I tre leader sudamericani hanno deciso di sostenere il loro amico ed importante esempio di socialismo in salsa terzomondista. L’ “incompreso” Gheddafi, dal suo canto, ha finalmente trovato qualcuno che lo sostenga in un momento in cui si sente tradito, rimanendo sorpreso dall’ Occidente che ha deciso di abbandonarlo di fronte ai “terroristi”. Convinto che dietro a tutto questo ci sia Al Qaeda, the Colonel does not understand the loss of that support, born to fight terrorism . It's like if you do not realize what is happening around him, so much to get to state: "adores me and my people to protect would be willing to give his life."
By sharing the same political ambitions and the same fears, the three South American leaders have lined up, each in its own way, in support of Gaddafi.
Fidel Castro, probably more against Americans in favor of Gaddafi, wrote in his "Reflections" received from the media Cuban: "For me it is clear that the U.S. government is absolutely not worrying about peace in Libya and will not hesitate to give NATO the order to invade this rich country." On the same wavelength is also Foreign Minister Raul Castro, who added: "some politicians and some U.S. media to incite violence, the use of armed force and aggression of foreign states."
In Venezuela, the Chief of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez , wrote about Twitter to your Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro: "Next Chancellor, go with another lesson to the right pro-Yankee! Viva Libya and independence! Qaddafi is facing a civil war. "
Gaddafi also found great support in Nicaragua. The President Daniel Ortega personally phoned his friend in Libya. Colonel "is a great friend of the people of Nicaragua who must lead a great battle again." Ortega who wants to run again in the next election, despite being prohibited by the Constitution, said: "Gaddafi has been in power for four decades! What an example. "
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