Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Memorial Wording For Wedding Program

25/12 - gg17 - 13'43'N,49'8'W, 740 miglia da Grenada

Buon Natale a tutti! Per noi un'altra giornata in mare, con vento forte. Navighiamo a 10 nodi di media verso Grenada, c'é sole e fa caldo anche oggi. Ieri sera abbiamo consumato la cena della vigilia, spaghetti al tomatoes and burgers (vegetarian for me), making jokes about Christmas. In reality we all feel a little lack of Christmas rituals, which are meals with family or opening presents. There does not seem to Christmas! Last night began to ring the satellite, so many people calling for congratulations. Then, when people began to go to sleep, I have enjoyed an exciting timoneggiata, with 20 knots of wind in their sails, spinnaker flying and there was the boat that, despite its 25 meters, glided on large ocean waves, under the moonlight. At the helm, became heavy and hypersensitive at the same time, every time I gave un'accarezzata water to keep the boat on course. IPod, a sauce for me the charge, and so on until midnight!

Today Jof has granted us the use of stereo, which is, however, been monopolized by an ipod, I think his, which seems to contain only reggae. Later we will do the "dinner" Christmas, in addition to celebrate the birthday of Leggy. Is replacing a certain weariness, a certain monotony. It sounds like a timeless dimension, every day equal to each other. But boredom is not yet come, at least for me. Indeed, in duplication of activities, the same pace day after day I found a balance, and I think others too. We could go on forever!

PS one of the photo and 'minipresepe the laptop that I got my mom


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