The Journal Of Seborga
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Factory Worker In Korea

all the works / installations in this blog are published by Marco Chiurato

Marco Chiurato ILLY testimonials, photos of Mauritius Gallimberti
Chiurato Marco was born in Marostica September 13, 1973, where he lives and works
He started his artistic expression ranging from 2004 through
between sculpture and video art.
Design Showcase for Diesel Industry, Christmas 2004
"Give a Hand", a project supported by the Foundation for research on cystic fibrosis-Onlus, Marostica (VI), 2005
"Together for Southeast Asia", a day for solidarity, Marostica (VI), 2005
Installation "naughty children" Humorists in Marostica (VI), April 2005 Publication
calendar "Carved Passions", Patent Offices Caron, 2006
Performance photographs, catalog lighting brand Lucepura ", 2006
Group exhibition" Arte Bassano ", Small gallery 'contemporary art, Bassano del Grappa (VI), April 2006
Performance Fuoribiennale calendar, 2007-2008 by JoeVelluto
Performance per progetto editoriale “Salefino” di JoeVelluto, Abitare Segesta Edizioni, 2005
Creazione video per manifestazione fieristica “La mia casa, progetto “La casa dei giovani” di JoeVelluto, Milano, Ottobre 2006
Performance per sfilata Diesel, Venezia 2006
Progettazione ed esecuzione di “Colpo di Fulmine”barra al cioccolato per il primo bacio, 2006
Creazione video “Marcooo Chiuratooo”, presentazione sfilata DIESEL, Venezia 2007
Personale “Passioni Scolpite” - Linea79, Castello Inferiore di Marostica (VI), 2005
Staff "Sexhibitionism," Marostica (VI), October 2007
Create Video "MAST", a company Novabell, Milan Design Week 2008
Performance "25 cent", 2008
Temporary installation "Sweet Tower "- Luxury & Yachts, Vicenza 2008
Temporary installation" Sweet Tower "- Nauticshow, Jesolo Lido 2008
Performance Video" Envy "- Sugo in Bassano del Grappa (VI), September 2008
Performance Video" Envy " with Cleto Munari, September 2008
Performance Video "Envy" - con Luigi Pellanda, Settembre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Wainer Vaccari, Ottobre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Alessandro Mendini, Settembre 2008
PubblicitĂ televisiva contro il doping con Silvio Martinello, Sky 2008
Creazione video “Guru”, sfilata Diesel, Puglia 2008
Testimonial campagna pubblicitaria Illy Caffè 2008, “Artisti del gusto”
Mostra con Cleto Munari e Alessandro Mendini al “The Prague Contemporary Art Festival”2008
Installazione Video “Invidia Wainer Vaccari” - Fondazione per l’Arte Vignato 2008, Vicenza
Creazione Video per Mostra “UseLess is More” di JoeVelluto, a cura di Beppe Finessi, Galleria Allegretti Contemporanea, Novembre 2008, Torino
Immortalato dal fotografo Maurizio Gallimberti, Giugno 2008
Installazione video”possessioni”fiera di Vicenza, febbraio2009
Performance video “Invidia” con Alessandro Munari, Reflex showroom, Aprile2009
Performance”bambini diversi”salone del mobile Milano-spazio satellite, Aprile 2009
Collettiva”design crisis”con sus domesticus-fuori salone, Milano, Aprile 2009
Performance per KIm Jules NY city 2009
Performance "loneliness destroyed" Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Canestrari-Rolex-Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Cuggenheim-Abuse at NY-MOMA 2009
"Terenove "Brentwood (VI), September 2009
Art? light performance" Tangshan, "Longa of Shiavon, September 2009
NEXT Mill Ferrarin Thiene, October 30, 2009
Performance" Ad Epigraph Milan Knizak "art-festival contemporary-Prague 2009
Show "Dark of the blind"-free gallery Vicenza, December 2010-escape routes
Installation "Today has gone off peacefully ..." Vicenza, February 2010
installation "33"-free gallery of the Palazzo Valmarana Braga Palladio, Vicenza, April 2010
Performance Video "Envy" with Paolo Rossi, everywhere, World Cup 2010
ban hunting in August 2010
Illusions, ChiuratoArtGallery, October 2010
I hate Marco Chiurato
"I came to take him", wherever 2011
Casanova, Desgin Triennale Museum in Milan, from January 29 to February 27, 2011
pie without party "AS2009-2011
be "Palladio", Vicenza beautiful souvenirs and memorabilia 2011
click here:
He started his artistic expression ranging from 2004 through
between sculpture and video art.
Design Showcase for Diesel Industry, Christmas 2004
"Give a Hand", a project supported by the Foundation for research on cystic fibrosis-Onlus, Marostica (VI), 2005
"Together for Southeast Asia", a day for solidarity, Marostica (VI), 2005
Installation "naughty children" Humorists in Marostica (VI), April 2005 Publication
calendar "Carved Passions", Patent Offices Caron, 2006
Performance photographs, catalog lighting brand Lucepura ", 2006
Group exhibition" Arte Bassano ", Small gallery 'contemporary art, Bassano del Grappa (VI), April 2006
Performance Fuoribiennale calendar, 2007-2008 by JoeVelluto
Performance per progetto editoriale “Salefino” di JoeVelluto, Abitare Segesta Edizioni, 2005
Creazione video per manifestazione fieristica “La mia casa, progetto “La casa dei giovani” di JoeVelluto, Milano, Ottobre 2006
Performance per sfilata Diesel, Venezia 2006
Progettazione ed esecuzione di “Colpo di Fulmine”barra al cioccolato per il primo bacio, 2006
Creazione video “Marcooo Chiuratooo”, presentazione sfilata DIESEL, Venezia 2007
Personale “Passioni Scolpite” - Linea79, Castello Inferiore di Marostica (VI), 2005
Staff "Sexhibitionism," Marostica (VI), October 2007
Create Video "MAST", a company Novabell, Milan Design Week 2008
Performance "25 cent", 2008
Temporary installation "Sweet Tower "- Luxury & Yachts, Vicenza 2008
Temporary installation" Sweet Tower "- Nauticshow, Jesolo Lido 2008
Performance Video" Envy "- Sugo in Bassano del Grappa (VI), September 2008
Performance Video" Envy " with Cleto Munari, September 2008
Performance Video "Envy" - con Luigi Pellanda, Settembre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Wainer Vaccari, Ottobre 2008
Performance video “Invidia” - con Alessandro Mendini, Settembre 2008
PubblicitĂ televisiva contro il doping con Silvio Martinello, Sky 2008
Creazione video “Guru”, sfilata Diesel, Puglia 2008
Testimonial campagna pubblicitaria Illy Caffè 2008, “Artisti del gusto”
Mostra con Cleto Munari e Alessandro Mendini al “The Prague Contemporary Art Festival”2008
Installazione Video “Invidia Wainer Vaccari” - Fondazione per l’Arte Vignato 2008, Vicenza
Creazione Video per Mostra “UseLess is More” di JoeVelluto, a cura di Beppe Finessi, Galleria Allegretti Contemporanea, Novembre 2008, Torino
Immortalato dal fotografo Maurizio Gallimberti, Giugno 2008
Installazione video”possessioni”fiera di Vicenza, febbraio2009
Performance video “Invidia” con Alessandro Munari, Reflex showroom, Aprile2009
Performance”bambini diversi”salone del mobile Milano-spazio satellite, Aprile 2009
Collettiva”design crisis”con sus domesticus-fuori salone, Milano, Aprile 2009
Performance per KIm Jules NY city 2009
Performance "loneliness destroyed" Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Canestrari-Rolex-Verona, June 2009
Performance "Ad Epigraph Cleto Munari" Cuggenheim-Abuse at NY-MOMA 2009
"Terenove "Brentwood (VI), September 2009
Art? light performance" Tangshan, "Longa of Shiavon, September 2009
NEXT Mill Ferrarin Thiene, October 30, 2009
Performance" Ad Epigraph Milan Knizak "art-festival contemporary-Prague 2009
Show "Dark of the blind"-free gallery Vicenza, December 2010-escape routes
Installation "Today has gone off peacefully ..." Vicenza, February 2010
installation "33"-free gallery of the Palazzo Valmarana Braga Palladio, Vicenza, April 2010
Performance Video "Envy" with Paolo Rossi, everywhere, World Cup 2010
ban hunting in August 2010
Illusions, ChiuratoArtGallery, October 2010
I hate Marco Chiurato
"I came to take him", wherever 2011
Casanova, Desgin Triennale Museum in Milan, from January 29 to February 27, 2011
pie without party "AS2009-2011
be "Palladio", Vicenza beautiful souvenirs and memorabilia 2011
click here:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Driver Detection Of Web Camera
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Watching 3d Dvd On Projector
The first six articles of the new Constitution epochal Italy
Article 1
Italy is a democratic republic, founded on the bunga bunga. The
bunga bunga belongs to the people, which is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.
Article 2 The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man and woman practicing bunga bunga, both as individuals and in pair [also gay or lesbian] in the social groups where human personalities, and requires the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social during operation of the bunga bunga.
Article 3 All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the bunga bunga, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social order, which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens in the practice of bunga bunga, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social users of bunga bunga.
Article 4 The Republic recognizes the right of all citizens bunga bunga and promote conditions which will make this right.
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, an activity or function of bunga bunga [ditto] that contributes to the material or spiritual fulfillment company bunghista.
Article 5
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies circles bunghisti and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization adjusting the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization bunghista.
Article 6 The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules that do not understand the concept of bunga bunga.
Article 7 The large
bunghista rested. He watched the first 6 items and exclaimed: "Gee, and all this ... I created the black and white ... Well, set up in art. 7, the rule for the rest categorical for all Italians. This Article should include the practice of bunga bunga in lively and universal sense, in special stages or concentration camps for bunghisti. Very good, now I am going to write it and then m'appisolerò deserved. "

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on the bunga bunga. The
bunga bunga belongs to the people, which is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.
Article 2 The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man and woman practicing bunga bunga, both as individuals and in pair [also gay or lesbian] in the social groups where human personalities, and requires the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social during operation of the bunga bunga.
Article 3 All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the bunga bunga, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social order, which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens in the practice of bunga bunga, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social users of bunga bunga.
Article 4 The Republic recognizes the right of all citizens bunga bunga and promote conditions which will make this right.
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, an activity or function of bunga bunga [ditto] that contributes to the material or spiritual fulfillment company bunghista.
Article 5
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies circles bunghisti and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization adjusting the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization bunghista.
Article 6 The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules that do not understand the concept of bunga bunga.
Article 7 The large
bunghista rested. He watched the first 6 items and exclaimed: "Gee, and all this ... I created the black and white ... Well, set up in art. 7, the rule for the rest categorical for all Italians. This Article should include the practice of bunga bunga in lively and universal sense, in special stages or concentration camps for bunghisti. Very good, now I am going to write it and then m'appisolerò deserved. "
Source: Ideateatro
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