27/12- gg19 - 12'03'N, 55'42'W, 350 miles from Grenada
Yesterday, the wind is gradually increased, reaching over 20 knots. When I dismounted from my round was already strong, and it was difficult to take the helm. During the night, is further increased, and the boat gave sudden lateral accelerations. I listened to the bunk il rumore dell'acqua che accellerava sullo scafo, senza riuscire a prendere sonno.
La mattina mi sono alzato stanco, e ho trovato una situazione molto difficile, con la barca che straorzava ed era difficile tenerla in rotta. Jof era sveglio, e gli ho suggerito di ammainare lo spi, ma non ha voluto saperne - ormai l'ansia di arrivare é palpabile. Così mi sono messo a lottare con il timone per tenere la barca dritta. Nel frattempo il vento era arrivato a raffiche di 25 nodi, e cominciavo ad essere in difficoltà. La lotta é andata avanti per circa un'ora, poi ha vinto il vento: con un tonfo sordo, ho visto lo spi sgonfiarsi e cadere in acqua. Subito abbiamo svegliato l'intero equipaggio, ed abbiamo began the difficult recovery operation, which took us for a good half hour. Luckily it seems that is not torn, it is "only" broke the shackles that held him up. So we put it in his bag while the worst, and we continue with a bow. The spinnaker can no longer give: their halyard and the mast remained, and no one can go to retrieve it with the rough sea ... And then we lost the "condom" a cylinder of canvas that allows you to hoist the spinnaker without swollen. Maybe this will slow down a bit there, but we arrived on Tuesday in the day. Meanwhile, the night has also made a splash off the door of the washing machine, and also there is a bent stanchion. In short, These three weeks have demolished half the boat!
pennica After a long, I took the opportunity to see me a movie in peace. Meanwhile, Archie, played with Leggy and Jof Banzigo, taking it in turns to be lowered into the water to rinferscarsi.
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