Mustang's first album "Solo's Chianti 2005.

The MUSTANG was founded in year 1993 from the ashes of the livers, funny crazy rock band. The livers are formed in August 1991 from an idea by Lucio, guitarist and friend of Prato, structured as a band to entertain the public at various festivals and fairs. The first line-up included in addition to the above Lucio, Iena on vocals, the metal on guitar, drums and pina leo on bass. The year 1991 saw the group engaged in a special way in a couple of big festivals in the park of the frog and also saw the birth of their first track: Anna. After the departure of Lucio and the entry of Taralla on bass, livers are dissolved in 1992. And here a year fateful: 1993. The first line up included MUSTANG: Hyena (voice) Righetti (vocals) Metallic (guitar) Ricci (guitar) Cianfe (bass), Pina (drums). With this line up the mustangs are oriented based on a hard rock cover bands like Litfiba, AC / DC and Toxic year 1993 saw the birth of the second piece, "the gardener".

In 1994 and 1995, the group will participate in the first two editions of WOODSTIA, fun music festival open to all groups Casentino, and then wrote the third piece ... "Mustang". In early 1996, and Jena Ricci left the band, while the remaining four make up the fourth piece of "tramp" and then participate in the amazing live Caiano in with a huge number of people. 1997, the group was disbanded.

After years of silence, the Mustang seemed, in the eyes and ears of all, dead and buried ... ... wrong, wrong to even !!!!!! In 2003 the group will reform more 'pissed off than ever with the following line: Righetti (mustang sim) voice, metal (phil mustang) guitar, Emiliano (em mustang) guitar, cianfe (mustang nick) low, pina (the mustang) battery . The music produced by the group, while remaining in a hard rock with lyrics pretty idiotic, undergoes a strong steering stoner due to similar listening preferences of each individual item but especially phil mustang way, mind gruppo.Tra composition of the 2003 and 2004 are written four new songs: buried alive, rock delle Macie, latrine and bell'amico route. In June 2005 the group from 'birth to her first full cd self: JUST SKIANTI, recorded live at ciaf SOCCIA minority of members from St. Paul, which contains eight pieces in addition to the above also cover two of the toxic (metal band of Pisa) "Cock of bread" and "sudo but I enjoy." Also in 2005 granting a mustang phil, let 'say, a musical break and was replaced by Maurizio (wild mustang). With this new line up the mustangs face a busy year in terms of live performance including participation in a skate contest Sansepolcro and a music competition at Keller Prato. In 2006, Phil makes his reappearance in the group thus creating 'the current line, to six, with three guitars ..., which are written with two other pieces: "first" and "sarvatica. Continuing the involvement of the group at all music festivals casentinesi, up to the year 2007 ... ... ...

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