Current suggests a substantial correction: " Italy is a republic based on the Stage . Internships, apprenticeships, training on the job: so many words to describe a condition below the threshold of insecurity. Where workers receive a salary, interns receive, at best, a symbolic "expenses" or "good meal", or, at worst, working for free, often full time.
one that could potentially be an important hinge between study and work has taken, however, the connotations of a legalized exploitation by companies.
only a few cases are actually designed the stage for a future career path, and only in very few cases where the conditions allow for a dignified survival of the Stage to the young trainees, especially away from home.
In addition, companies often avoid the problem upstream, erect insurmountable barriers to entry for non-resident or not domiciled in the territory. At the expense, as always, the "big babies Southern, which must be satisfied with the crumbs, and passively accept the possibility that their course of study, though brilliant, is worth less than a course of study of contemporary living in the North.
generation "thousand €" has become accustomed to uncertainty and instability , not the programming of their own future, the possibility to question their ideas and their own principles, resigned to learn the true meaning of the word "settle" and to live with a feeling of helplessness distressing daily.
Investing in youth employment and reward excellence baked by the school system and public university could be for our country a boost to the resurgence of oblivion. Public education, however, is not pleasing to the premier, because "inculcates values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those of families."
Who can "invest" heavily in the future continue to receive their inheritance in positions of prestige, who "is instructed by the State" must accept to fight to get in such a labor market with no warranties nor rewards, hoping that the feelings of resignation does not completely choke off their critical faculties.
Source: Agoravox Italy
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