Il Prof. Dr. Santo Mancuso, saggista, Criminology, sociology, intelligence experts applied to diplomacy, from time supporter of the Principality of Seborga Console and candidate for the Calabria Region, has just published his latest essay titled "Sociology and Diplomacy two sides of same coin, namely, examination of the study storicodei sociological behavior, and of 'diplomatic activities of Intelligence-microns, "in which an entire chapter is devoted to Seborga. The essay will be available starting in January 2011.
Prof. Mancuso has spent twenty years and completed a scientific investigation in the ranks of the Italian State Police, and is now a popular college lecturer, joined the ICAA (International Crime Analysis Association) was admitted as a member of the prestigious academic Sancta Fides Milan, which already includes several representatives of foreign states and international academies.
Chaired by year the Cultural Association for the protection of the orders of chivalry "MAGISTERUM Philosophorum", a prestigious congregation in San Vito Martire, ancient breed of family order, denounced the Catholic Church.
then presents his latest editorial published by ARDUINO BAG-ROMA, and diplomacy and intelligence is applied to it, with a foreword by Father Anatoly (an eminent Italian representative of the Orthodox Church, have received in palazzo da S.A.S. Marcello I quest'anno 2010) ed una presentazione dell'Avvocato comm. Michele Di Gianni, Segretario Generale dell'UCOI (Unione dei Consoli Onorari in Italia), associazione riconosciuta dal Ministero Affari Esteri Italiano, la Farnesina.
Questo saggio verrà menzionato nell'Annuario Diplomatico e Consolare Italiano 2011, tra le ”Pubblicazioni, riviste e periodici d’interesse diplomatico-consolare”, come indicato dallo stesso Avv. Di Gianni.
Se le Autorità seborghine lo riterranno opportuno, il capitolo del saggio su Seborga verrà aumentato nella prossima edizione del saggio”.
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