Ban Hunting
"No Hunting" by Marco Chiurato
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Bsa Stealth Tactical Review
the performance in question appear the shadows of the towers Electrical usually settle where the birds. The Artist has captured many moments, some of which, at first glance, may seem the same, but they are not. What makes them different is in fact the movement of the sun, in continuous rotation around the Earth. The uniqueness of that moment is then enclosed in a split second just because the sun moves, even a very short, here is the shadow that moves well and is already set out a different image.
The artist, however, has seen fit to fix somehow the special position of the birds at that precise moment, draw the shape on the asphalt. The next image, given by the movement of the sun, will not leave none of the above, apart from the shapes of birds on the asphalt, but are now dead, as the context in which they were contained. The message is perfectly
approaches to hunting: a bird can fly, standing on a tree or on a trellis at different times, but fast enough time because of a shot being hit and killed, falling dead on the asphalt.
novel idea that the artist proposes to make us reflect on a barbaric act such as hunting and on the report that humans have with animals and with life in general.
Another bait. Another trick. To bite Mark Chiurato, to capture moments of life and who in turn chase hunting.
An invitation rather than a "no hunting" to Chiurato using the shadow as a trap in the shape of birds. An invitation to follow the wrong path and who usually lure the bait used for pleasure, and crime.
Again Chiurato uses fantasy (from phantázein 'show') to see exactly, ghosts made of shadow to highlight those who have no respect for life. And
Chiurato often found to use lures or bait better art to communicate their devotion to life. Without a doubt. all i giorni dal 28 Agosto 2010
Ore 12,50-12,52 Lat. 45.746324°N Lon. 11.674088°E Alt. 449
Acc. 156
Invito alla caccia. Impaglia l'ombra. Questa l'ultima provocazione di M. C., che nella sua nuova performance prende le parti di un manipolo rappresentativo di volatili, e li arma di un corpo tramato all'ombra del sole teso proprio a cacciare chi di solito è avvezzo a tendere insidie. Cacciatori armati per l'occasione solo di un orologio però, chè, sincronizzato con il sole ritaglierà umbratili pitfalls to the band of hunters.
Playing with shadows, shapes
scratched from the sun in the heart of the day.
measure the time that passes,
The stars who return.
In the gray ground, leave a mark.
Memoirs of a distant time,
Once he's dead.
Andrea Marks
wide streets and narrow alleys. Bright asphalt
the last rays of a sun that still lingers lazy, giving

Scorre il tempo, avanza il sole in una corsa senza fine.
Inseguendo la nuova latitudine,
scandisce le ore e dissolve le opere da lui create. Inseguendo la nuova latitudine,
Oscillano i pensieri e nel loro altalenare si impone il rumore di un sogno ormai lontano.
Ritorna così a rincorrere quell'attimo fuggente,
mentre la Notte appoggia repentina la punta delle dita sulla Terra, Ritorna così a rincorrere quell'attimo fuggente,
cospargendo la volta celeste con le prime stelle dalla luce fievole
e Morfeo sfiora con mazzi di papaveri le palpebre dei dormienti
regalando, attraverso i sogni, realistic illusions.
Francesca Scomparin
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