Today March 8, International Women's Day . Many ignore the significance of this festival: March 8, 1909 saw the first International Women's Day given by the American Socialist Party. that day 129 women who worked in a textile factory, went on strike because of poor working conditions and grueling rounds. So the owner, a man decided to give focus to the factory inside the women who went on strike. An act that was inhuman condannnato, but celebrated with this festival. Not only do we think then that is the festival of mimosa and dinners out for women, but we think especially important to the meaning behind this holiday.
The celebrations of this day was prohibited under the fascism. We thank, therefore, the anti-fascist parties and organizations, many feminists between the wars if this day has some significance. It must be said that until the referendum of 1946 (the choice of form of state between Monarchy and Republic) women could not participate in the political life of the country, not having the right to vote. People discriminated against simply because of their gender. Only later was allowed to vote ( the meaning of Article 3 of the Constitution is too ).
addition Until a few decades ago women were still "inferior" to humans, and probably even today have yet to reach the equality that they deserve. women in general (the image above I have not chosen at random) deserve equal completely different. I think they should be free to choose what to do with your body at every opportunity. Should retire at the same age than men. Deserve to live in a country like Spain, where half of the government and parliament are in their hands. Even in Italy there should be more women in politics, but not as the Gelmini and Carfagna ...
Women deserve more respect, more consideration, perhaps even in work placements or jobs considered "male". Deserve much more.
A virtual mimosa for all women. Happy Birthday!
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