January 5, 2011
Friday, December 31, 2010
The Concentrichost(3.5) Mx Program
January 5, 2011
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What Is A Normal Period Like
Play Cubefield Last Level
Best Budget Av Speakers
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Play Pokemon Soul Silver Online Free
ANDREA Paglianti Author quintet-to-MINA MORGAN and Special Guest: Mauro Negri

DOlci e cristalline
alle orecchie di chi ascolta,
REstano armoniose note sospese a mezz’aria,
vibrazioni cadenzate che si intrecciano a formare sublimi e gradite melodie.
MIscela di suoni e parole, connubio inscindibile
alone and abandoned, the white canvas looks shyly, tabula rasa eagerly longing to gaiety and vivacity. being absorbed by the immaculate whiteness,
notes explode into splinters imperceptible are revealed and hidden, subtle and imaginative designs created
and canvas, aroused from sleep, finally teems with new life.
Francesca Scomparin
Monday, December 13, 2010
How Long Should A Weave Stay In Your Hair ?
On the occasion of 1 anniversario di assegnazione della Bandiera Arancione, il Comune di Seborga, in collaborazione con la Proseborga, organizza per sabato 18 dicembre una visita guidata gratuita.
L’incontro è presso l’Oratorio di San Bernardo. Si proseguira` poi per il centro storico con possibilità di ammirare i caratteristici presepi su ceppo di ulivo realizzati e personalizzati dalla maestria di un 'artigiano per passione' seborghino. Visita delle antiche prigioni, della parte esterna del Palazzo dei Monaci di Lerins e della Zecca, della parrocchiale, dove è già stato realizzato il Presepe tradizionale. Si raggiungera` poi l’eposizione di strumenti musicali antichi e a fine visita le signore presenti riceveranno un omaggio floreale.
Meet at 15.00 at the Oratorio di San Bernardo. Tour time: 2 hours. For more information:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00 (0184 223 859), or turismo@proseborga.com http://www.proseborga.com/
Friday, December 10, 2010
Newborn With Flem In Throat
A special Christmas
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Leimo Hair Laser Review
Chiurato student IUAV Marco Venezia Marco

IUAV Venice
WORKSHOP univeritario in Bassano del Grappa
November 15 to 20 2010
drops of water and several rare
turn into mud
article information portal
takes place these days, at the Palazzo Sturm Bassano del Grappa, the Workshop held by the students of the University of Venice IUAV. Several projects are presented, but among the many names, there is one that leaps to the eye: Marco Chiurato. The artist Marostica, often known to talk about himself with his outlandish and bizarre ideas, has exposed a project. In addition la foto dell’artista compare anche sulla locandina che pubblicizza l’evento assieme a quella degli altri studenti universitari. A questo punto sorge spontanea una domanda: a quale titolo visto che non è uno studente?
E’ un vero e proprio enigma: si sa per certo che Chiurato non è iscritto all’Università di Venezia perché ha appena il diploma triennale di Maestro d’Arte, conseguito all’Istituto “G. De Fabris” di Nove, mentre per accedere all’Università è necessario un diploma quinquennale. Sono molte le ipotesi che stanno formulando i visitatori del Workshop e che sono alquanto sorpresi di leggere il nome di Chiurato tra quello dei propri parenti, amici o conoscenti regolarmente enrolled at the University. Some say that it has once again exposed illegally with the sole purpose of publicity who claims that he is actually following the courses without being enrolled at the University. In each case the presence of Chiurato the Workshop is to say the least questionable and it would be desirable that the individual concerned would provide a plausible explanation to the question that everyone's mind: that doing there?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Evinrude 4hp Flywheel Puller

Chiurato the works exhibited at the art gallery are:
fascism, communism, the Red Brigades, anarchy, Nazism
Vista. Colors. thousand shades stand out,
arrogant and confident,
the sight of the observer.
Will. The irrational mind

rational and irrational, and
volutas noluntas
Thus alternate swing
pleasure and pain, lack fullness and
, tension and quiet,
pushing the action to the atrocities and barbarism, but
violent twisting in the life of lustful who yearns for all urgent and increasing an eternal and incurable " mal de vivre. "
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Rolling Base For Kitchenaid Mixer
not seem to have endless trouble for Marco Chiurato or perhaps it would be more correct to say that if you go looking. The well-known artist
Marostica fact was discovered, in a prestigious area, while slyly trying to replace a piece of precious Murano glass chandelier, made with a sugar in his name, much like the original, so that two pieces, put in comparison, are almost indistinguishable.
E 'security was always present on the farm, to discover the artist with the "red handed". Showy now surrounded, Chiurato, who risked being lynched, he tried to mediate.
was nearly succeeded in his malicious intent, when something went wrong.
probably decided not to neglect security the note announcing the robbery found right next to the chandelier in the evening before the fact. It seemed the gesture of a mythomaniac, however, was the announcement of a coup in style "Arsenio Chiurato.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Bsa Stealth Tactical Review
"No Hunting" by Marco Chiurato
the performance in question appear the shadows of the towers Electrical usually settle where the birds. The Artist has captured many moments, some of which, at first glance, may seem the same, but they are not. What makes them different is in fact the movement of the sun, in continuous rotation around the Earth. The uniqueness of that moment is then enclosed in a split second just because the sun moves, even a very short, here is the shadow that moves well and is already set out a different image.
The artist, however, has seen fit to fix somehow the special position of the birds at that precise moment, draw the shape on the asphalt. The next image, given by the movement of the sun, will not leave none of the above, apart from the shapes of birds on the asphalt, but are now dead, as the context in which they were contained. The message is perfectly
approaches to hunting: a bird can fly, standing on a tree or on a trellis at different times, but fast enough time because of a shot being hit and killed, falling dead on the asphalt.
novel idea that the artist proposes to make us reflect on a barbaric act such as hunting and on the report that humans have with animals and with life in general.
Another bait. Another trick. To bite Mark Chiurato, to capture moments of life and who in turn chase hunting.
Alt. 449
Invito alla caccia. Impaglia l'ombra. Questa l'ultima provocazione di M. C., che nella sua nuova performance prende le parti di un manipolo rappresentativo di volatili, e li arma di un corpo tramato all'ombra del sole teso proprio a cacciare chi di solito è avvezzo a tendere insidie. Cacciatori armati per l'occasione solo di un orologio però, chè, sincronizzato con il sole ritaglierà umbratili pitfalls to the band of hunters.
Playing with shadows, shapes
scratched from the sun in the heart of the day.
measure the time that passes,
The stars who return.
In the gray ground, leave a mark.
Memoirs of a distant time,
Once he's dead.
Andrea Marks
wide streets and narrow alleys. Bright asphalt
the last rays of a sun that still lingers lazy, giving

Inseguendo la nuova latitudine,
Ritorna così a rincorrere quell'attimo fuggente,
cospargendo la volta celeste con le prime stelle dalla luce fievole
e Morfeo sfiora con mazzi di papaveri le palpebre dei dormienti
regalando, attraverso i sogni, realistic illusions.
Francesca Scomparin
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Blueprints For Modeling Macbook
atalucni contemporary art by Marco Chiurato
competition of contemporary art
Freedom: great desire, distant mirage, which every man desires, and that seems unattainable.
You are a slave, bent under heavy burdens, trapped by heavy chains.
Liberati habits: stifle your creativity and keep you from go into uncharted territory. Freed from
prejudices clouded your ability to evaluate.
Freed from fears stifle the imagination and leave you fully expand his power.
thrown to the ground all the weights! Break the chains!
Before you unlimited horizons, immense skies and endless, with no space or time.
Freedom: something you have always been inherent in your being, but which have long kept dormant.
Now you can create, as an albatross track trajectories, between clouds and currents, into the endless horizon.
Freedom: great desire, to mirage, Which Every man wishes But It Seems unreachable.
You are a slave, curved below onerous bundles, imprisoned by heavy chains.
Free yourself from habits: They snuff out your creativity and keep you from going through undiscovered ways.
Free yourself from Prejudices: They obfuscate your ability to value. Free yourself
from fears: they repress your fantasy and don’t let you expand fully its power.
Throw away all bundles! Break chains!
In front of you there are unlimited horizons, immense and infinite skies, without space or time.
Freedom: something you’ve always had inherent in your existence, but you kept long dormant.
Now you can create, as an albatross that delineates trajectories, between clouds and winds, in the open-ended blue horizon.
il gazzettino 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
How To Tie The Outboard To The Transom
giugno-luglio 2010 ovunque
nuovo video di Marco Chiurato
A new video by Marco Chiurato
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Howlong Before Mirtazapineworks
It dissolves the company. Walter and I tonight, we move from a friend who lives in a lighthouse on the head that contains Prickly Bay. Archie and 'left by plane to Antigua. The two couples make their living separately, they rented a car and are turning the island. I booked a return to Italy, delivery 7, 8, and destination. The year 'began with a theft of my wallet and phone. Walter and 'borrowed the car from a friend and we were going to the beach when they had the unlucky idea of \u200b\u200bbringing up two hitchhikers, two boys about 16/17 years. While chatting with us in the back seat, either put the arm behind the back in the trunk, and opened my purse, pulling out his wallet and mobile phone. Throughout a fat booty, unless the phone with you 3 years old, less than 10 €. Pero 'I am without a mobile phone without a credit card from which I can take. Walter is paying me the money, then return them to him '.
Today I was by the police to file a complaint, and it' been a bad experience 'cause I have held them to ask questions for three quarters of an hour, then I would say that the complaint was "mailed" after 3 months. You could tell that I would ever ..... so 'I went to another police station, where they told me that I did, however, the' Monday I had to go 'cause now there's' the officer on duty. We'll see how it ends. Meanwhile, the following day travel changes, it becomes experience a "ground". And then, as the blog was created to describe the journey by sea, this is' the culmination of history. To all those who wanted to follow, a close embrace, and arrivederci.