"I have come to take"

" I came to get him. "
artists, academics, entrepreneurs, curators and art critics, all of whom Chiurato know or with whom he has collaborated.
For each of them will be delivered to an invitation, which will be written the address of the place must be present to pick up the work, a place that only select people know. Once there, they must submit a printed copy of the invitation, saying his name followed by the phrase "I have come to take it, and only then can collect the coveted work. The purpose of
Chiurato, eccentric and extravagant in any one instance, is simply to give his creation and so thank the people who wrote and spoke of him and have worked and collaborated with him. Così, ogni persona che riceverà l’invito per ritirare l’opera dovrà a questo punto chiedersi:
“Perché sono stato scelto proprio io?”

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