15/12 - 7 days - 24'30'N, 24'55'W, 450 miles north of Cape Verde
Yesterday we went through a second low pressure. The boat will teach you the relentlessness of life. Once you have set the course, based on the information you have, of your intentions, the die is cast, the mechanism of cause and effect is in motion, and there is nothing more to do. Conditions change suddenly, the barometer falls and you see the horizon a gray stripe. At that point you already know that the next 12 hours will be difficult, but now you can not do anything to avoid it, what is your karma. You can fight against the event inside you think you'd be somewhere else, think about when it will end .... it is just useless, there are bays, harbors, nothing. Better to just relax, accept that what will be. In this mental state of acceptance, even the wind and the waves become more mounting. And you already know that anyway, just as surely as it arrives, it will pass, and the sun will shine again.
Today we are in a day of calm, confused sea. The Atlantic is different from the Mediterranean: slow to get angry and calm down first, nervous and jerky the second. Long waves and very high on the first, small and irzute the second. We already know that we were still in a disturbance before finally reaching the coveted trade winds, the 'highway' of the sail, which hopefully will lead us quickly and conveniently to the east. We should get basically the next day, after crossing the Tropic, which now is near .....
Today Georgie fell and became un taglio sulla fronte. Ci siamo tutti un pò preoccupati, e Jof é stato molto bravo a prendere in mano la situazione. Per la prima volta l'ho visto molto amorevole nei confronti della fidanzata, che ha coccolato per calmarla, e poi le ha medicato la ferita. sotto la scorza del "duro marinaio", mi ha fatto piacere vedere la sua umanità. Anche lei é stata bravissima a mantenere la calma... Sto notando che sono molto più attento alle persone, alle loro caratteristiche interiori e al modo in cui si relazionano di come ero un tempo, quando molte cose non le notavo proprio. E qui, siamo una specie di piccolo acquario sociale, in cui si possono osservare tutti i comportamenti del mondo, sia in se che negli altri. Siamo all'8gg e ancora not conflict erupted. We hope to continue like that.
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