Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Perrier Water For Upset Tummy

let the spinnaker still

22/12 - gg14 - 13'47'N, 40'32'W-1200 miles from Grenada

Finally we have begun to point strongly to the west and we are slowly gaining ground, though much slowly. Under the initial plan should be almost in sight of Grenada, but we are on the high seas. But now we are closer to the Americas in Cape Verde. The light winds are forecast for the next day, and then continue to sail at about 6 knots. We are very far away from it all, the nearest land and French Guyana to over 800 miles, we are in a no man's land where everyone depends on its strength. And by the forces of nature. To keep peace with themselves should avoid thinking about the arrival, making unnecessary the countdown, the sea and live moment by moment, with a time horizon of the day, not more. It's like the journey of Santiago: 770km a piedi sembrano tanti ma poi poco alla volta, le goccie fanno l'oceano. La barca é lenta, e da ieri ancora di più, perché si é strappata la  nostra ipertecnologica randa in fibra di carbonio e kevlar all'altezza della 2a stecca, e questo ci ha costretti a ridurla a due mani di terzaroli. Per fortuna abbiamo il nostro grande spinnaker che ci spinge, e dovremmo essere con vento in poppa fino all'arrivo. Sarà lenta, dicevo, ma si muove 24 ore su 24, e anche se il paesaggio non cambia, ogni momento ci avviciniamo di più. Invece di contare la distanza meglio invece focalizzare l'attenzione sulle piccole meraviglie dell'oceano. Ieri notte per esempio si é manifestata la fosforescenza, un fenomeno che dipende dal plancton Glow in the sea and the boat is leaving a trail of greenish. But above the clouds are fascinating, with their shapes and colors that change throughout the day.

last night for the first time we decided to leave the spinnaker up, and I timoneggiato with the spinnaker without being able to see (I "flew the kite," as the English say). A maneuver that requires expertise, since it is a sailing capricious, it does not take much to roll up the forestay and tear. I came to meet the moon, which illuminated from behind the wing, allowing me to see what he did. And it was a good night's wind and progress. I found a book that speaks to board of trade winds. Created by a high pressure which should be north of our position, and that is that the high pressure of the horse, because it is a windless area where the ships that carried troops and horses remained blocked in America, and threw the horses sea \u200b\u200bto save resources. Instead, perhaps because of climate change or global warming, this high pressure tends to go further south, killing the winds of this latitude. We'll see what happens in the coming days ....

Jof Yesterday he asked his father by phone to send an email to parents and loved ones of the other crew members to communicate the delay. I must say I was surprised by the lack of concern of their parents and loved ones. So far the only one to have received telephone calls, they have not even informed of their satellite number and it seems that it is fine ...


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