Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Darjeeling Temperature 2009

Archie about to stop, said Eddie

20/12 - 12 days - 16'31'N, 37'58'W-700 miles west of Cape Verde

Today I finally got up a little bit of wind, not much but enough to go sailing , because the diesel engine is no more. From now on everything will be sailing to Grenada, willy-nilly. So this morning we have the huge spinnaker of 525 m2, allowing us to sail at about 7 knots with only 10 knots of wind. But the spinnaker sail is a capricious, which must be monitored closely, and so today will touch on autopilot and let it rest timoneggiare. For me not so bad because my shifts are at dawn and dusk when it's cool. In fact in the middle of the day the heat is unbearable. We're all under a blanket in the shade, Jof only takes the helm in the sun and really do not know how it goes.

The mood, however, is not the best, but for Walter and me that we are on the whole peaceful. In particular, Leggy and depressed, he wanted to arrive before Christmas also because it coincides with his birthday. It's all morning, with typical English humor, joke that to get lost in the ocean, the mayday call for us to draw from a ship, or otherwise. Behind these bars, however, lurks an uncomfortable reality.

I personally do not like how the boat is handled. I it seems that we should begin to take an inventory of resources (food, water, energy) and measure consumption with much more attention, instead it continues to waste and overeating. Junk food is almost done now ... I fear that the last days this will force us to have to tighten their belts, seriously - fortunately there are large quantities of pasta and rice on board, so there will still be something to eat and may even be healthier than before. We hope that the next day the wind strengthened so as to recover lost time and arrive shortly after Christmas.

Archie last night, and that 'a lord, he showed me pictures of his home: he lives in a promontory very beautiful on the west coast of Scotland. Almost uninhabited area, they even have a beach staff. He then started to go sailing very small, as well as hiking and hunting, the real activity in the area. It seems that hunters from all over Europe go there because it is one of the few places where you can shoot the deer, paying up to £ 1000 per day for the privilege of doing so. It starts early in the morning, with binoculars in search of the pack. Choosing an old copy (it seems that the deer after a certain age lose their teeth and die of hunger) and you approach downwind. This approach may take up to 6 hours ... then shoot one shot in the chest, neck or leg, to ensure al cervo una morte immediata o l'impossibilità di fuga. Poi alcune ore per riportarlo alla base. Si può portare via tutta la carne che si vuole, il resto si lascia al guardiacaccia che la rivende ai macellai. Un bel business, non c'é dubbio....


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