Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Elezioni comunali a Seborga: Ilariuzzi candidato alla poltrona di primo cittadino

Ilariuzzi Henry, 33-year and current deputy mayor for ten years, with the municipal administration headed by Franco Fogliarini, announced his candidacy for mayor of Seborga in municipal elections next spring.

Ilariuzzi Henry, who works at Coldiretti, will lead the Civic Party "United Seborga" without any political coloring, as Ilariuzzi himself explains: "Each of us, of course, has its own political convictions but none is registered.
Our goal is only to work for Seborga and for good administration. "
It 's the same list, without any political coloring, which led to a double claim Fogliarini Franco, in 2001 Guido Carbone and 2006 to Carlo Biancheri. Fogliarini Five years ago he obtained 131 votes, the list "New Seborga" Biancheri was led by 83 votes to stop. Ilariuzzi had conquered the major preferences, as many as 41, thus showing in "pole position" not only for confirmation as deputy mayor, but to present this in 2011 as a mayoral candidate. The outgoing mayor
Fogliarini Franco, 63, will no longer run for the post of prime city: Italian law prevents three consecutive terms. In the municipal elections next spring Fogliarini states that support the current deputy mayor Ilariuzzi, but has not yet decided whether to enter the list: "I will give a hand to compose the list - says Fogliarini - which will be part of many existing components and perhaps one of the first term. If I see that my presence is necessary I will get on the list. The name of the list should be once again "United Seborga, a sign of continuity.
is announced as a possible confrontation between young people, almost the same age, for the future of Seborga. A comparison with a suitable basis, as pointed out by Henry Ilariuzzi: "There are good relations with the Prince. I already intended to meet soon to define together the path to the future of Seborga. (Pictured: a snistra Fogliarini Mayor and Deputy Mayor Henry Ilariuzzi right)


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