stops. Why the smell of a newspaper, or the feeling that the ink left on the fingers, are things that technology can easily replace.
Giorgio Velardi
Want to help with information and a duty? You can send your recommendations and / or send your articles to the e-mail andreadl86@yahoo.it
Friday, February 25, 2011
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What happens to the Italian football? From

Yesterday, Napoli has been eliminated from Europe League. A few months ago, in the same competition, were eliminated Palermo, Sampdoria and Juventus. In the going of the second round of the Champions League, however, Milan, Inter and Roma have all been defeated at home by Tottenham respectively, Shakhtar Donetsk and Bayern Monaco (pictured). New risks have no Italian team in the top eight in Europe and, above all (races back permitting), they have no Italian teams in European cups.
How did Italian football has fallen so low? What are the reasons for this drop? Because our teams are no longer able to impose itself in the international arena? All questions are asking athletes and journalists in recent days. I follow football but I can not give me a precise explanation for this debacle. If it is a physical issue I think that the others run twice and we have a preparation and a higher return in periods leading up to the challenges that matter. If, however, is a question of mind I think our players are the teams they face, or do not bring the right amount of malice determination in sports and games.
Uefa Ranking nailing us in fourth place, the gap is mathematically hopeless about Germany and what keeps us ahead of France still thin. In two years, the third in the championship will be worth the preliminaries of Champions, the fourth Europe League, the sixth season without a cup. This is a footballing tragedy. We have been overcome even by the 'hated' the Germans.
And to think that until recently were the Italian team to run twice. Foreign teams were scared of us. And above all we were winning. Exactly, we were. Good times
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Tribute Artist Paul Marcello Pacotto to SA I of Seborga Seborga
In occasione dei festeggiamenti per l’onomastico di S.A. Marcello I di Seborga che si sono tenuti il 16 gennaio scorso (San Marcello), l’artista di fama mondiale Paul Pacotto , già cittadino Honorary Principality of Seborga has long wanted to pay homage to the Prince with one of his works (see photo).
event was attended by the Prince and Princess de Polignac and Aimery - visible in the picture from left to right - the artist Paul Pancotto, Princess Nina, Prince Marcello I, Baron Andre de Triquet Tintignac (Consul for France), the Prince de Polignac Aimery and Vice Consul for Corsica, Jean Marc Arden.
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